Manwatching(PART 1 OF 3)

It's about time you get out!
Tues., June 11, 2013 10:18 P.M.
(Pacific Daylight Saving Time)
Hi Kato,
Thanks for the following interesting article.

■"Banana @ Eden"
Well I never considered the apples to bananas possibility to tell you the truth.
oh, that Saint Jerome.
Fig leaves?

Well, you ARE a student .. albeit with a naughty mind.
But what can we do?
My Anglican church cautions us to take the Bible as a metaphor, not as a literal text, so the details we are told aren't important.
Moreover, it is the message that Jesus is trying to teach through his parables that we can most benefit from.
Or something like that.
We're all learning, isn't that true?

It's about time you get out and chase some real live women, kiddo.
I'll have to keep looking for a good one for you.
I will. You're ready I can see.

Luv, Diane ~
Yes, yes, yes... I'm looking!

Thurs., June 20, 2013 3:55 P.M.
(Pacific Daylight Saving Time)
Hi Diane,
So you've never considered the apples to bananas possibility, eh?
Oh yeeessss, I'm always a keen and enthusiastic student who is quite anxious to learn how to lead a good life.

Well ... your Anglican church is quite right.
Take the Bible as a metaphor, not as a literal text, so the details we are told aren't important.
Yes, it is the message that Jesus is trying to teach through his parables that we can most benefit from.

Yes, yes, yes ... you're right. We're all learning.
That's the reason I always try to be a keen and enthusiastic student.
I certainly wanna learn how to lead a good life.

"It's about time you get out and chase some real live women, kiddo."

"Yes, yes, yes ... I definitely want to take your advice!"
"I'll have to keep looking for a good one for you. I will. You're ready I can see."
"You bet on that, Diane. By the way, I have a story to tell you."

Yesterday, I was working at my usual "blue" computer on the 6th floor in the central library.
Totally absorbed, I was writing an article about "Cassiopeia Express"---the Japanese version of "Orient Express."
Although written in Japanese, this article might as well give you a bliss of watching nice and fabulous pictures.

■"Cassiopeia Express"
I was almost finishied with the above article when an old goofy-lookin man---apparently pensioner---disturbed me, saying "Excuse me, do you work here?"
It's obvious! I was hard-working!---entirely absorbed in finishing up my story at the blue "intranet" computer!
Although he looked goofy, he was not feeble-minded, if not mentally retarted.
But his pronunciation was not quite discernible to my ears.
"I forgot to pick up blah blah blah ... at this table."
"Well ... I started to working here a couple of hours ago. How long ago was it?"
"A long time ago ... maybe four or five days ago."
"Five days ago? ... Oh, well... I found nothing at this table when I came here."
Then I took a close look at him.
The old man was a white-native Canadian---not an immigrant.
He gave me an impression of sleep-walking or being drunk, but he looked sober---with no smell of alcohol.
Then all of a sudden, the man in his late twenties sitting across the table talked to me.
"Oh, no ... no ... he was asking you if you worked here for the library."
I was tottaly puzzled at the moment.
Why did the old man ask me, instead of the young man sitting across the table?
He and I were working at the same table.
He was also a white-native Canadian who looked more like a librarian than I did.
Then suddenly a moment of truth hit me hard!
Yes, yes, yes, ... I was always sitting at this table.
So he must have seen me sitting at the same table several times before.
I come here almost everyday.
No wonder the old man asked me, instead of the young man sitting across the table.
I had the same experience when I talked to Sylvie for the first time.

That was two years ago.
I was hard-working at the "blue" computer on the 5th floor---completely absorbed in finishing up my story when power failed in the whole library.
Oh, no! ... No way! ... An entire two-hour work had gone!
I was devastated!
Sylvie happened to work at the table beside mine.
She might have observed how hopelessly depressed I was at the time.
She talked to me soothingly and we talked about an hour or so.
Then she told me, "I knew your name, Kato."
"Oh, did you? Why is that?"
"...'Cause you and Diane always sat side by side whenever I dropped in at Joe Fortes. I sat across the table and heard you two talk from time to time. That's how I came to know your name."
You see, Diane, people are WATCHING!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ...
Your smiling Bohemian, Kato
with a lot of love

(To be followed)