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四神足法  Four god foot method 四如意足とも訳す。 四つの自在力を得るための根拠となるもの。超自然的な神通力を得るための4種

2024-01-17 16:53:18 | タブレットPC

  1. 四神足を修練し、豊かになれば、多様な神変を経験し、一身と多身が融合し、現れたり隠れたりする神通力を得る。
  2. 牆壁や山岳を自在に超え、空中や水中、地上で行動する能力を持ち、大神通・大威徳を手に入れ、梵天の世界を支配できる。
  3. 四神足の修練により、清浄で超人的な耳を備え、天的な声や人間的な声を遠く近くで聞くことができる。
  4. 他の生存者の心を理解し、貪りや怒り、迷妄などの心の状態を見抜くことができ、四神足の豊かな修練により心の解脱を得る。
  5. 過去の生涯や宇宙の成立・破壊期を思い起こし、多様な生命体の経験を明らかにする。
  6. 四神足の修練により、清浄で超人的な天眼を開き、生存者の死と再生を見通し、善悪に応じて異なる運命を知覚する。
  7. 生存者の業に従って地獄や天の世界へ生まれ変わる様子を超人的な天眼で明らかにし、煩悩の汚れが解脱されることを示唆する。
  1. の人間的思考の運動を制して、豊かにされた時に、種々なる過去の生涯を想いおこした。
  2. 一つの生涯、二つの生涯、三つの生涯...と数え、宇宙成立期や宇宙破壊期なども考えた。
  3. 自己を名前や姓、カースト、食べ物、苦楽、死にかたなどで定義し、死後に再び生まれることを語った。
  4. 視覚による人間的思考の運動を制し、清浄で超人的な天眼を持つと、生存者たちが死に生まれ変わる様子を見た。
  5. 悪行をなす者と善行をなす者が、死後にそれぞれ異なる結末を迎えることを説明した。
  6. 思考の運動を制することで、広がりを持った視点で世界を見ることができ、真理を自ら観て覚る必要性を述べた。
  7. 人間的思考の運動を制しエネルギーのコントロールが修練されると、煩悩の汚れが取り除かれ、汚れなき心の解脱・智慧の解脱を実現する。
If you practice the four divine feet and become rich, you will experience various divine transformations, fuse one body and many bodies, and gain the divine power to appear and hide.
He has the ability to freely transcend walls and mountains, act in the air, underwater, and on the ground, acquire great divine power and mighty virtue, and rule the world of Brahma.
Through the training of the Four Divine Feet, he is equipped with pure, superhuman ears, and is able to hear celestial and human voices both far and near.
He can understand the minds of other survivors and see through their mental states such as greed, anger, and delusion, and through his extensive training in the Four Gods, he can attain liberation.
Reminiscing about past lives and the periods of creation and destruction of the universe, it reveals the experiences of diverse life forms.
Through the training of the Four Divine Legs, he opens his pure and superhuman Celestial Eye, sees the death and rebirth of survivors, and perceives different fates depending on whether they are good or evil.
He uses his superhuman heavenly eye to reveal how survivors are reborn into hell or heaven according to their karma, suggesting that they will be liberated from the taints of earthly desires.
When the Four Divine Feet were cultivated and enriched, various past lives were recalled: one life, two lives, three lives, four lives, five lives, ten lives, twenty lives. A lifetime, 30 lifetimes, 40 lifetimes, 50 lifetimes, 100 lifetimes, 1,000 lifetimes, 10000 lifetimes, the period of the creation of the universe, the period of destruction of the universe, the period of the universe. The period of establishment and destruction. “There I was with such and such a name, such and such a surname (gotta), such and such a caste (vanna), I ate such and such food, experienced such and such pleasures, and suffered such and such a death. He died there and was born somewhere else." In this way, various past lives were recalled along with shapes and names. When the four divine feet were cultivated and enriched in this way, with a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, he saw the various survivors die and be reborn. I saw clearly that the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and all the survivors were doing their own work. They do evil in their bodies, they do evil in their words, they do evil in their hearts, they revile saints, they hold wrong opinions, and they act on evil opinions. After destroying and dying, they were born into the evil place, the fallen place, and hell.And these other survivors did good deeds in their bodies, good deeds in their words, good deeds in their hearts, and all kinds of things. They do not slander the saints, they hold correct opinions, and they act based on correct opinions.After their bodies were destroyed and they died, they were born into a good place, the heavenly world.'' With such a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, he saw various survivors die and be reborn. I saw clearly that the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and the various survivors, were following their own karma. When the Four Divine Feet are cultivated and enriched in this way, the stains of various earthly desires will be destroyed, and we will be able to witness, demonstrate, and embody the liberation of the pure heart and the liberation of wisdom in this world. Inhabit.
When he mastered the movements of human thought and became enriched, he recalled various past lives.
He counted it as one lifetime, two lifetimes, three lifetimes... and also considered the period of the creation of the universe and the period of its destruction.
He defined himself by his name, surname, caste, food, pleasures and sorrows, and manner of death, and talked about being reborn after death.
When he controlled the movement of human thought through vision and possessed a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, he saw how the survivors were reborn after death.
He explained that those who do bad deeds and those who do good deeds have different outcomes after death.
By controlling the movement of thought, he was able to see the world from a broader perspective, and he stated the need to see and realize the truth for oneself.
When the movement of human thought is mastered and the control of energy is practiced, the stains of earthly desires are removed, and the liberation of pure mind and wisdom is realized.
When he mastered the human thinking movements of his mind and became enriched, he recalled various past lives: one life, two lives, three lives, four lives, five lives, Ten lifetimes, twenty lifetimes, thirty lifetimes, forty lifetimes, fifty lifetimes, one hundred lifetimes, one thousand lifetimes, one hundred thousand lifetimes, the period of the formation of the universe, and the number of universes. A period of destruction, a period of destruction when the universe was established. “There I was with such and such a name, such and such a surname (gotta), such and such a caste (vanna), I ate such and such food, experienced such and such pleasures, and suffered such and such a death. He died there and was born somewhere else." In this way, various past lives were recalled along with shapes and names. When he mastered the movement of human thought (pleasure ⇔ displeasure) through the sense of sight he sensed with his eyes and became enriched, he saw the various survivors die and be reborn with his pure and superhuman heavenly eyes. I saw clearly that the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and all the survivors were doing their own work. They do evil in their bodies, they do evil in their words, they do evil in their hearts, they revile saints, they hold wrong opinions, and they act on evil opinions. After destroying and dying, they were born into the evil place, the fallen place, and hell.And these other survivors did good deeds in their bodies, good deeds in their words, good deeds in their hearts, and all kinds of things. They do not slander the saints, they hold correct opinions, and they act based on correct opinions.After their bodies were destroyed and they died, they were born into a good place, the heavenly world.'' With such a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, he saw various survivors die and be reborn. I saw clearly that the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and the various survivors, were following their own karma. By controlling this movement of human thought, we can see things that we could not see before. why? This is because by stopping the movement of thought, one's perspective expands. Through exercise, people only try to see what they like and not what they don't like. Unless we stop this movement, we will never be able to understand the reality of this world. In this way, when the movement of human thought is controlled and the control of energy is cultivated and enriched, the stains of various earthly desires will be destroyed, and we will be able to prove to this world the liberation of the immaculate mind and the liberation of wisdom. Know, demonstrate, embody and live. In other words, one does not come to know the truth through teachings, but one sees and realizes the truth for oneself.
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai

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四神足法  Four god foot method 四如意足とも訳す。 四つの自在力を得るための根拠となるもの。超自然的な神通力を得るための4種

2024-01-17 16:53:18 | タブレットPC
  1. 四神足を修練し、豊かになれば、多様な神変を経験し、一身と多身が融合し、現れたり隠れたりする神通力を得る。
  2. 牆壁や山岳を自在に超え、空中や水中、地上で行動する能力を持ち、大神通・大威徳を手に入れ、梵天の世界を支配できる。
  3. 四神足の修練により、清浄で超人的な耳を備え、天的な声や人間的な声を遠く近くで聞くことができる。
  4. 他の生存者の心を理解し、貪りや怒り、迷妄などの心の状態を見抜くことができ、四神足の豊かな修練により心の解脱を得る。
  5. 過去の生涯や宇宙の成立・破壊期を思い起こし、多様な生命体の経験を明らかにする。
  6. 四神足の修練により、清浄で超人的な天眼を開き、生存者の死と再生を見通し、善悪に応じて異なる運命を知覚する。
  7. 生存者の業に従って地獄や天の世界へ生まれ変わる様子を超人的な天眼で明らかにし、煩悩の汚れが解脱されることを示唆する。
  1. の人間的思考の運動を制して、豊かにされた時に、種々なる過去の生涯を想いおこした。
  2. 一つの生涯、二つの生涯、三つの生涯...と数え、宇宙成立期や宇宙破壊期なども考えた。
  3. 自己を名前や姓、カースト、食べ物、苦楽、死にかたなどで定義し、死後に再び生まれることを語った。
  4. 視覚による人間的思考の運動を制し、清浄で超人的な天眼を持つと、生存者たちが死に生まれ変わる様子を見た。
  5. 悪行をなす者と善行をなす者が、死後にそれぞれ異なる結末を迎えることを説明した。
  6. 思考の運動を制することで、広がりを持った視点で世界を見ることができ、真理を自ら観て覚る必要性を述べた。
  7. 人間的思考の運動を制しエネルギーのコントロールが修練されると、煩悩の汚れが取り除かれ、汚れなき心の解脱・智慧の解脱を実現する。
If you practice the four divine feet and become rich, you will experience various divine transformations, fuse one body and many bodies, and gain the divine power to appear and hide.
He has the ability to freely transcend walls and mountains, act in the air, underwater, and on the ground, acquire great divine power and mighty virtue, and rule the world of Brahma.
Through the training of the Four Divine Feet, he is equipped with pure, superhuman ears, and is able to hear celestial and human voices both far and near.
He can understand the minds of other survivors and see through their mental states such as greed, anger, and delusion, and through his extensive training in the Four Gods, he can attain liberation.
Reminiscing about past lives and the periods of creation and destruction of the universe, it reveals the experiences of diverse life forms.
Through the training of the Four Divine Legs, he opens his pure and superhuman Celestial Eye, sees the death and rebirth of survivors, and perceives different fates depending on whether they are good or evil.
He uses his superhuman heavenly eye to reveal how survivors are reborn into hell or heaven according to their karma, suggesting that they will be liberated from the taints of earthly desires.
When the Four Divine Feet were cultivated and enriched, various past lives were recalled: one life, two lives, three lives, four lives, five lives, ten lives, twenty lives. A lifetime, 30 lifetimes, 40 lifetimes, 50 lifetimes, 100 lifetimes, 1,000 lifetimes, 10000 lifetimes, the period of the creation of the universe, the period of destruction of the universe, the period of the universe. The period of establishment and destruction. “There I was with such and such a name, such and such a surname (gotta), such and such a caste (vanna), I ate such and such food, experienced such and such pleasures, and suffered such and such a death. He died there and was born somewhere else." In this way, various past lives were recalled along with shapes and names. When the four divine feet were cultivated and enriched in this way, with a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, he saw the various survivors die and be reborn. I saw clearly that the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and all the survivors were doing their own work. They do evil in their bodies, they do evil in their words, they do evil in their hearts, they revile saints, they hold wrong opinions, and they act on evil opinions. After destroying and dying, they were born into the evil place, the fallen place, and hell.And these other survivors did good deeds in their bodies, good deeds in their words, good deeds in their hearts, and all kinds of things. They do not slander the saints, they hold correct opinions, and they act based on correct opinions.After their bodies were destroyed and they died, they were born into a good place, the heavenly world.'' With such a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, he saw various survivors die and be reborn. I saw clearly that the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and the various survivors, were following their own karma. When the Four Divine Feet are cultivated and enriched in this way, the stains of various earthly desires will be destroyed, and we will be able to witness, demonstrate, and embody the liberation of the pure heart and the liberation of wisdom in this world. Inhabit.
When he mastered the movements of human thought and became enriched, he recalled various past lives.
He counted it as one lifetime, two lifetimes, three lifetimes... and also considered the period of the creation of the universe and the period of its destruction.
He defined himself by his name, surname, caste, food, pleasures and sorrows, and manner of death, and talked about being reborn after death.
When he controlled the movement of human thought through vision and possessed a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, he saw how the survivors were reborn after death.
He explained that those who do bad deeds and those who do good deeds have different outcomes after death.
By controlling the movement of thought, he was able to see the world from a broader perspective, and he stated the need to see and realize the truth for oneself.
When the movement of human thought is mastered and the control of energy is practiced, the stains of earthly desires are removed, and the liberation of pure mind and wisdom is realized.
When he mastered the human thinking movements of his mind and became enriched, he recalled various past lives: one life, two lives, three lives, four lives, five lives, Ten lifetimes, twenty lifetimes, thirty lifetimes, forty lifetimes, fifty lifetimes, one hundred lifetimes, one thousand lifetimes, one hundred thousand lifetimes, the period of the formation of the universe, and the number of universes. A period of destruction, a period of destruction when the universe was established. “There I was with such and such a name, such and such a surname (gotta), such and such a caste (vanna), I ate such and such food, experienced such and such pleasures, and suffered such and such a death. He died there and was born somewhere else." In this way, various past lives were recalled along with shapes and names. When he mastered the movement of human thought (pleasure ⇔ displeasure) through the sense of sight he sensed with his eyes and became enriched, he saw the various survivors die and be reborn with his pure and superhuman heavenly eyes. I saw clearly that the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and all the survivors were doing their own work. They do evil in their bodies, they do evil in their words, they do evil in their hearts, they revile saints, they hold wrong opinions, and they act on evil opinions. After destroying and dying, they were born into the evil place, the fallen place, and hell.And these other survivors did good deeds in their bodies, good deeds in their words, good deeds in their hearts, and all kinds of things. They do not slander the saints, they hold correct opinions, and they act based on correct opinions.After their bodies were destroyed and they died, they were born into a good place, the heavenly world.'' With such a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, he saw various survivors die and be reborn. I saw clearly that the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and the various survivors, were following their own karma. By controlling this movement of human thought, we can see things that we could not see before. why? This is because by stopping the movement of thought, one's perspective expands. Through exercise, people only try to see what they like and not what they don't like. Unless we stop this movement, we will never be able to understand the reality of this world. In this way, when the movement of human thought is controlled and the control of energy is cultivated and enriched, the stains of various earthly desires will be destroyed, and we will be able to prove to this world the liberation of the immaculate mind and the liberation of wisdom. Know, demonstrate, embody and live. In other words, one does not come to know the truth through teachings, but one sees and realizes the truth for oneself.
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
Buddha 2Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai

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2024-01-17 14:39:56 | タブレットPC
- **修行法の概要:**
- ニルヴァーナの智慧を獲得するための「七科三十七道品」または「三十七菩提分法」が存在する。
- これは七種類のシステムと三十七種類のカリキュラムから成り立つ神聖な修行法である。
- **修行法の発見:
- 阿含の経典には、ブッダによって説かれたニルヴァーナの智慧を得る修行法が明示されている。
- これを「神聖なる智慧を獲得するための七種のシステムと、三十七種類のカリキュラム」とも呼ばれる。
- **具体的な修行法:**
- **四念住法:** 身念住、受念住、心念住、法念住の四つの内観・瞑想法。
- **四正断法:** 断断、律儀断、随護断、修断の四つの修行。
- **四神足法:** 欲神足、勤神足、心神足、観神足の四つの神通力を得るための修行法。
- **五根法:** 信根、精進根、念根、定根、慧根の五つの修行。
- **五力法:** 信力、精進力、念力、定力、慧力(または智力)の五つの修行。
- **七覚支法:** 択法覚支、精進覚支、喜覚支、軽安覚支、捨覚支、定覚支、念覚支の七つの修行。
- **八正道法:** 正見、正思惟、正語、正業、正命、正精進、正念、正定の八つの修行。
- **瞑想修行:** 四念住法・五根法。
- **実践と瞑想:** 四正断法・五力法・七覚支法・八正道法。
- **特殊な練行:** 四神足法。

パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。
四神足法は、特殊な tapas( 練行)です。神足とは、神通力(超人的能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然的な神通力を得るための四種の修行法です。
- **Summary of training method:**
- There are ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas'' to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana.
- This is a sacred training method consisting of seven systems and thirty-seven curricula.
- **Discovery of training method:
- The Agon scriptures clearly state the training method for attaining the wisdom of Nirvana as taught by the Buddha.
- This is also called the ``Seven Systems and Thirty-Seven Curriculum for Acquiring Divine Wisdom.''
- **Specific training method:**
- **Four Nenju methods:** Four introspection/meditation methods: body-nen-ju, sen-nen-ju, heart-nen-ju, and Dharma-nen-ju.
- **Four correct methods of cutting:** The four practices of cutting, discipline, zuigodan, and shudder.
- **Four God Foot Methods:** A training method to obtain the four divine powers of Desire God Foot, Kinshin Foot, Shinshin Foot, and Kanshin Foot.
- **Five Roots Method:** Five practices: Shingen, Shojinkon, Nengen, Sadane, and Keignen.
- **Five Power Method:** Five training methods: faith, diligence, psychokinesis, fixed power, and wisdom (or intellect).
- **Seven Gakusho:** Seven trainings: Selective Gakusho, Shojin Gakusho, Ki Gakusho, Light Ans Gakusho, Saku Gakusho, Jo Gakusho, and Nen Gakusho.
- **Eightfold Path:** The eight practices of right view, right thought, right speech, right karma, right destiny, right devotion, right thought, and right determination.
-Types of training methods
- **Meditation training:** Four thoughts and meditation methods and five root methods.
- **Practice and Meditation:** The Fourfold Dharma, the Five Powers, the Seven Awakenings, and the Eightfold Dao.
- **Special practice:** Shigami Ashiho.
Training method to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana
``Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or ``Thirty-seven Bodhisattvas''
Seven types of systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom
Among the Agon sutras that the Buddha preached, we can find sutras and Buddhist scriptures that seem to express Nirvana.
In fact, you can even discover the training methods to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana.
This training method is called the ``Seven Sciences, Thirty-Seven Ways,'' or the ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.'' This consists of seven subjects and 37 types of subjects, which Abbot Kiriyama calls ``seven systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom.'' People in the world only know about Mahayana Buddhism, so they hardly know that Buddhism has such sutras.
The kinti sutta in the 103rd chapter of the Pali text ``Naka Agon'' states as follows.
Here, O bhikkhus, the Dharma has been understood and preached to you by Me. In other words, the fourfold meditation, the four right decisions, the four divine feet, the five roots, the five powers, the seven enlightenments, and the eightfold path. Therefore, all bhikkhus should learn this in harmony and without conflict.
The training and practice methods for acquiring wisdom as taught by the Buddha are clearly described here.
The method of training in these seven subjects taught in the Agon Sutra was named by Abhidharma theorist the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or the ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.'' It means 37 training methods that lead to satori.
Four thoughts and thoughts (Shinenjuho)
In the old translation, it is called Shinenjo. It is also called the four thoughts. Four types of introspection and meditation methods for achieving enlightenment. There are four types: shin-nen-ju (self-reflection), sen-en-ju (sensation), mind-remension (shin-nen-ju), and honen-ju (honen-ju).
In the old translation, it is called shijokin. There are four types of training: Dandan, Ritsugidan, Zuigodan, and Shudan.
It is also translated as shiruyi-sho.
The basis for obtaining the four free powers. A training method for four types of ``Yokujinsoku'', ``Gonjinsoku'', ``Shinjinsoku'', and ``Kanjinsoku'' to obtain supernatural power.
There are five roots: Shinkon, Shojinkon, Nenkokon, Jokon, and Ekon. Root refers to the ability to work freely. A Buddhist monk's faith in the Three Treasures, as well as diligence, thought, jhana (meditation), and wisdom, are practices that demonstrate high ability toward Nirvana.
Faith (Shinriki), Devotion (Shojinriki), Psychokinesis (Nenriki), Fixed power (Joriki), Wisdom (Eriki) (or Wisdom). Training to gain advanced power that will lead to Nirvana.
Chakuhokakushi, Shojinkakushi, Kikakushi, Kyoankushi, Shakakushi, Jokakushi ) and the seven Nenkakushi. Seven trainings that lead to Nirvana.
The Eightfold Path (also written as the Eightfold Path)
Eight paths to reach the ideal state: ``Shoken'', ``Shoshiyui'', ``Shogo'', ``Shogo'', ``Shogo'', ``Shomyo'', and ``Shojin''''. )・Shonen・Shojo”
The above is the ``Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Ways and Principles.''
The four-spirited meditation method and the five-root method are meditation.
The Fourfold Dharma, the Five Powers, the Seven Awakenings, and the Eightfold Dao are practices and meditations.
Shigami Ashiho is a special type of tapas (training). Kamiashi refers to divine power (superhuman ability), and these four Kamiashi methods are four types of training methods to obtain supernatural power.
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
Buddha 2Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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2024-01-17 12:52:58 | タブレットPC
1. **クンダリニー・ヨーガの起源**
- クンダリニー・ヨーガは三千年の歴史を持ち、人体内の「力の湧き出る泉」である「チャクラ」を制御して超人的能力を発生させる技術を生み出した。
2. **チャクラの意味**
- チャクラは英国、アメリカ、インドの神智学協会が「6 Force Centers」と訳し、「力の中心」であると解説されている。また、サンスクリット語で「法の輪の回転」を意味し、別の指導者は「幅」とも表現されている。
3. **チャクラの本質**
- チャクラは車輪や帽ではなく、放射状の波動であり、力が充実したときにさまざまな色を発して光り、特殊な力を生じる。
4. **チャクラと内分泌腺**
- チャクラの位置はすべて内分泌腺と一致し、クンダリニー・ヨーガの熟達者は特殊な修行でこれを刺激し、内分泌腺から力を発生させる。
5. **各チャクラの機能**
- **ムーラーダーラーチャタラ**
- 覚醒すると体力が増進し、病気を受けつけず、強烈な性欲と生殖力を持つ。オージャスという知能のエネルギーに変える方法がある。
- **スヴァーディシュターナーチャクラ**
- 覚醒すると気力が充実し、勇敢で積極果敢な行動力が発揮され、超人的な手腕力量が現れる。
- **マニプーラーチャクラ(ナービーチャクラ)**
- 腹腔神経叢に対応し、綜制をほどこすことで体内の組織を知り、コントロールできる。臍輪は太陽神経叢と関連しており、特殊なトレーニングで力を発揮する。
6. **第4チャクラ(アナーハタ)**
- 感覚器官の増幅が行われ、聖霊との交流が可能。不可解なことを天地の智慧に同化し、霊界との交通の道が開ける。
7. **第5チャクラ(ヴィシュッダ)**
- 喉のチャクラで、学ぶことや教えること、交渉や議論の能力を高められる。
8. **第6チャクラ(アージュニヤー・チヤクラ)**
- 脳下垂体に対応し、極度に発達した知能、驚異的な記憶力、超飛躍的な創造力を持つ。仏教の四徳を完成し、仏陀の感性に到達する。
9. **第7チャクラ(サハスラーラーチャタラ)**
- 松果腺・松果体・視床下部に対応し、仏陀の覚醒に到達する。霊性の完成を意味し、「頭の中の光明」とも呼ばれる。
英国、およびアメリカ、インドに本拠を持つ神智学協会発行のThe Chakras9の中で、リードビーターは、それを6Force Centefと訳している。〃力の中心”である。そうして、つぎのように解説している。
The secret of Kundalini Yoga: What is the mysterious power of chakras? ""Miracle of Chagra:"
1. **Origin of Kundalini Yoga**
- Kundalini Yoga has a history of 3,000 years, and has created a technique to generate superhuman abilities by controlling the ``chakras'', which are ``wells of power'' within the human body.
2. **Meaning of Chakra**
- Chakras are translated by the British, American, and Indian Theosophical Societies as ``6 Force Centers,'' and are explained as ``centers of force.'' It also means "rotation of the wheel of law" in Sanskrit, and another leader is also described as "width."
3. **Essence of Chakra**
- Chakras are not wheels or caps, but radial waves, and when they are full of power, they emit various colors and glow, producing special powers.
4. **Chakras and endocrine glands**
- The positions of all the chakras correspond to the endocrine glands, and practitioners of Kundalini Yoga use special practices to stimulate them and generate power from the endocrine glands.
5. **Function of each chakra**
- **Mooladhara Chatala**
- When awakened, your physical strength increases, you are immune to disease, and you have a strong sexual desire and reproductive power. There is a way to turn it into intellectual energy called ojas.
- **Svadhisthana Chakra**
- When you awaken, your energy will be fulfilled, you will be able to act bravely and proactively, and you will have superhuman physical ability.
- **Manipura Chakra (Nabhi Chakra)**
- Corresponds to the celiac plexus, and by applying a system, it is possible to understand and control the internal tissues of the body. The umbilical ring is connected to the solar plexus and can be strengthened with special training.
6. **4th Chakra (Anahata)**
- Sense organs are amplified and communication with the Holy Spirit is possible. By assimilating the incomprehensible into the wisdom of heaven and earth, the path to communication with the spirit world is opened.
7. **Fifth Chakra (Vishuddha)**
- The throat chakra enhances your ability to learn, teach, negotiate and argue.
8. **6th Chakra (Ajnya Chakra)**
- Corresponds to the pituitary gland, and has extremely developed intelligence, amazing memory, and tremendous creativity. Complete the four virtues of Buddhism and reach the sensitivity of the Buddha.
9. **7th Chakra (Sahasrara Chatara)**
- Corresponds to the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus, and reaches the awakening of Buddha. It means the completion of spirituality and is also called ``the light in the head.''
Gumonjiho secret
Miracle created by Chagra
The source of Kundalini Yoga's supernatural abilities is the chakra.
Kundalini yoga has a history of 3,000 years.
A long time ago, Kundalini Yoga discovered seven "wells of power" within the human body and created a technology to freely control these wells and generate superhuman abilities. . This ``spring of power'' was named ``chakra.''
I attached it.
What does chakra mean?
In The Chakras 9, published by the Theosophical Society based in the United Kingdom, America, and India, Leadbeater translates it as 6 Force Centef. It is the ``center of power'' and is explained as follows.
The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, and in literary terms it is the turning of the wheel of law.
Another European yoga teacher calls it ``width''.
My thinking is closer to this.
However, it would be a mistake to call this a ring or a cap; it is actually a support that radiates out in all directions from the center of the wheel.
Hey, it's not the width itself, it's not the ring, it's the state of the width. In other words, radial waves seem to be the most appropriate.
It indicates not the thing itself, but the state of the thing, and it expresses power. It is a state where a force is generated by a certain stimulus.
Ru. This state takes the form of radiation, like width.
When it is full of power, it appears to glow faintly with various colors. Although it resembles spiritual light, orhu does not emit a variety of colors like chakra.
Why do chakras generate special powers that can be called superhuman?
For a long time, it was considered a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, the mystery was solved.
All chakra points correspond to endocrine glands.
Masters of Kundalini Yoga use the power they have acquired through special training to stimulate the area and generate powers that ordinary humans do not possess. The endocrine glands are the source of that power.
この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、(自在力 第29節)

 英国、およびアメリカ、インドに本拠を持つ神智学協会発行のThe Chakras9の中で、リードビーターは、それを6Force Centefと訳している。〃力の中心”である。そうして、つぎのように解説している。
この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、(自在力 第29節)

Profile of President Yasuo Kiriyama
The miracle of chagra
The source of Kundalini Yoga's paranormal ability is the "chakra".
Kundalini Yoga has a history of 3,000 years.
In such an old age, Kundalini Yoga discovered seven "springs of power" in the human body and created a technology to freely control these springs to generate superhuman abilities. .. Then, this "spring of power" is called "chakra".
What does chakra mean?
In The Chakras 9 published by Theosophical Society, which is based in the United Kingdom, the United States, and India, Reedbeater translates it as 6Force Centeref. It is the "center of power". Then, he explains as follows.
The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning a ring, and in literary terms, it is "rotation of the ring of law".
Another European yoga leader is said to be "width".
My idea is closer to this.
It was
However, it would be a mistake to call this a cap, which is similar to the pillars that radiate from the center of the wheel in all directions, that is, the width.
They are not the width itself, nor the ring, but the state of the width. That is, radial waves seem to be the most appropriate.
It shows the state of things, not things themselves, and represents power. It is a state in which a force is generated by a certain stimulus.
To. That state is in the form of being radiated like a width.
It looks faintly shining with various colors when the power is fulfilled. Similar to Reiko, but the off does not emit as many colors as the chakras.
Why does the chakra generate a special force that can be called superhuman?
It was
For a long time it was a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, the mystery was solved.
All chakra lifts coincide with the endocrine glands.
A kundalini yoga expert stimulates the place with the power gained through special training, and generates power that ordinary humans do not have. The endocrine glands are the source of that force.
If this is compared with the endocrine glands by modern medicine, it will be as shown in Table 1 (page 73).
However, this anatomical contrast between chakra and modern medicine was classified by me according to my training experience, and it is quite different from the contrast classification of Western yoga leaders (and people of that lineage). There are differences. I believe this is more correct, depending on my training experience, or this
May be due to differences in physique and constitution by race and ethnicity, as Mr. Leadbeater said. In his book, he has quite different differences in chakra size, color, position, shape, etc., depending on the color, white, oriental, western race, race, and even the same race and race. , Some individual differences can be seen
It is. I think that's true.
Chagra function
It was mentioned that the chakra is located in the same place as the endocrine gland that secretes hormones, and is the place where the amazing power of hormones is expressed.
It was
Then, what kind of power does each chakra exert?
Let's write down what is told as the secret of Kundalini Yoga.
Mueller Darra Chatara
The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this Jakura, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. Any illness
It does not accept and becomes a healthy body itself. Those who were sick will recover from their bad points. Concentrate the old 苫 ∃Q of the control system on this chakra and its energy
When activated, even a dead prisoner will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are ten years or older younger than their true age.
Instead, it will have strong libido and fertility, so we also use a method of converting that energy into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.
2. Svadisterner chakra
It is the part of the adrenal gland where the fighting hormone and hero hormone are released.
When this chakra was awakened and Yu Furugi was activated, he became more energetic and brave.
As a result, you will be able to actively and boldly act. Don't be afraid of anything
Don't be fooled, fearless, unwavering belief and willing to face any difficulties. Super life and death
Demonstrate superhuman skill
3. Manipula chakra (nerby chakra)
The mystery of yoga, "Yoger Sutra," says:
By applying a control to the umbilicus, it is possible to know the tissues in the body.
Regarding this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda (Section 29 of Freedom)
The navel ring is not an actual navel hole, but a mysterious wheel-shaped part that can be imagined around it, and is said to have a width of sixteen. According to one theory, it is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatter Yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. The umbilical ring is in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), so if you control it, the tissues inside the body will
It is explained that this is a little different.
The doctor is said to be "a mystery that can be imagined around that area", but this part is by no means a fantasy place. Demonstrate great power that seems to be mysterious
However, it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is the "solar plexus" medically named Sofu Plexus. Also called the celiac plexus or visceral artery plexus, the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the celiac artery.
It is a large sympathetic plexus at the origin of the artery (because it is on the back of the stomach and sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.
It was named.
That is, the nerves coming out of this area are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pig, adrenal gland, intestine, etc. In addition, this plexus is the large and small visceral nerves, the vagus nerve, and the first.
The twelve thoracic ganglion and the first lumbar ganglion are gathered together, and it is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve.
Until now, chakras have been considered only as fantasy and mysterious places. These parts are by no means like that, as I mentioned earlier.
In addition, it is deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, it is a very important place from a medical point of view, and it is a place that plays an important role.
It says, "By applying a system, you can know the tissues inside the body", but this system means a special concentration that has undergone special training. To know this organization
This means that you can freely control the organization, not just know it. If you really concentrate on this umbilical ring, this sun god
The internal organs belonging to the light transport --- it can control everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, protozoa, glands, adrenal glands, and intestines as you wish. Of these
It is immediately known what kind of condition the organ bamboo is in, and if there is any abnormality, it will be returned to normal immediately. That kind of power training is this umbilical ring training.
It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
4th chakra (Anahata)
Amplification of sensory organs is done toward a higher dimension.
It was
You will be able to interact with the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
It was
In addition, you can assimilate things that are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to you into the heavenly and earthly, excellent heart, and wisdom. In other words, of a person
Even if the body is loose, the energy of the heart that the person had has a trace in this space.
So, if this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of the mind, everything that the mind has, consciousness and intelligence, will be assimilated with oneself and become one's own.
That is.
In other words, it means that the way of transportation with the spirit world (four-dimensional world) will be opened.
5th chakra (Vishudda)
The fifth chakra is below the Adam's apple and is called the Adam's apple. It is related to the throat, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, and bronchi, and it is said that activation of this area enhances the ability to learn, teach, negotiate, and discuss.
6. Ajunya Chakra
It is the site of the pituitary gland.
Has extremely developed intelligence.
The memory that I never forgot what I saw and heard once
Power. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization.
Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
Ultimately, the four virtues of "Joraku Gajo" in Buddhism will be completed and the sensibility of the Buddha will be reached.
7, Hustler Racha Tara
It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.
When this is embodied, the awakening of the Buddha is reached. That is, the completion of spirituality.
This chakra is called "light in the head"). It is said that the moment when this chakra awakens, the light appears in this part and it shines brightly. (There is a top secret story)
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名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。
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2024-01-16 08:21:32 | タブレットPC
如来の当体は仏法 「如来を礼すべし」  The essence of the Tathagata is Buddhism: “You should worship the Tathagata.”
- 如来の当体は仏法であり、「如来を礼すべし」は仏とその法を礼拝するべきという意味。
- 如来の当体は仏法を完全に体得しているため、如来を礼拝することは仏法を通じて真理を理解すること。
- 仏法を知らない者は凡夫であり、修行して仏法を体得しようとする者が修行者。
- 如来を礼拝することは仏陀そのものだけでなく、仏法を通して仏陀を礼拝すること。
- 仏法は真理であり、仏陀は真理の体現者。礼拝を通じて智慧と解脱が得られるとお釈迦さまは教える。
- 「止の瞑想」を通じて如来と仏法を礼拝し、一体となることで智慧と解脱が得られる。
- 仏法の極意は仏の智慧を体得し、因縁を断ち切り滅させること。これらは礼拝と瞑想によって得られる。
- 『有無品・八』では「法宝を礼すべし」があり、「法宝」とは仏の教えだけでなく、成仏法を指すと解釈。
- 空海の『弁顕密二教論』において、三十七菩提分法が法宝であると説かれており、これが礼拝対象。
- お釈迦さまの教えでは、「法宝を礼すべし」は取り入れ、修行を実践することを意味する。
- 「神廟」は祠や仏塔を指し、仏陀の本体や成仏法を礼拝する場。御宝塔が神廟として阿含宗信徒にとって重要。
- 「神」は仏さまの心を指し、神廟は仏さまの本当のお心を祀った場。御宝塔や道場が神廟とされる。
- お釈迦さまは「神廟を礼せよ」と教え、仏法に到達するための二つの方法を説く。現代は神廟を通じて仏法に到達する。
- 「有無品」は後世のために説かれたお経であり、法宝と神廟を礼拝することで力と無畏を得ると説かれている。
The essence of the Tathagata is Buddhism, and ``You should worship the Tathagata'' means that you should worship the Buddha and his Dharma.
- The entity of the Tathagata has completely mastered the Buddha Dharma, so worshiping the Tathagata means understanding the truth through the Buddha Dharma.
- Those who do not know Buddhism are ordinary people, and those who practice and try to master Buddhism are practitioners.
- Worshiping the Tathagata means not only worshiping the Buddha himself, but also worshiping the Buddha through the Dharma.
- Buddhism is truth, and Buddha is the embodiment of truth. Buddha teaches that wisdom and liberation can be gained through worship.
- By worshiping the Tathagata and Buddhism through ``stop meditation'' and becoming one with them, you can gain wisdom and liberation.
- The secret of Buddhism is to master the wisdom of the Buddha and sever all ties and destroy them. These can be obtained through worship and meditation.
- In the ``Usuhin-Hachi'', there is a phrase, ``You should worship the Dharma Treasure,'' and ``Dharma Treasure'' is interpreted to refer not only to the Buddha's teachings, but also to the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood.
- In Kukai's ``Benken Esoteric Buddhism'', he explains that the 37 Bodhi Dharma is the Dharma Treasure, and this is the object of worship.
- In the Buddha's teachings, ``One should bow to the Dharma treasure'' means to take it in and put it into practice.
- "Shinmyo" refers to a shrine or pagoda, and is a place to worship the Buddha's body and the Dharma of Buddhahood. The Gohoto is important to Agon sect believers as a shrine.
- "Kami" refers to the heart of Buddha, and a shrine is a place where the true heart of Buddha is enshrined. The treasure pagoda and dojo are considered sacred shrines.
- Buddha teaches, ``Be respectful to the shrine,'' and explains two ways to attain Buddhism. In modern times, we reach Buddhism through shrines.
- ``Musuhin'' is a sutra preached for posterity, and it is said that one can gain power and fearlessness by worshiping Dharma treasures and shrines.
とは、仏とその法を礼すべしという意味になります。 なぜならば、 如来の当体は仏法だからで す。仏法を完全に体得しているから如来なのです。 仏法をまったく知らなければ凡夫です。 仏法 を体得しようと修行している者が修行者です。 要するに如来を礼拝するとは、仏陀だけを想えと いう意味ではなくて、仏陀のかなたに仏法があると見よ、ということです。 仏陀を礼拝するとい うことは、仏陀そのものだけではなくて、仏陀を通して仏法を礼拝するということにほかなりま せん。 仏法とは、分かりやすくいえば真理です。 仏陀とは真理の体現者です。 要するに、真理の体現者を通じて真理を見ろ、ということです。そのために「止の瞑想」をして、ひたすら如来と その仏法を礼拝して一体となれ、とお釈迦さまは教えておられるわけです。
仏法の極意は二つあります。一つは仏の智慧を体得することで、もう一つは因縁を断ち切り、 因縁を滅させることです。カルマから超越することです。それらは如来を礼拝して瞑想するこ とによって得られます。 如来を通じて、如来の法を得ることにより、智慧と解脱が得られるのだ、 お釈迦さまはおっしゃっているわけです。
「此の二法有り、内に自ら思惟し、専精意を一にして当に法宝を礼すべし。 如来の神廟を礼せ よ」とあります。 「内に自ら思惟し、専精意を一にして」とは、前経と同じく「止の瞑想」を示し ています。 「法宝を礼すべし」の法宝とは「法という宝」のことです。 前経では「仏陀如来を 「礼拝しなさい」 となっておりました。そして『有無品・八』では、「法宝を礼拝しなさい」 とな っています。
わたくしがこの部分を初めて目にした時、直ちに頭に浮かんだのは弘法大師空海の『弁顕密 二教論」です。空海は『弁顕密二教論』、略して『二教論』という有名な書を記しておられま す。これは仏教を顕教と密教の二つに分類し、密教の優位を説いた著作で、真言密教の根本教義 を知る上で非常に重要な論書とされております。 空海は同論下巻で、
「第一法宝即是摩訶般若解脱法身。第二法宝謂戒定智慧諸妙功德。所謂三十七菩提分法。乃至以 修此法而能証彼清浄法身(第一の法宝とは即ち是れ可解なり。第二の法宝とは
の諸の妙功徳なり。いわゆる三十七がなり。乃至、此の法を修するを以て面かも能く彼の清浄 法身を証す)」
と記しておられます。 三十七菩提分法とは、わたくしがお釈迦さまの成仏法だといっている、 七科三十七道品の別名です。それが法宝であると空海はおっしゃっているのです。
わたくしが『有無品」の「法宝を礼すべし」という箇所を読んで、最初に思いだしたのは前述 の文章でした。もちろん『二教論』のその文章だけで、空海が「阿含経」を読んでいたと即断す ることは早計かもしれませんが、少なくとも三十七菩提分法の名前はご存知であり、またそれが 法宝であるとおっしゃっていることは、まぎれもない事実です。それなのにどうして真言宗を立 てて、「阿含経」とその成仏法を立てなかったのか? その点は疑問であり、また、後代のわた くしたちには知る由もありませんが、空海が三十七菩提分法の存在をご存知であったことは、文 献から窺い知れるというわけです。
お経に戻ります。 お釈迦さまは「法宝を礼すべし」とおっしゃっておりますが、まさに空海の 『二教論』にあるように、この法宝とは単に仏の教えを指すのではなく、お釈迦さまの成仏法・ 科三十七道品を示している、とわたくしは解釈しております。お釈迦さまの成仏法を法の宝と して礼拝しなさい、という意味に違いない。礼拝しなさいといっても、単に礼拝せよということ ではなく、 これは、
とあります。 神廟とは祠です。仏教でいう神廟とは仏塔 (仏舎利塔) であります。つまり如来 の本体を祀った仏塔を礼拝せよ、という意味です。
阿含宗の信徒は仏舎利宝珠尊御宝塔(以下、御宝塔)を本尊として、「仏舎利宝珠尊解脱宝生 「行」という因縁解脱行を修行しておりますが、その御宝塔こそが『有無品・八』の神廟にあたる ものです。 御宝塔は御法塔とも書きますが、これがみなさんの神廟です。 また、道場に祀られて いるご本尊さまが神廟です。
神廟の「神」とは、仏さまの心のことです。神さまではなく、精神・神髄の「神」です。 仏さ まの本当のお心をお祀りした祠、これが神廟です。まさに、阿含宗で唱える『仏舎利宝珠尊和 讃』に、
「変化法身仏舎利尊 納め祀れる霊祠なり」
とあるとおりです(「アラディンの魔法のランプ仏舎利宝珠尊和讃』 阿含宗出版部)。わたくした ちにとって如来の神廟とは、御宝塔にほかなりません。
「あなたたちは如来の成仏法・七科三十七道品を敬い、礼拝し、 そしてその修行を実行しなさい。 そして、御宝塔を心から礼拝しなさい」
最初のお経と併せて考えてみると、よく分かってきます。 つまり、仏陀がおられない時は仏陀 を想い、そして仏陀のかなたにある仏法を想うわけです。さらに砕いていえば、「仏陀を想え」 とは、結局、「神廟を礼せよ」ということになります。違いは、神廟を通じて仏法に到達しよう とするか、あるいは仏陀そのものを通じて仏法に到達しようとするか、という点です。
お釈迦さまはここで、仏法に到達する二つの方法を説いていらっしゃるわけです。 仏陀がご存 命でない現代は、当然のことながら、神廟を通じて仏法への到達をめざすことになります。その ような意味で、『有無品』は後世のわたくしたちのために説かれたお経だとわたくしは考えます。
「何が二法なるや。 力有り、無畏有り」
とあるように、二つの法を得ることができます。一つは力で、もう一つは無長です。 力とはな んでしょうか?
成仏するだけの力です。 成仏力です。
一切を畏れない心です。 世の中において、畏れない心ほど強いものはありません。 強いから
-The essence of the Tathagata is Buddhism
“You should worship the Tathagata.”
This means that one should respect the Buddha and his dharma. This is because the essence of the Tathagata is Buddhism. He is a Tathagata because he has completely mastered Buddhism. If you don't know Buddhism at all, you're an ordinary person. A person who practices in order to master Buddhism is a practitioner. In short, worshiping the Tathagata does not mean that you should think only of the Buddha, but that you should see beyond the Buddha that there is Buddhism. When he says that he worships the Buddha, he is not only worshiping the Buddha himself, but he is worshiping the Buddha Dharma through the Buddha. To put it simply, Buddhism is truth. Buddha is the embodiment of truth. In short, see the truth through the person who embodies it. For this purpose, the Buddha taught us to practice ``stop meditation,'' and to worship and become one with the Tathagata and his Buddhism.
As a result, two laws can be obtained.
“First, wisdom, second, extinction.”
As the saying goes, you can gain wisdom and extinction.
Wisdom is the wisdom of Buddha, Miyakusandai. Extended means explanation. Eliminating karma and fate is liberation.
There are two secrets of Buddhism. One is to acquire the wisdom of the Buddha, and the other is to sever ties and destroy them. It is about transcending karma. They are obtained by worshiping and meditating on the Tathagata. The Buddha is saying that by acquiring the Tathagata's Dharma through the Tathagata, one can gain wisdom and liberation.
In the next ``Nothing or No Items Eight,''
It says, ``There are these two dharmas, so think within yourself, devote all your concentration, and bow down to the Dharma Treasure. Bow to the shrine of the Tathagata.'' ``Thinking inwardly and with one mind'' refers to ``stop meditation,'' as in the previous sutra. The Dharma treasure in ``You should bow to the Dharma treasure'' refers to the ``treasure called law.'' In the previous sutra, it said, ``Worship the Buddha Tathagata.'' And in ``Jumonin 8,'' he says, ``Worship the Dharma Treasure.''
When I first saw this section, what immediately came to mind was Kobo Daishi Kukai's ``Benkenmitsu Nikkyoron.'' Kukai wrote a famous book called ``Benken Esoteric Nikkyo Ron'', or ``Nikyoron'' for short. This is a work that divides Buddhism into two, Exoteric Buddhism and Esoteric Buddhism, and explains the superiority of Esoteric Buddhism, and is considered an extremely important treatise for understanding the fundamental doctrines of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. Kukai, in the second volume of the same theory,
``The first Dharma Treasure is the Dharmakaya, the Buddha of liberation. It is understandable. What is the second Dharma Treasure?
There are many wonderful merits. The so-called thirty-seven. By practicing this Dharma, one can prove one's purity and Dharma body.
He wrote: The Thirty-Seven Bodhisattva Dharma is another name for the Thirty-Seven Paths of the Seven Sciences, which I say is the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood. Kukai said that this is the Dharma Treasure.
The first thing that came to my mind when I read the passage ``You should bow down to the Dharma Treasures'' in ``Jibunin'' was the passage mentioned above. Of course, it may be premature for him to immediately conclude that Kukai read the Agon Sutra based on that passage in "Nikyo Ron," but he at least knows the name of the 37 Bodhi Divination Methods. , and that you say that it is a Dharma treasure is an unmistakable fact. So why did he not establish the Shingon sect and establish the Agon Sutra and its method for attaining Buddhahood? This is a questionable point, and although there is no way for us later generations to know, Kukai taught the Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas. It can be seen from the literature that he was aware of the existence of the division method.
He returns to the sutra. Buddha said, ``One should worship the Dharma Treasure,'' but just as in Kukai's Theory of the Two Teachings, this Dharma Treasure does not simply refer to the Buddha's teachings, but to Buddha's Dharma for attaining Buddhahood. My interpretation is that it indicates the 17 Ways of Honor. It must mean that you should worship Buddha's Dharma of Buddhahood as the treasure of the Dharma. When I say worship, I don't just mean worship;
"Take it in. Practice it."
It should be interpreted as
It says. A shrine is a shrine. In Buddhism, a shrine is a stupa (stupa). In other words, it means to worship the stupa that enshrines the body of the Tathagata.
Believers of the Agon sect use the Buddha's Shari Hojuson Gohoto (hereinafter referred to as Gohoto) as their principal image, and practice the practice of releasing oneself from one's karma called ``Buddha Shari Hojuson Gohosho ``Gyo'', but this Gohoto is the ``Musuhin Hachi''. ” is his shrine. Gohoto is also written as Gohoto, but this is your shrine. In addition, the principal image of him that is enshrined in the dojo is a shrine.
The ``kami'' in the shrine is the heart of the Buddha. It is not a god, but a "god" of spirit and essence. This is a shrine that enshrines the true heart of Buddha. This is exactly what is said in ``Buddha Shari Hoju Sonwa San'' chanted by the Agon sect.
“A spiritual shrine where the changing Dharma body and Buddha’s relics can be enshrined.”
As it is written (``Aladdin's Magic Lamp Buddha Shari Jewel Sonwasan'', Agonshu Publishing Department).For me, after him, the shrine of the Tathagata is nothing but a treasure pagoda.
"You should respect and worship the Tathagata's method of attaining Buddhahood, the Seven Courses, and the Thirty-Seven Paths, and carry out the training. Then, worship the Treasure Pagoda with all your heart."
Buddha is teaching us this.
If you think about it in conjunction with the first sutra, you will understand it better. In other words, when the Buddha is not there, we think of the Buddha, and then we think of the Dharma that lies beyond the Buddha. To break it down further, ``remember the Buddha'' ultimately means ``respect the shrine.'' The difference is whether he tries to reach the Buddha Dharma through the shrine, or whether he tries to reach the Buddha Dharma through the Buddha himself.
Here, the Buddha is teaching us two ways to attain Buddhism. In modern times when the Buddha is no longer alive, it is natural that we aim to reach Buddhism through shrines. In his sense, I believe that ``Juubin'' is a sutra that was preached for us in future generations.
The four fearlessness of the Buddha and the four fearlessness of the Bodhisattva
So, what do we gain by worshiping Dharma treasures and shrines?
"What are the two laws? There is power and there is no fear."
As the saying goes, you can obtain two methods. One is power and the other is lengthless. What is power?
It is the power to attain Buddhahood. It is the power to attain Buddhahood.
What is fearlessness?
It is a heart that is not afraid of anything. There is nothing stronger in this world than a fearless heart. Because it's strong
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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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2024-01-16 08:18:13 | タブレットPC

What are the brain chemicals that optimize the brain and improve performance?
The next point to focus on in order to optimize your brain is to balance the brain chemicals serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine.
When these brain chemicals are in order, brain fatigue is recovered, brain performance is maximized, and concentration and memory are improved. I position them as the "three major brain chemicals" that activate the brain.
Serotonin is a ``healing hormone'' that is essential for mental health and controls emotions. When serotonin levels decrease, you may feel depressed, irritable, and easily angry, so you need to be careful.
Oxytocin is also known as the "hormone of connection" and is secreted by communication and physical contact with family, partners, friends, pets, etc. Build trusting relationships with others and relieve anxiety and tension.
Dopamine is responsible for feelings of happiness and pleasure, and is also called the "happiness hormone." The secretion of dopamine motivates people and allows them to achieve high goals, leading to success.
If you become mentally strong (serotonin), have harmonious relationships with others (oxytocin), and are motivated to work (dopamine), you can say that your brain is optimized.
If you want to increase your productivity at work, it is important to make good use of these three brain chemicals.
The secretion of these brain substances changes even in a short period of about 5 to 10 minutes. In other words, it is possible to consciously increase the amount of secretion depending on human behavior and environment.
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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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2024-01-16 08:10:58 | タブレットPC
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
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モルヒネのような幸福を手に入れる!アージュニャー瞑想法の魅力" ジョイフル・アージュニャー瞑想法

2024-01-16 03:25:18 | タブレットPC
次長出入息呼吸法 (約二分)
次長出息呼吸法 (約五分)
銀に納めておいた魔法のクンダリニー・パールを舌先で取り出し、舌の下に 置きなさい。
次 反式呼吸法
次 反式呼吸法に乗せて、パールをしだいに下方へ移動させなさい。約五回くら
次 関元で、パールは二倍くらいに膨張し、しだいに光を放ち、輝きはじめる。 (呼吸法五回くらい)
次 パールは元の形状にもどる。 (反式呼吸法つづく)
次 パールは原状にもどり、プラーナ・ルートを上昇する。
次 バールは銀交に到達するが、依然、上昇をつづける。
次 「端」 「水溝」「素」「神庭」と、チャクラ・プラーナ・ルートを上昇する。 次 「前頂」と「百会」の中間から、パールは、脳の中心に向かって進入してゆ
次パールは、中脳の「下垂体」に到達し、アージュニャー・チャクラに止ま る。
輝きとともに、下垂体前葉ホルモン、脳内モルヒネ物質エンドルフィンの分 がつよくなる。(呼吸法の回数随意)
次 パールはしだいに輝きをおさめ、大きさも原状に復する。
次 呼吸法に乗って、パールはしだいに上昇し、チャクラ・プラーナ・ルートに
次 長出入息呼吸法
呼吸法一〇回くらいで、呼吸を元にもどし、パールを舌の先で転がし、銀交 の中に納めてしまう。
モルヒネは、アヘンの主な有効成分で、そのアヘンはケシの実から抽出されたも のである。
このケシの実からの抽出物は、数千年にわたり、痛みをやわらげ、強烈な快感を 得るために使われてきた。痛みも快感も、人間を行動にかりたてるつよい力を持っ ている。
中国のアヘン戦争を経て、現代のヘロイン中毒まで、人間の歴史の中で大きな役わ を果たしてきたとしても、さして驚くに値しないであろう。
だが、これとおなじ物質が、人間の脳の中につくり出されるということを知った ら、だれでももっと驚くのではないだろうか。
一九七五年、スコットランドのアバディーン大学のジョン・ヒューズと、ハン ス・コステリッツが、はじめてこの物質を発見した。かれらは、ブタの脳からモル ヒネとおなじ作用をする物質の抽出に成功した。その方法は、すこぶる複雑で、大 量の脳が必要なため、二人は、スコットランドの屠殺場から二千頭以上のブタの脳 を寄付してもらい、そこから少量の物質を抽出した。かれらは、この物質に「頭の 「中」という意味の、エンケファリンという名をつけた。(エンケファリンは、ペプ チド、つまりアミノ酸で、タンパク質である)
そののち、エンケファリンよりも重要なはたらきをするエンドルフィンが発見さ れた。これもモルヒネに似た物質である.
どうしてわれわれの脳の中に、モルヒネに似た物質がつくられるのであろうか。 動物を使った研究では、ストレスが生じるとき、主として間脳底にある内分泌腺 の下垂体から、この物質が放出されて、血流の中に入りこむことが明らかにされた のである。
これは、ストレスによる苦痛に対抗するためと解釈されている。 研究では、出産 時 陣痛が近づくと、母体の血液中のエンドルフィン濃度が急に高まり、お産の最 中には、親も子も正常の一〇倍もの値を示すという。これは、母親のからだが現在 経験している痛みやストレスから、自分の子どもを守ろうとしていることのあらわ れなのである。
長距離のジョギングとか、スカイダイビング、登山といったハードなスポーツ に、この物質を放出させて、麻薬的効果をあらわすものと思われている。
一定のリズムで長距離をジョギングすると、つよい喜びの感情”多幸感”が生 まれてくるとかれらは報告している。モルヒネ効果である。 ジョギングなどが病 みつきになるのはこのためだろうと、考えられている。
というのは、これまで、人間が行動するのは、現実的になんらかの報酬を得るた めだと考えられていた。
脳の中に、報酬系とよばれる領域があり、それは、視床下部にある内側前脳束と いうあたりで、その辺に報酬系回路があるとされる。
われわれがなにか行動をするのは、この報酬系回路がはたらくからだと考えられ たのである。
然考えられた。行動が学習されるのは、その行動にともなって、報酬系が作動す るためだと考えられるからである。
Joyful Ajna Meditation
Isn't there nothing better than being alive?
Let's stand up with gratitude for being alive and joy in being alive.
Money cannot buy tomorrow.
As long as you are alive, anything is possible. turn a pinch into an opportunity
Let's send today with joy and welcome tomorrow with joy.
Here is a meditation method that makes the heart happy.
Your life will always be rosy!
life is so much more fun
First, the lotus (or half lotus)
Junior in-breath breathing method (about 2 minutes)
Jikou Exhaust Breathing Method (about 5 minutes)
Take out the magic kundalini pearl encased in silver with the tip of your tongue and place it under your tongue.
Next Anti-breathing method
Bring the pearls into your chakra prana root with this breathing technique.
Next Gradually move the pearl downwards, using the anti-breathing method. about five times
Let the red breath reach the manipura chakra of Sekimoto.
At the next Sekimoto, the pearl expands to about twice its size and gradually emits light and begins to shine. (About five breathing exercises)
Next The pearl returns to its original shape. (Continued with anti-breathing method)
Next The pearl returns to its original state and ascends the prana root.
Next Bar reaches silver exchange, but still continues to rise.
Next Ascend the chakra prana route through ``edge'', ``water groove'', ``prime'' and ``Kanba''. Next From halfway between the front crest and Hyakukai, Pearl enters the center of the brain.
The next pearl reaches the 'pituitary gland' in the midbrain and stops at the Ajna Chakra.
At this time, the pearl expands to about twice its size and gradually emits light and begins to shine.
Along with the radiance, the anterior pituitary hormone and endorphin, a morphine substance in the brain, are enhanced. (Optional number of breathing exercises)
Next The pearl gradually loses its brilliance and returns to its original size.
NextBy breathing, the pearl will gradually rise and enter the chakra prana route.
Enter, descend, return to the original bank.
next long in-breath breathing method
After about 10 breaths, I return to normal breathing, roll the pearl with the tip of my tongue, and put it in the silver coin.
morphine in the brain
A substance similar to morphine is secreted in the brain.
Morphine is the main active ingredient in opium, which is extracted from the poppy seed.
This poppy seed extract has been used for thousands of years to relieve pain and provide intense pleasure. Both pain and pleasure have a strong power to impel people to action.
If so, this substance, which is said to relieve pain and produce great pleasure, has been used since ancient times.
It should come as no surprise that it has played a major role in human history, from the Chinese Opium Wars to modern day heroin addiction.
However, he and others who learned that the same substance as this is produced in the human brain would be even more surprised.
The substance was first discovered in 1975 by John Hughes and Hans Kosterlitz at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. They succeeded in extracting a substance from the brain of pigs that had the same effect as that of molhi. Because the method was so complex and required so much brain, they obtained over 2,000 donated pig brains from Scottish slaughterhouses and extracted small amounts of material from them. They named this substance Enkephalin, which means 'inside' the head. (Enkephalins are peptides, or amino acids, and proteins.)
Later, endorphins were discovered that had more important functions than enkephalins. It is also a substance similar to morphine.
How is it possible that a morphine-like substance is produced in our brains? Animal studies have shown that when stress occurs, the substance is released into the bloodstream primarily by the pituitary gland, an endocrine gland located in the base of the diencephalon.
This has been interpreted to combat the pain caused by stress. Studies have shown that as labor nears labor, endorphin levels in the mother's blood rise sharply, with levels 10 times higher than normal in both parent and child during labor. This is an indication that the mother's body is trying to protect her child from the pain and stress she is currently experiencing.
Endorphins not only relieve pain, but also give pleasure and pleasure
Strenuous sports such as long-distance jogging, skydiving, and mountaineering are believed to release this substance and have narcotic effects.
A common example is the feeling of "exhilaration" experienced by avid joggers.
They reported that jogging long distances at a steady rhythm produced a strong feeling of joy, euphoria. morphine effect. It is believed that this is why jogging and other activities become addictive.
This was an event that greatly shook the history of past values.
For hitherto it was thought that man acted for the sake of some real reward.
In the brain, there is an area called the reward system, which she calls the medial forebrain bundle in the hypothalamus, and it is said that reward circuits are located around it.
It was thought that the reason why we do something is because this reward circuit works.
In addition, it is true that it will be greatly related to the learning of behavior and thinking.
Naturally thought. This is because actions are learned because the reward system is activated along with the action.
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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2024年1月16日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2024-01-16 03:01:12 | タブレットPC

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2024-01-15 17:13:16 | タブレットPC
  1. 修行者はクンダリニー覚醒の予備チャクラの場所を知り、導師から教示を受ける必要がある。
  2. 予備チャクラにムドラーと思念を集中し特殊な観想を続け、物理的な刺激を加えて覚醒を完了させる。
  3. 登録とエネルギーの生成後、気道を介してクンダリニーの部位にエネルギーを送り込み、周囲に行わせる。
  4. クンダリニー・ヨーガではピンガラ、イダーの気道の開発が困難であるが、仏陀の法では予備チャクラを使用しやすい。
  5. ピンガラ、イダーの気道の開発はアクセルとブレーキの機能を持つものであり、これを開発しないと各チャクラを目覚めさせたりコントロールすることができない。
  6. ビンガラ、イダーの開発法では特殊な振動を体内に作り出し、声帯、横隔膜、胸腔、腹腔を使用して増幅させる。
  7. チャクラには「大チャクラ」と「小チャクラ」があり、小チャクラは敏感で星のように体内に点在している。
  8. チャクラの星座をたどりながら気道を開発し、修行者は星の海を航海する船長のように進む。
  9. ピンガラ、イダーの気道は星の航跡をたどることで形成され、修行者はその航路を知ることができる。
  10. 形成された気道にはアクセルとブレーキの機能を持たせる難関があり、これを越えるために「最上深秘の呼吸法」が必要である
ルギーが、ピンガラ の気道を開発し、形成するのである。
Kundalini Awakening Method
First, the practitioner must know exactly where the kundalini awakening reserve chakra is located. Earlier, I was acupuncture points such as a small motor for starting.
Ask the guru to teach this. The location of the chakras varies from person to person, so there is no choice but to ask the guru to tell you.
If you concentrate your thoughts on this spare chakra with Mudra and continue to have a special idea, the chakra will have a unique sensation. When a certain physical stimulus is added to this, it is completely awakened.
When the energy is gradually generated after registration, this energy is sent to the part of Kundalini by the airway and is made to go around it. As instructed, if done correctly, there will be a time lag, but everyone will wake up to Kundalini.
Kundalini yoga is very difficult to awaken,
Therefore, it is said that successful cases are rare, but the Buddhist law uses a spare chakra, so it is not so difficult. It is an excellent place in the Buddha's law.
Difficult is the development of both the Pingala and Eider airways.
This is very difficult. However, it is a practice that must be accomplished.
Because the airways of Pingala and Ida in the Buddha's law are just airways.
Instead, as mentioned earlier, it has accelerator and brake functions. Without developing these two airways, each chakra cannot be awakened or controlled. The chakras of the brain, the enhancement of nerve pathways, etc.
This is the eye of the Buddha's law because it works. Let me explain the method.
How to develop Bingara and Ida
In a nutshell, the technique creates a special vibration inside the body and barks at it.
The special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity, and is based on a special chanting method of the secret mantra.
I think. Mudra and position are also added to this.
This exercise initially uses the vocal cords. Generates correct vibration as voice in the vocal cords. this
It resonates with autumn movement, chest total, side viscera, and abdominal cavity. The thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity are, so to speak, drums.
To. It resonates and amplifies here.
If you can make a new movement, do not speak, but make the same vibration.
Enter into a small drama. It becomes silent, but it is vibrating. Because inside the body
He is always speaking towards him. It is sending vibrations toward the inside of the body. of a body
The inside is the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, as we have just mentioned. First, the movement of the chest cavity
Oh, let's make a fight.
In addition, the diaphragm amplifies in the abdominal cavity.
It will be understood that very strong energy is generated in the body. This strong energy
Ruggy develops and forms the Pingala airway.
Here, I must reveal one of the most secrets.
That is, there are two types of chakras, "large chakra" and "small chakra". No one knows this. It is a secret that only I know. A secret that I discovered and learned from the comprehensive training of Kundalini yoga, Taoism, and the Buddhist breathing method.
Is. For the first time, I will release the secret story that I have kept secret until now.
Follow the constellations of the chakras
As mentioned earlier, the "large chakras" are the seven chakras of Mueller Dara Chakra, Svadi Shootana Chakra, Manipula Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishudda Chakra, Ajnya Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. Ah
The "small chakra" is something else. There are about 300 small chakras in the human body. In Chinese Taoism, there are some parts that are called "acupuncture points",
Some are completely different. Small chakras are much more sensitive to perception than those that are not. I, the gurus, thoughtfully showed it with my fingertips from a distance of about a few centimeters, and the other person felt a tingling sensation. Some parts are so sensitive that you can feel it just by staring at it.
It just seems like the human body, the stars scattered in the universe. In fact, there are also groups of chakras, such as constellations, that form a constellation with a common system.
When developing the airways, I use these stars. The abdomen, back, head, and airways of any part can be opened relatively easily by using the chakra of this star.
I am, just like, the captain who sails the sea of this star. I can clearly indicate from which star to which star I can reach my destination (chakra, nerve plexus, etc.). The wake that traces the stars becomes the airway.
According to this law, even a slightly insensitive practitioner will be able to know the route of the airway.
Both the Pingala and Ida airways are also developed and formed in this way.
The practitioners who do not know this secret are only in the dark sea, like the old navigators who do not have a compass and do not know to read the route in the constellations.
You already know. The strong vibrational energy in the body mentioned in the previous section traces the stars from star to star, forming the airways of Pingala and Ida.
With this, the biggest obstacle has been overcome. I want to take a break, but in fact, there is another difficulty that must be overcome. What is it?
It is how to give the airways of Pingala and Ida thus formed the functions of accelerator and brake mentioned above. This is very difficult.
How is it done?
The most secret breathing method "
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成仏法って何?仏教の秘密に迫る冒険」 「お釈迦様の教えがわかる!仏教の魅力とは?」

2024-01-15 17:08:45 | タブレットPC
  1. 仏教の「成仏陀教法」の略である「仏陀に成るための教えと法」において、「法」とは修行法や成仏法を指し、「教え」とは学問的なものを表す。
  2. お釈迦様は「阿含経」において「七科三十七道品」を通じた最も重要な修行法、成仏法を説かれ、これが仏陀に成るための法そのものであるとされる。
  3. 大乗仏教は成仏法を隠ぺいし、菩薩の概念を作り出して他力本願の概念を強調し、これが現代の日本仏教において中心となっている。
  4. 阿含経にはお釈迦様が成仏法を編成し、その場で決定した状況が詳細に記載されており、大乗仏教がこれを理解していないと主張されている。
  5. 大乗仏教が成仏法を変化させるという考えは根拠がなく、阿含経には仏が常に「七科三十七道品」による修行法を教えると明記されている。
  6. 実践的な修行は「安那般那念法」を含む阿含経の成仏法から始まり、これが大乗仏教が理解していない真理であると述べられている。
  7. 成仏法を習得しない限り絶対に成仏できないと主張され、その中でも「安那般那念法」が重要であり、これが大乗仏教が理解していない点の一つであると指摘されている。
In ``Teachings and Laws for Becoming a Buddha,'' which is an abbreviation for the Buddhist teachings for attaining Buddhahood, ``Dharma'' refers to training methods and Buddhahood methods, and ``Teachings'' refers to academic matters.
In the ``Agon Sutra,'' the Buddha taught the most important training method, the method of attaining Buddhahood, through the ``Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways,'' and this is said to be the very method for becoming a Buddha.
Mahayana Buddhism conceals the Buddhahood method, creates the concept of a bodhisattva, and emphasizes the concept of the Vow of Other Power, which is central to modern Japanese Buddhism.
The Agon Sutra contains detailed descriptions of the circumstances in which Shakyamuni Buddha organized the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood and made decisions on the spot, and it is argued that Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this.
The idea that Mahayana Buddhism changes the method of attaining Buddhahood is groundless, as the Agon Sutra clearly states that the Buddha always teaches a method of training based on the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Paths.''
Practical training begins with the Agon Sutra's Buddhist attainment method, which includes ``Annahanna Nendharma,'' which is said to be a truth that Mahayana Buddhism does not understand.
It is argued that one will never be able to attain Buddhahood unless one learns the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood, and among these, ``Annahanna Nendharma'' is important, and it has been pointed out that this is one of the points that Mahayana Buddhism does not understand.
最も重要な修行法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)に書かれている「七科三十七道品」(しちかさんじゅうしちどうほん)あるいは 「三十七菩提分法」(さんじゅうしちぼだいぶんぽう)あるいは、単に「道品法」(どうぼんほう)と呼ばれている修行法です。
成仏法とは、人が仏陀に成ることができる修行法のことです。他の修行法は、人を高めることはできますが、仏陀にまでは成ることはできません。ここが、単なる修行法と、成仏法の違いです。成仏法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)にしか書かれていません。 「七科三十七道品」は、7科目37種類の修行法があります。詳しくは、阿含宗のこちらのページをご覧下さい。
「成仏法」が、どのようにしてできたのか、そのいきさつについても、きちんと阿含経に書かれています。阿含経には、お釈迦様が「成仏法」をお作りになられた状況が、克明に記載されているのです。 ご紹介します。
<中阿含経 羅摩経>
お釈迦さまは、心機一転して、それまでの六年麻麦(まばく)の苦行を離れ、ネーランジャラー河において、村長の娘スジャータの乳ガユの供養を受け、聖地 ガヤーのピッパラ樹(菩提樹)の下に瞑想の座を定めました。ここでお釈迦さまは、悟りを開き、仏陀と成なれるのですが、その時の、状況が記されたお経です。
生すでに尽き、 梵行すでに立ち、所作すでに弁じて、更に有を受けずと如真を知りぬ。』
さらに、成仏するための修行方法の体系、 成仏法(七科三十七道品)を決定した。
大乗仏教は、この点を、全く理解していません。  「道品法(どうぼんほう)を定む」とあります。お釈迦さまは、成道後、即座に、その場で、成仏法を編成し、完成させていたのです。人間がどうすれば成仏することができるのか、このとき、すでに、修行法を、決定、完成されていたので す。したがって、成仏法は、この時、確立された、この「道品法」以外にはあり得無いのです。阿含経のこの「七科三十七道品」以外に成仏法は絶対に無いのです。
パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。
「 ここに比丘らよ、われによりて法は悟られ、汝らに説かれたり。 すなわち四念住・四正断・四神足・五根・五力・七覚支・八正道これなり。 それゆえにすべての比丘らは相和し相欣び、争うことなくして、これを学ばざるべからず。」
「雑阿含経(ぞうあごんぎょう) 応説経(おうせつきょう)」
いろいろな方法を駆使しても無駄である、 阿含経の七科三十七道品を修行しない限り、絶対に成仏できないと説かれています。
大乗仏教が説くよう に、修行法を捨て、仏の慈悲にすがるだけでは、冥土などにはいけるかもしれませんが、絶対に、成仏はできないのです。
しかし、お釈迦様は、この成仏法 七科三十七道品へ至るまでの、その橋渡しとなる修行法も、きちんと用意してくださっていたのです。その修行法の一つが、「安那般那念法」(あんなぱんなねんほう)と呼ばれる呼吸法、瞑想法です。この瞑想法は、七科三十七道品の中の瞑想法の一つと考えてよいと思います。
この法の習得が、成仏法 七科三十七道品への足がかりとなります。安那般那念法とは、「雑阿含経 安那般那念経」に書かれている、初歩から最高奥儀に至るまでの呼吸法・瞑想法のことです。10数種類の呼吸法・瞑想法が説かれています。
さらに、「雑阿含経 止息経」には、「勝止息、奇特止息、上止息、無上止息」の4つの呼吸法が説かれており、「この4つの呼吸法は、すべての呼吸法において、これ以上のものはない最上の呼吸法である。」とお説きになられています。この4つの呼吸法は、安那般那念法の最上のものということです。お釈迦様が、「最上の呼吸法・瞑想法」であるとおっしゃられているのですから、当然のことながら、この呼吸法・瞑想法をマスターしなければ成仏はできないということです。
大乗仏教は、この点も、全く理解していません。単なる呼吸法とは、わけが違うのです。仏教の実践的な修行は、この安那般那念法から始まるといっても過言ではないのだそうです。「息」とは、「生き」なのです。詳しくは、阿含宗管長 故 桐山靖雄大僧正猊下 ご著書「仏陀の法」をご覧ください。実践法は、「求聞持聡明法秘伝」に書かれています。
大乗仏教は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典 阿含経を小乗仏教とけなし、以上のことを隠ぺい、黙殺し、まるで理解していません。これでは、絶対に成仏はできないのです。ノストラダムス氏が言われる通り、これらの法が、人類を救うのです。お釈迦様は、そのために、修行法、成仏法を残して下さったのですから。不老長寿、超人類社会への道は、ここに開かれているのです。すべての実践的な修行は、安那般那念法、求聞持聡明法の習得から始まるのです。
その根拠を示します。釈尊直説の経典は、阿含経しか存在しませんが、阿含経には、上記のとおり、釈尊直説の唯一の成仏法、「七科三十七道品」が書かれています。 さらに、阿含経には、いつの世でも、どんな如来でも、如来は弟子たちを、「七科三十七道品」によって、修行させ、成仏させると書かれた経典が存在するのです。
「雑阿含経 石柱経」 です。
「過去にあらわれた仏も、未来にあらわれる仏も、また、いま現在あらわれている仏も、仏はすべて、五つの煩悩の心を断滅して涅槃を得、仏になったのであり、 仏は真実の智慧をみがく能力弱くして、自ら涅槃を得ることができないものたちをして、七科三十七道品の修行をさせて、阿耨多羅三藐三菩提を得さしめ、それによって成仏させるのである。」
「中阿含経・七宝経」 です。
七宝とはなにか? それは輪宝・象宝・馬宝・珠宝・女宝・居士宝・主兵臣宝の七つである。
同様に、如来・無所著・等正覚がこの世に出現するときには、 七覚支(法という)宝が、まずこの世に出現するのである。 なにをもって七覚支法とするのか? 念覚支(という)法をはじめとして、択法覚支・精進覚支・喜覚支・息覚支・定覚支・捨覚支(という)宝の七つが七覚支法である。
Buddhism is an abbreviation for "Buddhism". It means "teaching and law to become a Buddha". Here, I would like to pay attention to the concept of "law," which is different from "teaching." Law and Buddhist law mean training law and Buddhist law. Academic "teaching" is a different concept.
Then, what kind of training method and Buddhahood method did Shaka-sama preach?
Mr. Shaka left behind a number of training methods and Buddhahood methods. Among them, I would like to introduce the most important training method, the Buddhahood method.
The most important training method is "Shichikasanjushichidohon" or "Three" written in the only scripture "Agonkyo" of Shason's theory. It is a training method called "Seventeen Bodhipakkhi" (Sanju Shichibo Daibunpo) or simply "Dobonho".
The Buddhahood method is a training method that allows a person to become a Buddha. Other practices can elevate people, but they cannot even become Buddhas. This is the difference between the mere training method and the Buddhahood method. The Buddhahood method is written only in the only scripture of the Shason direct theory, "Agama Sutra". There are 37 types of training methods in 7 subjects for "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin". For details, please see this page of Agon Shu.
It goes without saying that this Buddhahood method is of paramount importance to Buddhism. It's the law itself to become a Buddha. However, Mahayana Buddhism concealed this Buddhahood law and silently killed it.
In order to popularize Mahayana Buddhism in posterity, Agama, which describes the true Buddhahood method, was despised as "Hinayana Buddhism", and the strict and difficult training methods were deleted steadily. .. In the end, I created the concept of a bodhisattva, and even the concept of this application that training is unnecessary if I follow the mercy of the bodhisattva. Mahayana Buddhism has become the center of today's Japanese Buddhism. Of course, esoteric Buddhism and Zen Buddhism are not limited to other power applications, so I think there is an opinion that they are a little different, but even so, they hide the Agama sutra, silently kill it, and the only essential Buddhahood written in the Agama sutra. There is no difference in not practicing the law. In this way, Mahayana Buddhism became a fake Buddhism that concealed the Buddhahood law and silently killed it in order to popularize it.
How the "Buddhahood Law" was created and how it came about are also properly written in Agama. In Agama, the situation in which Shaka-sama created the "Buddhahood Law" is described in Katsuaki. I will introduce you.
This sutra is a scripture in which Buddha explained the history of his own career.
<Naka Agama Rama Sutra>
Shaka changed his mind and left the penance of hemp for six years, and received a memorial service for the village chief's daughter Sujata's milk gayu on the Nerangjara River, and the Pippara tree (Bodhisattva tree) in the sanctuary Gaya. I have set up a seat of meditation under. Here, Buddha becomes enlightened and becomes a Buddha, but the situation at that time is described.
"I, that is, I came to get an exhaustion without releasing the seat.
I seek a disease-free and peaceful nirvana, that is, obtain a disease-free and peaceful nirvana.
No old, no death, no melancholy, no filth, no filth, no filth, no mercy, no mortality, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy
It gives rise to knowledge, gives rise to seeing, and establishes the "Doshin Law".
I have already run out of life, I have already stood up, I have already spoken about my actions, and I do not know the truth without receiving further existence. 』\
"Under the Bodhi tree, I continued to meditate for dozens of days (nearly 50 days), and finally I was able to get rid of the leak.
I was able to get nirvana.
As a result, wisdom was generated, and the awareness of liberation (dissolution knowledge) was raised.
In addition, the system of training methods for the Buddhahood, the Buddhahood Law (Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways) was decided.
By gaining nirvana and becoming a Buddhahood, I knew clearly that this life would be the last and that I would never be born again in this world of wonder. "
This sutra is, of course, very important. The reason for this is that, as you can see from the reading, Shaka-sama knows that he has established the "Buddhahood Law" on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood.
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It says, "Determine the Dobonho." Buddha-sama organized and completed the Buddhahood Law on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood. He wonders how humans can become Buddhahood, because at this time the training method had already been decided and completed. Therefore, the Buddhahood Law can only be established at this time, this "Doshin Law". There is absolutely no Buddhahood method other than this "Seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines" of Agama.
In addition to this, there is no way for the Buddha to add two or three Buddhahood laws later. If so, it's definitely a forgery of posterity. I think Buddhists have to think about this first.
Unless you practice this Buddhahood method, you can never become a Buddhahood.
The Pali sentence "Naka-Agama", the 103rd kinti sutta, states as follows.
"Here, Bhikkhu et al., The law is understood by me and preached to you. That is, Satipatthana, Four Right Exertions, Iddhipada, Indriya, Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Awakening, Noble Eightfold Path. Therefore, all the Bhikkhus have to learn this without conflict and reconciliation. "
It says, "I have to learn." It means that you should definitely practice. Mahayana Buddhists do not understand this meaning.
"Zoua Gongyo (Ousetsukiyo)"
In, it is stated as follows.
"Sakuson: Things that cannot be achieved even if you practice using various methods, but all the troubles are exhausted and you want to get liberation in your heart, but those practitioners finally get liberation. Can't.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I haven't practiced.
Disciple: What are you not practicing?
Shason: This is because he has not practiced the so-called seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
Disciples. If there is a person who practices the seven departments and thirty-seven arts and fulfills them, the practitioner will naturally obtain the extinction even if he does not want to do it.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I practiced.
Disciple: What did you practice?
Shakuson: It is a so-called seven departments and thirty-seven items. (Omitted) "
It is said that unless you practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines of Agama, which is useless even if you make full use of various methods, you will never be able to become a Buddhahood.
Therefore, all Buddhists must practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. There is no other way. No matter how strict or how many times you are reborn, there is no other way but to practice the seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
As Mahayana Buddhism preaches, you may be able to go to the dark soil just by abandoning the practice and following the mercy of the Buddha, but you can never become a Buddhahood.
As mentioned above, the Buddhahood Law has only seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. However, it is a fact that this bodhipakkhi is a professional training method for priests, and as Mahayana Buddhism says, it is strict and difficult.
However, Shaka-sama also prepared a training method that would serve as a bridge to the Buddhahood method, which led to the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. One of the training methods is the breathing method and meditation method called "Anapanasati". This meditation method can be considered as one of the meditation methods in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines.
Shaka-sama is called "the best breathing and meditation method".
This law is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist priest Gumonji Someiho, which is said to be a secret method that makes people a genius, which Kukai Kobo Daishi told us.
The acquisition of this method will be a stepping stone to the Buddhahood Law, the Seven Departments and the Thirty-Seven Ways. The Anapanasati method is a breathing method and meditation method from the beginning to the highest secret, which is written in "Samsati Anapanasati". Over a dozen types of breathing and meditation methods are explained.
Furthermore, the four breathing methods of "winning breathing, strange special breathing, upper breathing, and no upper breathing" are explained in "Samsung Sutra", and "these four breathing methods are used in all breathing methods. , The best way to breathe is nothing more than that. " These four breathing methods are the best of the Anapanasati method. Since Shaka-sama is said to be the "best breathing and meditation method," it goes without saying that the Buddhahood cannot be achieved without mastering this breathing and meditation method.
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It's not just a breathing exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that the practical training of Buddhism begins with this Anapanasati method. "Breath" is "living". For details, please refer to the book "The Law of the Buddha" by the late President Agon Shu, Seiyu Kiriyama, Hisashi Eminence. The practice method is written in "Gumonji Satoshi Homeiho Hidden".
The Anapanasati method is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism, the yoga chakra awakening method, the Taoist Qigong method, and the Shinto breathing method. Nostradamus also predicts that these laws are the ones that save humanity. That is also written in this "Buddha's Law".
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand the only scripture of Shason's theory, Agama Sutra, as Hinayana Buddhism, concealing the above and silently killing it. With this, the Buddhahood can never be made. As Nostradamus says, these laws save humanity. For that reason, Shaka-sama left behind the training method and the Buddhahood method. The road to immortality and superhuman society is open here. All practical training begins with the acquisition of Anapanasati and Gumonji Satoshi.
I hope it will be helpful for you to know the law.
In Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the Lotus Sutra denominations, there are denominations that solve the teachings that the training method and the Buddhahood method change with the times. It is said that the Buddhahood method changes depending on the principal image and the times (correct, statue, last three o'clock).
However, this is also a complete fabrication. The truth is always one in the world, and the method of learning the truth, the Buddhahood method, cannot change. Mahayana Buddhism has created various simplified Buddhahood laws, all of which are forgery.
I will show you the rationale. There is only Agama sutra in the scripture of Shason Nao theory, but as mentioned above, the only Buddhahood method of Shakuson Nao theory, "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos," is written in Agama. In addition, there is a scripture in Agama that states that in any world, in any Tathagata, Tathagata trains his disciples by means of "Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Doshin".
It is "Samsung Sutra Stone Pillar Sutra".
"The Buddhahood that appeared in the past, the Buddhahood that appeared in the future, and the Buddhahood that appears now, all of them broke the hearts of the five worldly desires and gained nirvana and became Buddhahood. Weakened the ability to polish the true wisdom, did those who could not obtain nirvana by themselves, trained the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines, and obtained the Ayatara Sansho Sanbosho, which To make the Buddhahood. "
Therefore, all Buddhas, including the past Buddhas, the future Buddhas, and the present Buddhas, practice the "Seven Buddhas and Thirty-Seven Doshin" to become Buddhahoods, and also train their disciples to become Buddhahoods. The Buddhahood method does not change depending on the principal image, the positive, the statue, and the difference between the last three o'clock. There is only one law.
There are also the following Agama sutras.
It is "Naka Agama / Cloisonne".
"Remember well. When Chakravarti appears in this world, the cloisonne first appears in this world.
What is a cloisonne? There are seven treasures: ring treasure, elephant treasure, horse treasure, jewel treasure, female treasure, resident treasure, and main soldier treasure.
When Chakravarti appears in this world, this cloisonne first appears.
Similarly, when Nyorai, Musho, and Issei are appearing in this world, the Seven Factors of Awakening (called law) treasure first appears in this world. What is the Seven Factors of Awakening? Including the method of consciousness
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai


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2024-01-15 11:05:07 | タブレットPC
さらに、輪廻転生瞑想法の原典である釈尊の成仏法、その真髄たる四神足法 修練していくとどうなるのか?
パーリ文 「スッタニパータ」を、中村元先生の訳によって載せてみる。
このように四神足を修練し、豊かならしめたならば、多様なる神変を身 に受ける。 一身にして多身となり、多身にして一身となり、あるいは現わ れ、あるいは隠れ、牆壁や山岳をよぎって、礙げなく、行くこと空中にお けるがごとく、地中に出没すること水中におけるがごとく、水中を行きて られざること地上におけるがごとく、虚空においても結跏趺坐してそぞ 歩きすることは飛鳥のごとく、このように大神通・大威徳あるこの日月 を手でとらえて揉んでしまい、梵天の世界にいたるまでも身をもって支配 する。
このように四神足を修練し豊かならしめたならば、清浄にして超人的な 天の耳の本性をもって、遠近にある天的なまた人間的な声をともに聞く。 このように四神足を修練し豊かならしめたならば、他の生存者、他の
人々の心をば心によって了解して知る。 貪りある心を貪りある心であると 知り、貪りを離れた心を貪りを離れた心であると知り、また怒りある心を 怒りある心であると知り、怒りを離れた心を怒りを離れた心であると知 迷妄ある心を迷妄ある心であると知り、迷妄を離れた心を迷妄を離れ 心であると知り、収縮した心を収縮した心であると知り、散乱した心を 散乱した心であると知り、偉大な心を偉大な心であると知り、偉大ならざ 心を偉大ならざる心であると知り、ある心を上ある心であると知り、 無上の心を無上の心であると知り、定にあらざる心を定にあらざる心であ ると知り、定のうちにある心を定のうちにある心であると知り、解説して いない心を解説していない心であると知り、解脱している心を解説してい 心であると知る。
このように四神足が修練され豊かにされたときに、種々なる過去の生涯 を想いおこした、すなわち一つの生涯、二つの生涯、三つの生涯 四 つの生涯、五つの生涯、十の生涯、 二十の生涯、三十の生涯、四十の生.五十の生涯、百の生涯、千の生涯 百千の生涯を、またいくたの宇宙 成立期、いくたの宇宙破壊期、いくたの宇宙成立破壊期を。 「われはそこに おいて、これこれの名であり、これこれの姓 (gotta) であり、 これこれの カースト (vanna) であり、これこれの食をとり、これこれの苦楽を感受 これこれの死にかたをした。そこで死んでから、かしこに生まれた」 と。このようにかたちや名称とともに種々なる過去の生涯を想いおこした のである。
このように四神足が修練され豊かにされたときに、清浄で超人的な天眼 をもって、もろもろの生存者が死にまた生まれるのを見た。すなわち卑賤 なるものと高貴なるもの、美しいものと醜いもの、幸福なものと不幸なも そしてもろもろの生存者がそれぞれの業にしたがっているのを明らか 知った
「じつにこれらの生存者は身に悪行をなし、ことばに悪行をなし、 こころ に悪行をなし、もろもろの聖者をそしり、邪った見解をいだき、邪った見解にもとづく行為をなす。かれらは身体が破壊して死んだあとで、悪しき ところ、堕ちたところ、地獄に生まれた。また他のこれらの生存者は、身 善行をなし、ことばに善行をなし、こころに善行をなし、もろもろの聖 者をそしらず、正しい見解をいだき、正しい見解にもとづく行為をなす。 かれらは身体が破壊して死んだあと、善いところ、天の世界に生まれた」
このように清浄で超人的な天眼をもって、もろもろの生存者が死にまた 生まれるのを見た。すなわち卑賤なるものと高貴なるもの、美しいものと 醜いもの、幸福なものと不幸なもの、そしてもろもろの生存者がそれぞれ の葉にしたがっているのを〔明らかに知った。
このように四神足が修練され豊かにされたときに、もろもろの煩悩の汚れがほろぼされることによって、汚れなき心の解脱・知慧の解脱をこの世 において、みずから証知し、現証し、具現して住する。
けっきょく、四神足の修行によって、釈尊は解脱を得たというのである。つ まり、四神足の修練によって、ニルヴァーナに到達したというのだ。
ニルヴァーナにまで到達するのは、至難の業である。わたくしといえども、 そこまで修行者を導く自信はない。しかし、準・ニルヴァーナにまで到達させ
Achieve Nirvana through the training of the Four Divine Feet
Furthermore, what happens when you practice Shakyamuni Buddha's Buddhism method, which is the original source of the reincarnation meditation method, and its essence, the Four God Foot Methods?
Let's look at Buddha's experience.
I will post the Pali text ``Suttanipatha'' as translated by Hajime Nakamura.
If you cultivate the four divine feet in this way and become rich, you will receive a variety of divine transformations. To be one body and many bodies, to be many bodies and one body, to appear or to hide, to cross walls and mountains, and to go without hesitation; To appear in the earth, as in the air; To appear in the ground, as in the air. Just as it is impossible to walk in the water as if on earth, in the void it is possible to sit on one's knees and walk like a flying bird.In this way, grasping this sun and moon of great divine wisdom and great virtue in one's hands. He massages them and even dominates them even in the world of Brahma.
Once you have cultivated and enriched your four divine feet in this way, you will listen to both heavenly and human voices both near and far, with the pure and superhuman nature of your heavenly ears. Once you have cultivated the four divine feet in this way and become rich, you will be able to help other survivors and others.
Understand and know people's hearts. Know that a greedy heart is a greedy heart, know that a greedy heart is a greedy heart, know that an angry heart is an angry heart, know that a greedy heart is a greedy heart, know that a greedy heart is a greedy heart, know that an angry heart is an angry heart, and know that a greedy heart is a greedy heart, a greedy heart that is free from greed, and an angry heart that is angry, Knowing that a delusional mind is a delusional mind, knowing that a delusional mind is a delusional mind, knowing that a shrunken heart is a shrunken mind, knowing that a shrunken heart is a shrunken mind, and a scattered heart. Knowing that a great heart is a great heart, knowing that a heart is not great, knowing that a certain heart is a superior mind, Know that the mind that is not fixed is the mind that is not fixed, know that the mind that is in the fixed is the mind that is in the fixed, and explain the mind that is not explained. We know that it is the mind that is not liberated, and we understand that it is the mind that is liberated.
When the four divine feet were cultivated and enriched in this way, various past lives were recalled, namely, one lifetime, two lifetimes, three lifetimes, four lifetimes, five lifetimes, ten lifetimes, and two. Ten lives, thirty lives, forty lives, fifty lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, a thousand lifetimes, a period of the creation of the universe, a period of destruction of the universe, a period of the destruction of the universe. A period of destruction during the creation of the universe. ``We set him there, with such and such a name, with such and such a surname (gotta), with such and such a caste (vanna), who ate such and such food, experienced such and such pleasures, and suffered such and such death. He died there and was born somewhere else." In this way, he recalled various past lives with shapes and names.
When the Four Divine Feet were cultivated and enriched in this way, with the pure and superhuman Celestial Eye, I saw the various survivors die and be reborn. The lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy.
“Indeed, these survivors do evil in their bodies, evil in their words, evil in their hearts, slander the saints, hold evil opinions, and act on evil opinions. After their bodies were destroyed and they died, they were born into an evil place, a fallen place, and hell.The rest of these survivors did good deeds, did good deeds in their words, did good deeds in their hearts, and did all sorts of things. They do not disparage the saints of God, but they hold right opinions and act in accordance with right opinions. After their bodies were destroyed and they died, they were born into a good place, the heavenly world."
With such a pure and superhuman heavenly eye, I saw various survivors die and be reborn. That is, the lowly and the noble, the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the unhappy, and the various survivors following their own leaves.
Finally, it concludes as follows.
When the four divine feet are cultivated and enriched in this way, the stains of various earthly desires are destroyed, and one can personally testify, demonstrate, and embody the liberation of an immaculate heart and the liberation of wisdom in this world. I live there.
After all, it is said that Shakyamuni attained liberation through the training of the Four Gods. It is said that he was able to reach Nirvana by practicing the four divine feet.
Reaching Nirvana is an extremely difficult task. Even I don't have the confidence to lead the practitioners to that extent. However, reaching quasi-nirvana
I have confidence that I will. Everything depends on the effort and enthusiasm of the practitioner.
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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2024年1月15日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2024-01-15 10:45:53 | タブレットPC

凌犯期間 成の日

  • 虚空蔵とは宇宙のような無限の智慧と慈悲の心が収まっている蔵(貯蔵庫)を意味し、人々の願えを叶えるために蔵から取り出して智慧や記憶力、知識を与えてくれるとされています。

01月15日 (月曜)月齢

Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis 2
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2024-01-14 11:10:20 | タブレットPC
1. 仏陀は弟子たちに「三学」を教え、それは「戒」「定」「慧」で構成されている。
2. 三学の中心は「定」であり、戒と慧は定を補助する修行法である。
3. 仏陀の修行法は「成仏法」であり、七つの科目と三十七種類の教程に分かれる。
4. これを「成仏のための七つのシステム・三十七種のカリキュラム」と呼ばれる。
5. 特殊訓練として「クンダリニー・ヨーガ」が取り入れられ、慧力法や七覚支法が進む。
6. 七覚支法はクンダリニー・ヨーガの訓練と併合され、仏陀はクンダリニー・ヨーガの達人だったとされる。
7. 七覚支法には「択法」「精進覚支」「喜覚支」「軽安覚支」「定覚支」「念覚支」が含まれる。
8. 念覚支法を修行すると、超人の力が身につき、例えば思念の力で病気を癒すことが可能とされる。
9. これが仏陀釈尊が弟子たちに教えた「仏法」であり、一般的な仏教と異なると主張されている。
Buddha's teachings: Three learnings and training methods for attaining Buddhahood
1.The Buddha taught his disciples the ``Three Sciences'', which consist of ``Precepts'', ``Consideration'', and ``Wisdom''.
2. The center of the three sciences is ``contemplation,'' and precepts and wisdom are training methods that support contemplation.
3. The Buddha's training method is ``the method of attaining Buddhahood,'' which is divided into seven subjects and 37 types of teachings.
4. This is called ``Seven systems/37 types of curriculum for attaining Buddhahood.''
5. ``Kundalini Yoga'' was introduced as a special training, and the wisdom method and the seven enlightenment methods were advanced.
6. The Seven Awakening Dharma was combined with the training of Kundalini Yoga, and Buddha is said to have been a master of Kundalini Yoga.
7. The seven Gakusho methods include ``Choice method'', ``Shojin Gakusho'', ``Kikakusho'', ``Kingan Gakusho'', ``Jōgakusho'', and ``Nen Gakusho''.
8. It is said that by practicing Nen Gakushoho, you will acquire superhuman powers, and for example, be able to heal illnesses with the power of your thoughts.
9.This is the ``Buddha Dharma'' that Buddha Shakyamuni taught to his disciples, and it is claimed that it is different from general Buddhism.
仏陀が弟子たちに教えたことは、三つのものに集約することができる。 これを「三学」という。
戒は、仏弟子として守らなければならぬ「戒律」である。 定は、特殊な練行や瞑想法で、要するに、仏陀となるための修行法である。 慧は、教学によって真理を学び、智慧をみがくことである。 この三学は、いうならば、三位一体であって、一つといえども欠かしてはならぬものであ
しかし、強いていえば、その中心は「定」ということになろう。戒と慧は、定を完成させ るための補助の行である。 そこで、「定」についてかんたんにのべることにする。 定 (samadhi) は、定慮、三摩地、などと訳され、ふつうには、精神を統一し、集中して瞑 想などをすること、というように解説されているが、仏陀の教えた「三学」の中では、成仏 法の修行を意味することになる。
仏陀の修行法は、整然とした体系を持っている。それは、七つの科目と三十七種類の教程 に分けられる。ゆえに、「七科三十七道品」あるいは、「三十七菩提分法」と呼ばれる。 これは、菩提を成就する修行の構成部分であるから、菩提分法というわけで、アビダルマ
私は、これを、わかりやすく、「成仏のための七つのシステム・三十七種のカリキュラム」 と呼んでいる。 それは、つぎの通りである。
四念処法 | 四正 断法
身念処法・受念処法・心念処法・法念処法 断断法・側儀断法・随護断法・修断法
し じんそくほう 四神足法 ご こんほう)
ご りきほう 五力法 しちかく し ほう 七覚 支法
よくじんそくほうごんじんそくほうしんじんそくほうかんじんそくほう 欲神足法・勤神足 法・心神足法 觀神足法 しんこんほうしょうじんこんほうねんこんほうじょうこんほう え こんほう 信根法・
念根法・定 根法・慧根法 しんりきほうしょうじんりきほうねんりきほうじょうりきほうえ りきほう 信力法・ 進力法・念力法・定 力法・慧力法 ちゃくほうかく しほうしょうじんかく しほうき かく し ほうきょうあんかく し ほうしゃかく しほうじょうかく し
全天竜之去・吉見支 択 法覚支法・ 法・喜覚支法・軽 安覚支党支 ほうねんかく し ほう 法・念覚支法覚
What did the Buddha teach his disciples?
What the Buddha taught his disciples can be summarized in three things. This is called "threefold training".
It is "Naru, Sada, Kei".
The commandments are the "commandments" that must be observed as a Buddhist disciple. Sada is a special practice or meditation method, in short, a practice method for becoming a Buddha. Kei is to learn the truth through theology and to polish wisdom. These three studies are, so to speak, a trinity, and even one must not be missed.
However, if it is strong, the center will be "fixed". Kai and Kei are auxiliary lines to complete the decision. Therefore, I will briefly talk about "fixed". Samadhi is translated as samadhi, samadhi, etc., and is usually explained as unifying the spirit and concentrating on meditating, but the Buddha taught. In "Samadhi", it means the practice of the Buddhahood method.
The Buddha's practice has an orderly system. It is divided into seven subjects and thirty-seven types of lessons. Therefore, it is called "Seven departments thirty-seven dojos" or "thirty-seven bodhipakkhi method". Since this is a component of the training to fulfill the bodhipakkkki, it is a bodhipakkkaku method, and Abhidharma
It was named by the lay masters.
I call this "seven systems for the Buddhahood, thirty-seven curriculums" in an easy-to-understand manner. It is as follows.
Satipatthana Law | Four Right Exertions Law
Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, and Satipatthana
Seeing day
Shijinsokuho Iddhipada Gokonho)
Indriya method
Gorikiho Five Strengths Shichikaku Shiho Seven Factors of Awakening
Frequently Jin-soku-ho-gon-jin-soku-ho-shin-jin-soku-ho-kan-jin-soku-ho
Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method Psychokinesis Psychokinesis Psychokinesis Psychokinesis Psychokinesis
Seven Factors of Awakening, Yoshimi Support Law, Law, Kikyo Support Law, Light Ankaku Branch Party Support Law, Memorial Support Law
この訓練で、人間ばなれした力が身にそなわりはじめる。 クンダリニー・ヨーガの特殊訓練がはじまる。
慧力法(智力法ともいう) 高度の智慧を身につける訓練である。 私は、求聞持聡明法の修行から始めさせる。
七覚支法は、すべて、クンダリニー・ヨーガの訓練と併合しておこなわれる。 これは、私の発見である。 最初、私は、仏陀の成仏法に挑戦して、まったく歯が立たなかった。手も足も出なかった。 なんとか手がかりをつかもうと、四苦八苦しているうちに、阿含の文献の中に、「ゴータマ・ブッダは・*ヨーガの達人"と呼ばれる」という文章を発見した。
この事を考えているうちに、このヨーガ』は、ラージャ・ヨーガと、クンダリニー・ヨ ーガに違いないと、思いあたった。 それを端緒にして、十数年かかって、私は仏陀の成仏法の秘密を解いた。 まさに・仏陀釈尊は、クンダリニー・ヨーガの達人だったのである。 クンダリニー・ヨーガの体得なくして、仏陀の成仏法には一指もふれることができないであろう。
択 法費支
「択」とは「えらぶ」という意味で、あらゆるもの(法)の中から真実のものをえらび出し、 真実ならざるものは捨て去る智慧の獲得である。 さきにのべた「事物の明確な認識と予知」の力は、この択法覚支から得られるのである。
精進覚支 精進力が、倍加する。
精進努力し、能力が増加、あるいはあたらしい能力を身につけることに喜びを感じ、ます ます訓練に精勤するようになる。どんなにきびしい修行でも、喜びをもって受け入れるよう になる。
それは、クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラを動かすことにより、訓練が楽しくなるホルモ ンを湧出させるからである。
きょうあん 軽 安覚支
軽 安覚支 常に、身心を軽快明朗にして、心が惜冥(暗く濁る)したり、渋滞したりしない修行。 喜覚支をさらに進めたもので、クンダリニー・ヨーガと併合した、特殊な訓練で得られる 能力である。 聖者特有の、のびやかな姿体と、平安で穏やかな人相となってくる。京信念をはなれて、なにごとにも心がかたよったり、心の平静が乱されなくなる。
定覚支定方法について、超人としての能力が飛躍的に強化される。 宿屋なビ力(精神統一)の強化により、感覚器官が増幅される。 この1極限は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くこと 力できるようになる。その結果、天災地変も予知することが可能となる。そこまで到達する ことは容易ではない。この修行によって、聖者たちは、大なり小なり、この能力 るのである。
和心者でも、予感や、予知力が身にそなわる。どんな初心者でも、とにかく えてくることはまちがいない。
この修行を完成した超人の力は、ふつうの人の「常識」を越え、常識を破壊してしまうだ ろう。たとえば
これは、一つの例えであるが、かれの思念の力は、他人の内臓の中にできた腫瘍(ガンな ど)を、その念の集中力で、破壊、あるいは溶かしてしまうことも可能である。仏陀やその 弟子たちは、そのようにして、病人を癒したものである。(ただ、この場合、ガンを破壊して も、破壊されたガン細胞が他に転移するおそれがあるので、ガン細胞そのものを死滅させる ほどの念の力が伴わなければ危険であり、軽々しくこれを行うことはできない。それほどの 力は、仏陀ご自身でなければ持てないのかもしれない。一つの可能性の例として、あげたわ けである)
そんな力は例外としても、念力法、念覚支法を修行した場合、中等程度の者でも、常人の 信じられないような念の力を持つようになる。
いかがであろうか? これが、仏陀釈尊の、弟子たちに教えた「仏法」なのである。
れが、真実の仏教なのだ。あなたがこれまで常識として考えていた仏教とは、大分ちが うのではなかろうか?
多くの人が仏教だと思っている『法華経』とか『阿弥陀経』は、仏陀釈尊がお説きになっ たものではないのである。これら「大乗経典」とよばれる経典は、仏陀がお亡くなりになっ て二、三百年もたってから、無名の人たちによって創作されたものである。だから、これら の経典は、学問的には「創作経典」とよばれているのである。
創作経典の中には、「成仏法」は全く欠落している。一行も書かれていない。当然であろう。 「成仏法」は、仏陀釈尊しか教えることが不可能だからだ。無名の人たちが勝手に創作した大 乗経典に「仏陀の成仏法」が全くないのは、当然至極というべきだろう。 日本の仏教は「大乗仏教」である。つまり、「創作仏教」であって、「仏陀の仏教」ではな い。従って、「仏陀の成仏法」は全くない、というわけである。 日本の仏教徒が、仏陀の成仏法を全く知らない、というのは、ここに原因があるのである。 私は、このことが心から残念でならないのだ。
With this training, the power of being human begins to be acquired. Special training for Kundalini Yoga begins.
Wisdom method (also called intelligence method) This is a training to acquire a high degree of wisdom. I will start by practicing the method of sagacity.
The above five strengths method is used as the basic training, and based on this five strengths method, the next full-scale training will be started.
Seven Party Branch Law
The Seven Factors of Awakening are all combined with the training of Kundalini Yoga. This is my discovery. At first, I challenged the Buddha's Buddhahood method and was completely sick. I couldn't get my hands or legs out. While struggling to get a clue, I found the sentence "Gautama Buddha is called * Yoga Master" in Agama's literature.
While thinking about this, I realized that this yoga must be Raja Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. With that as a starting point, it took me more than a dozen years to unlock the secret of Buddha's Buddhahood. Indeed, Buddha Shaka was a master of Kundalini yoga. Without the knowledge of Kundalini Yoga, one would not be able to touch the Buddha's Buddhahood.
Choice of legal expenses
"Choice" means "selection", and is the acquisition of wisdom to select the true one from all things (laws) and to throw away the untrue one. The power of "clear recognition and prediction of things" mentioned earlier can be obtained from this alternative sense.
Devotion support The devotion power doubles.
I am delighted to work hard, increase my abilities, or acquire new abilities, and I become more and more devoted to training. No matter how hard the training is, you will be happy to accept it.
This is because moving the Kundalini Yoga chakra creates a form that makes training fun.
Today's light safety support
Light and secure training Always keep your body and mind light and clear, and practice so that your mind does not become lonely (dark and muddy) or traffic jams. It is a further advancement of the joyous sensation, and is an ability obtained by special training combined with Kundalini Yoga. The laid-back figure peculiar to the saint and the peaceful and calm face. Beyond the Kyo belief, everything will be stiff and the calmness of the mind will not be disturbed.
It is a practice to abandon the obsession with the subject.
Car cheap. Then, the heart as a saint comes to me.
Jokaku support
The ability as a superhuman will be dramatically strengthened with regard to the method of determining the decency. The sensory organs are amplified by strengthening the inn's power (unification of mind). In this one limit, invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) can be seen, and ultrasonic waves can be heard. As a result, it becomes possible to predict natural disasters. It's not easy for him to get there. By this practice, the saints, more or less, have this ability.
Even a Japanese-minded person has a sense of precognition and precognition. There is no doubt that any beginner will come back.
Seven Factors of Awakening
The power of the superhuman who completed this training will exceed the "common sense" of ordinary people and destroy the common sense. for example
This is an analogy, but the power of his thoughts can destroy or dissolve the tumor (his cancerous throat) that has formed in the internal organs of another person with his concentration. Is. The Buddha and his disciples thus healed the sick. (However, in this case, even if the cancer is destroyed, the destroyed cancer cells may metastasize to other cancer cells, so it is dangerous unless the cancer cells themselves are killed. You can't do that. You may not have that much power unless you are the Buddha himself. I've given it as an example of one possibility.)
With the exception of such powers, if you practice the Psychokinesis Law and the Seven Factors of Awakening Law, even moderate people will have the unbelievable power of psychokinesis of ordinary people.
How about this? This is the "Buddhism" that Buddha Shakuson taught his disciples.
This is true Buddhism. Isn't he Oita different from the Buddhism you used to think of as common sense?
The "Lotus Sutra" and "Amida Sutra", which many people consider to be Buddhism, are not hiss, as Buddha Shaka Nyorai preached. These "Mahayana scriptures" were created by unknown people a few hundred years after the death of the Buddha. Therefore, these scriptures are academically called "creative scriptures".
The "Buddhahood Law" is completely missing in the creative scriptures. No line is written. Naturally. This is because the "Buddhahood Law" can only be taught by Shaka Nyorai. Naturally, it should be said that there is no "Buddha's Buddhahood Law" in the Daijo scriptures created by anonymous people. Buddhism in Japan is "Mahayana Buddhism". In other words, it is "creative Buddhism", not "Buddha Buddhism". Therefore, there is no "Buddha's Buddhahood Law". This is the reason why Japanese Buddhists do not know the Buddha's Buddhahood method at all. I'm really sorry for this.
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
Buddha 2Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
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