


2017-03-31 22:35:25 | 日常
Well, it will be continued to talk a slight horror stories.
This is a real happening a neighbor student talked to me.
He learns some subjects in order to strengthen his study at another school, after going his formal school.
It was cold day in early spring.
He and his mates asked the teacher to heat up his class room.
The teacher brought an oil heater into the room.
All of them were looking forward to it, because they tried to use it for the first time.
After several minutes, special odor was spreading around there.
One of his mates shouted.
“How terrible this smell is! “
Then, another boy said.

”I guess this is gas you emitted.”
“No! My gas has not so much rotten smell as this air has!”

It really seemed the very rotten smell.
The teacher declared.
"Be quiet! This is because I changed the oil of this heater into kitchen oil which should be thrown out.
I had dismantled the oil heater last night."
“Why did you do that?”
All students required the teacher to explain it.
The teacher said “I thought to cut cost is good for the environment.”

The neighbor boy now gets along with the teacher, though, he is saying this event has reversed the role of adult and children.

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2017-03-31 19:51:14 | 日常
Well, it will be continued to talk a slight horror stories.
My son was running by his bicycle on the street, last evening.
Then, he passed an old man who were riding the man's bicycle.
After a few seconds, he heard of the sound that something clashed, he turned his face to the old man.
The old man capsized his bicycle, and he was lying on the street.
Getting off his bicycle, my son helped the man get up.
Then, my son was filled with nice feelings.
But , the old man insulted my son.
“This is because you startled me, with riding bicycle!”
My son has become cold.

After then, when he talked this incident to me, he said.
“I'm a young man and I have sturdy body.
But the old man was thin and small.
So, I understand his mind. But, his comment was terrible reason for me.
Mam, what better would l do? ”
“If you were a walker, most people didn't believe such a reason that the old man said.
But, both of you and him were riding, you had disadvantage of the accidents.”
I responded.
“If I met such struggling one, it is good for me to desert him? ”
“It's too difficult to answer. But, when you never failed, it might be good.”

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