prevalent (形容詞)流行している
【Handwriting (名詞: 手書き)】
Your handwriting looks so nice. (あなたの手書きはとても素敵ですね)
Her handwriting is nearly impossible to read. (彼女の手書きの字はほとんど読めない)
handwritten (形容詞: 手書きの)
I'm very happy to receive something handwritten. (手書きの何かをもらうととてもうれしいです)
He has good/ beautiful handwriting. (彼は字がきれいだ)
I have bad/ poor handwriting. (私は字がきたない)
【The reason ~~is・・・・ ~の理由は・・・です】
My reason for ~ing
My reason for not ~ing
The reason I can't go to the party with you is I have to get up early tomorrow.
=My reason for not being able to go to the party with you is I have to get up early tomorrow.
The reason I haven't called you recently is (because) I have been busy.
=My reason for not calling you recently is I have been busy.
The reason the driver had an accident is (because) he fell asleep at the wheel.
His reason for having an accident is he fell asleep at the wheel.
【I was wrong about~/ I made a mistake about~】
I was wrong about the price. / I made a mistake about the price. 私はその値段を間違えました
I was wrong about how much the book is. 私はその本がいくらかを間違えました
Do you know when the party starts? パーティーがいつ始まるかご存知ですか
I was wrong about when the party starts. 私はパーティーがいつ始まるか間違えました(パーティーはこれから)
I was wrong about when the party started. 私はパーティーがいつ始まるかを間違えました(パーティーが終わったあとに時間を間違えていたと気がつく)
I was wrong about when she will go to America. 私は彼女がいつアメリカに行くかを間違えた
I was wrong about the heights of the mountain.(mountain's heights)私はその山の高さについて間違えた
I was wrong about how long it takes to go to Tokyo. / I made a mistake about how long it takes to go to Tokyo. 私は東京までどのくらい時間がかかるか間違えた
I was wrong about when a new iPhone comes out. 私は新しいアイフォンがいつ発売されるか間違えた
I made a mistake about when a new iPhone comes out. 私は新しいアイフォンがいつ発売されるか間違えた
I took the wrong bus. バスを間違えた
You're asking the wrong person. (直訳:君は聞く相手を間違えている)他の人に聞いて
I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number. 失礼ですが、番号をお間違えではないでしょうか
Your handwriting looks so nice. (あなたの手書きはとても素敵ですね)
Her handwriting is nearly impossible to read. (彼女の手書きの字はほとんど読めない)
handwritten (形容詞: 手書きの)
I'm very happy to receive something handwritten. (手書きの何かをもらうととてもうれしいです)
He has good/ beautiful handwriting. (彼は字がきれいだ)
I have bad/ poor handwriting. (私は字がきたない)
【The reason ~~is・・・・ ~の理由は・・・です】
My reason for not ~ing
The reason I can't go to the party with you is I have to get up early tomorrow.
=My reason for not being able to go to the party with you is I have to get up early tomorrow.
The reason I haven't called you recently is (because) I have been busy.
=My reason for not calling you recently is I have been busy.
The reason the driver had an accident is (because) he fell asleep at the wheel.
His reason for having an accident is he fell asleep at the wheel.
【I was wrong about~/ I made a mistake about~】
I was wrong about the price. / I made a mistake about the price. 私はその値段を間違えました
I was wrong about how much the book is. 私はその本がいくらかを間違えました
Do you know when the party starts? パーティーがいつ始まるかご存知ですか
I was wrong about when the party starts. 私はパーティーがいつ始まるか間違えました(パーティーはこれから)
I was wrong about when the party started. 私はパーティーがいつ始まるかを間違えました(パーティーが終わったあとに時間を間違えていたと気がつく)
I was wrong about when she will go to America. 私は彼女がいつアメリカに行くかを間違えた
I was wrong about the heights of the mountain.(mountain's heights)私はその山の高さについて間違えた
I was wrong about how long it takes to go to Tokyo. / I made a mistake about how long it takes to go to Tokyo. 私は東京までどのくらい時間がかかるか間違えた
I was wrong about when a new iPhone comes out. 私は新しいアイフォンがいつ発売されるか間違えた
I made a mistake about when a new iPhone comes out. 私は新しいアイフォンがいつ発売されるか間違えた
I took the wrong bus. バスを間違えた
You're asking the wrong person. (直訳:君は聞く相手を間違えている)他の人に聞いて
I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number. 失礼ですが、番号をお間違えではないでしょうか