『スクフェス』1時間でUR2枚ゲットした件 ⇒ goo.gl/NRAanW #11連特勧 #覚醒 #ゲーム攻略 pic.twitter.com/6bWpIxr47y
【甘利氏現金授受問題】甘利氏から任意聴取 31日にも不起訴 東京地検特捜部 sankei.com/affairs/news/1… pic.twitter.com/fjmk3dxUji
BBCニュース- 米動物園のゴリラ射殺に批判相次ぐ 4歳児が飼育エリアに転落 bbc.com/japanese/36411… pic.twitter.com/xCxZeDtLst
Subliminal 'Remain' message in some EU Referendum postal votes (a 'fair' one is also shown) breitbart.com/london/2016/05… pic.twitter.com/BQvslZLE6F
studio→@pon_pollo pic.twitter.com/wSldcEp34n
黒人洗うとアジア人に変身…中国洗剤会社のCM、謝罪し放映中止に。中国では3月から放映されていたが、特に関心を呼ぶことはなかったといい、人種差別問題に対する中国社会の鈍さが浮き彫りに(サンスポ編集部) ow.ly/WioH300Iw5n #中国 #china
Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after @BillKristol says independent candidate could run fxn.ws/1qX2d0k
BOB DOLE BACKS TRUMP He encourages fellow Republicans to get behind @realDonaldTrump cnn.it/27X4bQf pic.twitter.com/oiSGllV7fK
さて、この後はどうなるか?? twitter.com/Sankei_news/st…
bit.ly/1Erb1e9 pic.twitter.com/7wSseAta0O
I have raised/given a tremendous amount of money to our great VETERANS, and have got nothing but bad publicity for doing so. Watch!
I have a judge in the Trump University civil case, Gonzalo Curiel (San Diego), who is very unfair. An Obama pick. Totally biased-hates Trump
I should have easily won the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is totally biased against me.
"@FrankyLamouche: how many of donald's rolling thunder brigade will sign up and go to war for him in the middle east."
"@MariaErnandez3b: Trump Supports Rolling Thunder Rally #TRUMP STRONG pic.twitter.com/pfVXQ8NdZu" So true, and remember the M.I.A.'s!
"@ScottWRasmussen: Donald Trump and Bikers Share Affection at Rolling Thunder Rally nyti.ms/1NXyK1v" A great day in D.C.!
"@TeaPartyNevada: #Trump2016 "Illegals are taken care of better than our veterans." dailym.ai/27YaPWn pic.twitter.com/1cEZ8wG7Cy"
Obama says a WALL at our southern border won't enhance our security (wrong) and yet he now wants to build a much bigger wall (fence) at W.H.