今年に入って、Interimですが、2人、Associate Deanが雇用されました。面接も何もなく、Dean/AVPが勝手に雇った人たちです。
そのうちの一人が、語学研修所のこれまたInterimのDirectorに今後リクルートはしないで、と注意する時に、Cease and Desist!と言ったらしい。これって、警察用語では?
最近、Lady Gagaの歌でMillion Reasonsという曲を聴く度に、あ~これって私の今の仕事に対する気持ちだな~って笑ってしまう。
cease and de·sist
denoting a legally enforceable order from a court or government agency directing someone to stop engaging in a particular activity."they received a cease-and-desist order for conducting unlicensed property management activities"
denoting a cautionary notice detailing the sender's complaint of alleged wrongdoing by the recipient and threatening legal action if the offending activity is not stopped.noun: cease-and-desist letter; plural noun: cease-and-desist letters"she sent a cease-and-desist letter last July urging them to stop using the name.