“-What I especially love about her playing is not just the spontaneity but the sense of wonder and exploration she brings in such movements as the opening Prelude to the D-Minor Suite:”
“Ogawa’s is special in so many ways: in her lovely sense of pacing; in the extreme, yet tasteful ornamentation that adds to the work’s momentum; in the gorgeous colors she elicits from her chosen instrument (here, one by Klaus Ahrend, 1973, after Johann Daniel Dulken); the beautiful clarity of articulation and balancing of voices; and not least of all, in the gorgeous way she characterizes each and every variation, with an understanding of not just what came before, but what is to come.
The recording was captured in a crystal-clear acoustic, one that allows every nuance to be heard, though one that never sacrifices the total sonic atmosphere.”
“—do yourself a favor and take a listen to this release. You may hear qualities that you’ve never been aware of before. And you may be surprised at just how dynamic the instrument can be in the right hands.” © 2024 Fanfare