#朝まで生テレビ 。40分前に終了。オバマ大統領の広島訪問、トランプ現象等について議論。番組開始直前の風景。 #asamdetv pic.twitter.com/xZUOuK6bXq
Hillary Clinton has consistently trashed,attacked and harassed the countless women Bill Clinton raped and brutalized pic.twitter.com/aaSsnfBAZV
【不肖・宮嶋 コラコラ記】“寝返り”で知事の座を奪った舛添・翁長両氏 政党政治家に政治理念はないんか - ZAKZAK zakzak.co.jp/society/domest… @zakdesk
以前、ネットで話題となったおつまみをつくってみたぞい!チーズたらをクッキングシートに並べて、レンジで2分ほど加熱!するとサクサクの「チーズたらスナック」が出来上がり!ウイスキーにぴったりじゃったよ! pic.twitter.com/bGhoYjYqrq
Hillary Clinton wants to take away our 2nd amendment rights pic.twitter.com/D8Dk6zCzMc
The Inspector General's report on Crooked Hillary Clinton is a disaster. Such bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed in the W.H.
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. @TomBarrackJr for the wonderful and magical evening last night. It will not be forgotten. #Trump2016
I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be Native American to get in Harvard.
My wife @MELANIATRUMP, and my children will be featured on @FoxNews with @Greta- 7pmE. Enjoy!
#MeetTheTrumps #Trump2016
Today we, together, won the Republican Nomination for President! instagram.com/p/BF41LOUmhRp/
Poll data shows that @marcorubio does by far the best in holding onto his Senate seat in Florida. Important to keep the MAJORITY. Run Marco!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
donaldjtrump.com/press-releases… pic.twitter.com/WjI8Rx11no
Bill O'Reilly doing a major special on @OreillyFactor tonight- @FoxNews at 8pmE. Watch it, should be good! #Trump2016
#SandersTrumpDebateNames Hillary Clinton continues to lie in the face of State IG report gop.cm/pCSDvQ pic.twitter.com/NQRNMLEoig
Hillary Clinton wants to get rid of paid leave for women when they have a baby pic.twitter.com/4EeQkP8nvM
At least 3 emails belonging to Hillary Clinton related to the set up of her secret server were never turned over bigstory.ap.org/article/5a0fb5…
DEPOSITION PREP: What will we learn from Cheryl Mills about Hillary Clinton's secret server? gop.cm/2TVrLD pic.twitter.com/0a3Y7NchPR
高坂穂乃果?可愛いと思ったら、リツイート!! #ラブライブ #スクフェス #アニヲタ pic.twitter.com/IrnwCQpKXu
yomiuri.co.jp/national/20160… pic.twitter.com/epFzgZ0a1o
小津さーん!って、、 pic.twitter.com/TkS7BTDgPU