ストレステストについての意見 2011.11.11 井野博満
ストレステスト第1回意見聴取会(2011年11月14日)に提出の意見書 アイリーンさんが翻訳
Comments on the Stress Test By Hiromitsu Ino (November 11, 2011)
1.Deliberation of the Stress Test in the Conventional Framework Is Not
The disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station has clearly shown
the presence of deficiencies in the previous safety reviews. The outbreak of the
disaster itself proved defects in the current safety review system as a whole
which consists of the review guidelines of siting, seismic design, safety
design, and safety assessment, as well as in the results of their application to
each plant. Conducting the stress test, whose meaning is yet unclear, while
consideration of these safety guidelines is still under way, will only bring
confusion to the assessment of safety.
It must also be pointed out that the framework of assessment of the stress
test is exactly the same as the conventional safety review. That is to say, the
stress test is conducted and assessed by the operators, the results of the
stress test confirmed by NISA (Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency) after
consideration at the hearings and their plausibility confirmed by NSC (Nuclear
Safety Commission).
To date, the membership of the hearing panel is restricted to so-called
specialists. These specialists, who have been involved in safety reviews up to
now, have “track records” of acting as a mouthpiece of the operators, approving
safety where it is not, and making deceptive scenarios at times. Such a history
should not be forgotten. They cannot be conceived as fair reviewers.
2. Participation of Citizens and Residents Is Necessary
The disaster clearly showed that the risk of NPP is not zero at all but has
been underestimated. The safety myth has completely collapsed. It is clear that
the object of the stress test should not consist in proving “zero risk”, i.e.,
that severe plant accidents will never occur. Therefore, those who might suffer
the damage must be allowed to speak out and judge the appropriateness of the
stress test and the following resuming of operation. It is primarily important
to include representatives of the citizens and residents who are critical of
nuclear power plants as members.
A radical reshuffle of the members and enlargement of the membership of the
hearing panel are also needed. The so-called specialists should remain in the
position of advisers. The hearings must be conducted under fair management.
3.Questions about the procedure of the stress test
A governmental document entitled, “On confirmation of safety of our NPP
(Introduction of safety assessment employing the stress test),” signed by Edano,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) minister, Kaieda former METI
minister, and Nuclear Disaster Minister Hosono on July 11, 2011, states that a
primary assessment shall be conducted to decide whether or not to restart each
of the NPP undergoing regular periodical inspection, and that a secondary
assessment be conducted for all the remaining NPPs in Japan to judge whether or
not to allow continued operation. This is logically inconsistent. Because the
disaster has shown the deficiencies of the current safety assessment and review
system, the operation of all NPPs should first be stopped, and then the test
should be conducted on each of them, without differentiating into those two
The implementation plan of the primary and secondary assessments (NISA,
Reference 3, July 21) requests operators’ secondary assessment reports to be
submitted by the end of 2011. However, when considering that only one primary
assessment report (for Unit 3 of Oi NPP) has so far been submitted at this point
(first part of November 2011), the interval between primary and secondary
assessments is getting closer. Considering these facts and that, in any case,
the contents of the primary and secondary reports will be similar, they should
rather be conducted during the same period rather than separately.
If the objective of the stress test resides in making a final decision over
whether or not to allow operation of Japan’s NPPs, the assessment should not be
made separately on individual NPP, but by assessing all NPPs on a common basis,
after the results of all the stress tests on NPPs awaiting reopening are
submitted. It is only on this comparative approach that we can assess relative
position of each NPP in terms of safety. From my viewpoint that all the NPPs in
Japan are dangerous, such approach would allow us to know which NPPs are “fairly
dangerous” and which are “very dangerous,” thus giving the priority of the
plants to be decommissioned.
Operation was suspended at Hamaoka NPP, but there are many other NPPs that
need similar measures. The No.1 Unit of the Genkai NPP that shows serious
irradiation embrittlement is one such case.
4. Assessment criteria of the stress test are unclear
The reason why I insist on this comparative approach is that the criteria for
the stress test review and eventual decisions are completely unclear. Unclear
judgment criteria will only result in subjective, arbitrary decisions. This
situation must be avoided. As already discussed in comment1, a thorough revision
of the safety guideline should be made first, followed by development of a new
safety standard based on the revised guideline. Subjective and arbitrary safety
assessment should not be undertaken. The results of the stress test can only be
useful for comparing the relative safety (or danger) of each reactor.
5. Necessity to reflect the knowledge gained from causes of the Fukushima
Daiichi accident
The investigation of the Government’s “Inspection and survey committee of the
Fukushima nuclear accident” (a.k.a. Hatamura Committee) is under way, and its
preliminary report is expected to appear by the end of this year. The stress
test should be undertaken based on the new findings to be revealed in the
preliminary report. It is suspected that the ruptures in the pipes and damages
of equipment that lead to the nuclear disaster were caused not only by the
tsunami, but also by the preceding earthquake motion. Water gauge readings of
the nuclear reactor pressure vessel and transition of pressure rise in the
containment vessel both strongly suggest the possibility of the above scenario.
The stress test should reflect such knowledge.
NISA’s implementation plan (July 21, Reference 2) leaves out the Daiichi and
the Daini Fukushima NPPs from the plan, but NPPs hit by the earthquake off the
Pacific Coast of Tohoku (2011 Tohoku earthquake) should also be included in the
stress test, because it could help clarify the cause of the disaster and verify
the effectiveness of the test. The stress tests would be meaningless if it can’t
reproduce what actually (even if not perfectly) happened at the Fukushima
accident. In this sense, the stress test on the devastated NPPs should be
carried out first before undertaking it for the other reactors. NISA should
request TEPCO, Tohoku-Electric Power Co and Japan Atomic Power Company to
immediately conduct stress test for the Daiichi and the Daini Fukushima NPPs,
the Onagawa NPP, and the Tokai Daini NPP.
6. Necessity to revise seismic safety evaluation (seismic back-check)
The fault of Yunodake in Fukushima prefecture moved in the Hamadori Earthquake
(magnitude 7.0) on 11 April; this earthquake is believed to have been triggered
by the 11 March earthquake off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku). Because this fault
had not been acknowledged as an active fault, NISA instructed the operators to
re-inspect faults near NPPs in Japan. The operators answered that none were
active. Are these answers well founded? Are they convincing enough for the local
residents? Shouldn’t we revise and reassess the scale of the standard earthquake
motion which serves as a premise of the stress test based on the hypothesis that
these faults are active?
For instance, in the report of the stress test for Kansai Electric Power
Company’s Oi Unit 3 NPP submitted late October, there is a description of the
presumed standard earthquake motion (700 gal, Attachment 5-(1)-2). But there is
no mention either concerning its reliability or the range of the evaluation.
Neither is there any assessment concerning the possibility of the Kumagawa fault
which is connected to the two active submarine faults near the site moving.
There are many other faults running under the site. If these move, there is a
possibility of important facilities and equipment losing their support base. So
long as it is called a stress test, the test should include assessment of the
maximum earthquake that is considered possible to occur, and the possibility of
earthquake faults moving. The safety overview should be clarified with these
assumptions combined with the response of the facilities and equipment to this.
7. Necessity to reflect the reality of degradation (aging)
Assessment methods used in the stress test are basically analytical methods
(simulations). I have a concern that real-world surveys and diagnosis on the
situation of the actual facilities and equipment are not being performed. Most
of the NPPs are aged (degraded) by long period of operation and do not keep the
initial condition. The stress test must take this reality into consideration.
The implementation plan (July 21, Reference 2) states, “The assessment shall
be conducted on the condition and the management of the plant at any time before
the reporting period.” This could be read that the assessment is done on the
actual condition of the facilities and equipment, but “any time” is not the
“present time”. This then would probably mean that the stress test is based on
examination performed in the past. It means the operators do not have to conduct
new assessments on the present condition of their facilities and equipment. Such
an assessment method is inadequate.
Operators who wish to operate NPP over 30 years are to submit “Aging
technology evaluation report” and are to be assessed on the aging effect. But,
degradation of materials inevitably occurs even in plants that have operated for
less than 30 years. Therefore, the aging effect of facilities and equipment
should be checked and the results should be reflected on the specifications of
the stress test.
For instance, at Oi Unit 3 NPP in 2008, a crack greater than 20 mm deep was
observed at the safe-end welded section of the primary coolant exit nozzle from
the reactor pressure vessel. But operations were resumed by shaving off the
cracked portion and modifying the specification for the construction permit
application document for the pipe wall thickness from 70 mm to 53 mm*. It is
indispensable to check the present state of such degraded points, but this seems
not to be the case (as far as I can see) with the recently submitted
specifications of the stress test.
8. External events other than natural disasters should be covered by the test
The abovementioned implementation plan (Reference 2) refers in its scope to
extreme natural events (earthquake, tsunami) and failure of safety functions
(station black-out, loss of ultimate heat sink). But there exist other critical
events, such as airplane crash, terrorist attack and military attack from other
countries. Defense measures are needed to prevent disasters caused by such
The declaration of ENSREG on May 13, 2011 excludes these external events from
the stress test specifications described in Annex I, but also proposes, in Annex
II, to set up a special working group on risks caused by security threats. This
should also be undertaken in Japan as well.
9. Necessity to evaluate the damage of, and the possible mitigation measures
for severe nuclear accidents
As the risk of a severe accident cannot be zero, it is essential to evaluate
the extent of the anticipated damage and the possible measures to mitigate the
damage. It is only by knowing the dimension of the damage that a sever nuclear
accident could incur that the residents and local governments can estimate the
acceptability of the operation of NPPs. Operators should make such a report, and
include in it damage caused by radioactive contamination following such an
*Translator’s note: The actual thickness of the pipe wall had been 74.6mm. The
crack was 20.3mm thick.
ストレステスト第1回意見聴取会(2011年11月14日)に提出の意見書 アイリーンさんが翻訳
Comments on the Stress Test By Hiromitsu Ino (November 11, 2011)
1.Deliberation of the Stress Test in the Conventional Framework Is Not
The disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station has clearly shown
the presence of deficiencies in the previous safety reviews. The outbreak of the
disaster itself proved defects in the current safety review system as a whole
which consists of the review guidelines of siting, seismic design, safety
design, and safety assessment, as well as in the results of their application to
each plant. Conducting the stress test, whose meaning is yet unclear, while
consideration of these safety guidelines is still under way, will only bring
confusion to the assessment of safety.
It must also be pointed out that the framework of assessment of the stress
test is exactly the same as the conventional safety review. That is to say, the
stress test is conducted and assessed by the operators, the results of the
stress test confirmed by NISA (Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency) after
consideration at the hearings and their plausibility confirmed by NSC (Nuclear
Safety Commission).
To date, the membership of the hearing panel is restricted to so-called
specialists. These specialists, who have been involved in safety reviews up to
now, have “track records” of acting as a mouthpiece of the operators, approving
safety where it is not, and making deceptive scenarios at times. Such a history
should not be forgotten. They cannot be conceived as fair reviewers.
2. Participation of Citizens and Residents Is Necessary
The disaster clearly showed that the risk of NPP is not zero at all but has
been underestimated. The safety myth has completely collapsed. It is clear that
the object of the stress test should not consist in proving “zero risk”, i.e.,
that severe plant accidents will never occur. Therefore, those who might suffer
the damage must be allowed to speak out and judge the appropriateness of the
stress test and the following resuming of operation. It is primarily important
to include representatives of the citizens and residents who are critical of
nuclear power plants as members.
A radical reshuffle of the members and enlargement of the membership of the
hearing panel are also needed. The so-called specialists should remain in the
position of advisers. The hearings must be conducted under fair management.
3.Questions about the procedure of the stress test
A governmental document entitled, “On confirmation of safety of our NPP
(Introduction of safety assessment employing the stress test),” signed by Edano,
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) minister, Kaieda former METI
minister, and Nuclear Disaster Minister Hosono on July 11, 2011, states that a
primary assessment shall be conducted to decide whether or not to restart each
of the NPP undergoing regular periodical inspection, and that a secondary
assessment be conducted for all the remaining NPPs in Japan to judge whether or
not to allow continued operation. This is logically inconsistent. Because the
disaster has shown the deficiencies of the current safety assessment and review
system, the operation of all NPPs should first be stopped, and then the test
should be conducted on each of them, without differentiating into those two
The implementation plan of the primary and secondary assessments (NISA,
Reference 3, July 21) requests operators’ secondary assessment reports to be
submitted by the end of 2011. However, when considering that only one primary
assessment report (for Unit 3 of Oi NPP) has so far been submitted at this point
(first part of November 2011), the interval between primary and secondary
assessments is getting closer. Considering these facts and that, in any case,
the contents of the primary and secondary reports will be similar, they should
rather be conducted during the same period rather than separately.
If the objective of the stress test resides in making a final decision over
whether or not to allow operation of Japan’s NPPs, the assessment should not be
made separately on individual NPP, but by assessing all NPPs on a common basis,
after the results of all the stress tests on NPPs awaiting reopening are
submitted. It is only on this comparative approach that we can assess relative
position of each NPP in terms of safety. From my viewpoint that all the NPPs in
Japan are dangerous, such approach would allow us to know which NPPs are “fairly
dangerous” and which are “very dangerous,” thus giving the priority of the
plants to be decommissioned.
Operation was suspended at Hamaoka NPP, but there are many other NPPs that
need similar measures. The No.1 Unit of the Genkai NPP that shows serious
irradiation embrittlement is one such case.
4. Assessment criteria of the stress test are unclear
The reason why I insist on this comparative approach is that the criteria for
the stress test review and eventual decisions are completely unclear. Unclear
judgment criteria will only result in subjective, arbitrary decisions. This
situation must be avoided. As already discussed in comment1, a thorough revision
of the safety guideline should be made first, followed by development of a new
safety standard based on the revised guideline. Subjective and arbitrary safety
assessment should not be undertaken. The results of the stress test can only be
useful for comparing the relative safety (or danger) of each reactor.
5. Necessity to reflect the knowledge gained from causes of the Fukushima
Daiichi accident
The investigation of the Government’s “Inspection and survey committee of the
Fukushima nuclear accident” (a.k.a. Hatamura Committee) is under way, and its
preliminary report is expected to appear by the end of this year. The stress
test should be undertaken based on the new findings to be revealed in the
preliminary report. It is suspected that the ruptures in the pipes and damages
of equipment that lead to the nuclear disaster were caused not only by the
tsunami, but also by the preceding earthquake motion. Water gauge readings of
the nuclear reactor pressure vessel and transition of pressure rise in the
containment vessel both strongly suggest the possibility of the above scenario.
The stress test should reflect such knowledge.
NISA’s implementation plan (July 21, Reference 2) leaves out the Daiichi and
the Daini Fukushima NPPs from the plan, but NPPs hit by the earthquake off the
Pacific Coast of Tohoku (2011 Tohoku earthquake) should also be included in the
stress test, because it could help clarify the cause of the disaster and verify
the effectiveness of the test. The stress tests would be meaningless if it can’t
reproduce what actually (even if not perfectly) happened at the Fukushima
accident. In this sense, the stress test on the devastated NPPs should be
carried out first before undertaking it for the other reactors. NISA should
request TEPCO, Tohoku-Electric Power Co and Japan Atomic Power Company to
immediately conduct stress test for the Daiichi and the Daini Fukushima NPPs,
the Onagawa NPP, and the Tokai Daini NPP.
6. Necessity to revise seismic safety evaluation (seismic back-check)
The fault of Yunodake in Fukushima prefecture moved in the Hamadori Earthquake
(magnitude 7.0) on 11 April; this earthquake is believed to have been triggered
by the 11 March earthquake off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku). Because this fault
had not been acknowledged as an active fault, NISA instructed the operators to
re-inspect faults near NPPs in Japan. The operators answered that none were
active. Are these answers well founded? Are they convincing enough for the local
residents? Shouldn’t we revise and reassess the scale of the standard earthquake
motion which serves as a premise of the stress test based on the hypothesis that
these faults are active?
For instance, in the report of the stress test for Kansai Electric Power
Company’s Oi Unit 3 NPP submitted late October, there is a description of the
presumed standard earthquake motion (700 gal, Attachment 5-(1)-2). But there is
no mention either concerning its reliability or the range of the evaluation.
Neither is there any assessment concerning the possibility of the Kumagawa fault
which is connected to the two active submarine faults near the site moving.
There are many other faults running under the site. If these move, there is a
possibility of important facilities and equipment losing their support base. So
long as it is called a stress test, the test should include assessment of the
maximum earthquake that is considered possible to occur, and the possibility of
earthquake faults moving. The safety overview should be clarified with these
assumptions combined with the response of the facilities and equipment to this.
7. Necessity to reflect the reality of degradation (aging)
Assessment methods used in the stress test are basically analytical methods
(simulations). I have a concern that real-world surveys and diagnosis on the
situation of the actual facilities and equipment are not being performed. Most
of the NPPs are aged (degraded) by long period of operation and do not keep the
initial condition. The stress test must take this reality into consideration.
The implementation plan (July 21, Reference 2) states, “The assessment shall
be conducted on the condition and the management of the plant at any time before
the reporting period.” This could be read that the assessment is done on the
actual condition of the facilities and equipment, but “any time” is not the
“present time”. This then would probably mean that the stress test is based on
examination performed in the past. It means the operators do not have to conduct
new assessments on the present condition of their facilities and equipment. Such
an assessment method is inadequate.
Operators who wish to operate NPP over 30 years are to submit “Aging
technology evaluation report” and are to be assessed on the aging effect. But,
degradation of materials inevitably occurs even in plants that have operated for
less than 30 years. Therefore, the aging effect of facilities and equipment
should be checked and the results should be reflected on the specifications of
the stress test.
For instance, at Oi Unit 3 NPP in 2008, a crack greater than 20 mm deep was
observed at the safe-end welded section of the primary coolant exit nozzle from
the reactor pressure vessel. But operations were resumed by shaving off the
cracked portion and modifying the specification for the construction permit
application document for the pipe wall thickness from 70 mm to 53 mm*. It is
indispensable to check the present state of such degraded points, but this seems
not to be the case (as far as I can see) with the recently submitted
specifications of the stress test.
8. External events other than natural disasters should be covered by the test
The abovementioned implementation plan (Reference 2) refers in its scope to
extreme natural events (earthquake, tsunami) and failure of safety functions
(station black-out, loss of ultimate heat sink). But there exist other critical
events, such as airplane crash, terrorist attack and military attack from other
countries. Defense measures are needed to prevent disasters caused by such
The declaration of ENSREG on May 13, 2011 excludes these external events from
the stress test specifications described in Annex I, but also proposes, in Annex
II, to set up a special working group on risks caused by security threats. This
should also be undertaken in Japan as well.
9. Necessity to evaluate the damage of, and the possible mitigation measures
for severe nuclear accidents
As the risk of a severe accident cannot be zero, it is essential to evaluate
the extent of the anticipated damage and the possible measures to mitigate the
damage. It is only by knowing the dimension of the damage that a sever nuclear
accident could incur that the residents and local governments can estimate the
acceptability of the operation of NPPs. Operators should make such a report, and
include in it damage caused by radioactive contamination following such an
*Translator’s note: The actual thickness of the pipe wall had been 74.6mm. The
crack was 20.3mm thick.