

Mexican food

2009-09-14 22:07:24 | 草英語
I ate guacamole today.

It's made from avocado, onion, lemon, and … 

A staff member of SS who came from Mexico made it.
He is a cheerful nice man.

The taste was so nice.

And we ate mazapan(マサパン).
It's made from peanut.

And we ate ate(アテ).
It's made from guava.

Then one more thing we ate … I forgot the name.

I had a lot of fun.

* 携帯で写した写真をupしたかったのだけれど
  モバイルカメラで撮ったので upできず…
  ひとつ 学びました。  
  う~ん 残念 

  でも とっても楽しかったデス。
   ありがと Fくん