[0004] Home hemodialysis ("HHD") has declined in the last twenty years even though the clinical outcomes of this modality are more attractive than conventional hemodialysis
One of the drawbacks of home hemodialysis is the need for a dedicated water treatment, which includes equipment, water connection and drainage.
Installing and using those components is a difficult and cumbersome task that can require a patient's home to be modified.
Nevertheless, there are benefits to daily hemodialysis treatments versus bi- or tri-weekly visits to a treatment center.
In particular, a patient receiving more frequent treatments removes more toxins and waste products than a patient receiving less frequent but perhaps longer treatments.
[0036] When a single laser line is used, the length of the line is advantageously equal to the width of the substrate.
This length is typically at least 1 m, in particular 2 m and even 3 m.
It is also possible to use several lines, separated or not separated, but positioned so as to treat the entire width of the substrate.
3. Full-field ERGs before and after the assigned diet. Animals were dark adapted for at least 12 hours.
Each animal was anesthetized with a ketamine/xylazine cocktail, pupils dilated and the animal stabilized on a 370C warming pad.
ERG tracings were recorded using a platinum iridium wire loop electrode placed in contact with the eye along with a drop of 2.5% hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
Mice were placed in a photopic stimulator chamber where the animal was exposed to flashes of light (max intensity of 1000 cd-s/m2 attenuate in 1 log steps, starting from 0.0005).
マウスを明順応刺激装置(photopic stimulator)のチャンバ-に入れ、ここで、この動物をフラッシュ光(0.0005から開始し、1対数段階(log step)で減衰する1000cd-s/m2の最大輝度)に曝露した。
The a-wave amplitude was measured from baseline to the a-wave trough, and the b-wave amplitude was measured from the a-wave trough to the b-wave peak.
For the baboons, 10 mg/kg thymoglobulin IV on POD -1, 0, +1, and +2;
10 mg/kg mycophenolate mofetil PO BID on POD -1, POD 0 and thereafter 2.5 mg/kg BID;
and 0.02 mg/kg FK506 IM BID starting on POD -1 , adjusted to maintain trough levels of 4-6 ng/mL, were used.
およびPOD-1から開始して0.02mg/kg FK506を筋肉内投与で1日2回、4~6ng/mLの値を維持するように調整して使用した。
For the cynomolgus monkey, 1 mg/kg Daclizumab IV on POD -1 and 1 mg/kg IV every 2 weeks thereafter for a total of 5 doses,
0.05 mg/kg rapamycin IM BID on POD -1 and -1, 0.025 mg/kg IM BID thereafter, adjusted to maintain trough levels of 15-20 ng/mL;
and 0.02 mg/kg FK506 IM BID starting on POD - 1 , adjusted to maintain trough levels of 4-6 ng/mL.
POD-1に開始して、4~6ng/mLの値を維持するように調節して0.02mg/kg FK506を1日2回筋肉内投与した。
As noted above, the device 10 interrupts the current in both directions of the AC current flow yielding(*現在分詞(結果);遮断することにより~を生じる)a balanced and substantially equal voltage and current flow duration on both sides of the current oscillation during each conventional one second duty cycle of an AC current flow.
By providing current interruptions for a plurality of substantially equal microsecond intervals, on both sides of the current oscillation, for a substantially equal total current interruption on both sides of the current oscillation, as graphically depicted in figure 4, the interruptions remain substantially invisible to the load 22 attached to the circuit 12.
This solves the problem caused by prior art(*無冠詞)that uses one or few very long current interruptions which can cause the aforementioned failures on the device using the current.
Of course multiple switch means 16 on one or both legs sides of a two-phase circuit 12 to the load may be used to adjust for the different characteristics the load component requires and for different current and voltage requirements of the circuit as depicted in figure 2.
[0025] Accelerometer 22 of the present invention may be used, for example, as a single device to monitor structure 10 directly, in an array of similar such accelerometers to monitor structure 10.