すでに妃ヤショーダラーとのあいだに、一子ラーフラRahula 4生まれていた。家系を絶たないことが、インドでは家主たる者の第一の義務であったから、今や安心して家を出ることができる。かれは、王宮の人たちの妨害をおそれて、夜半ひそかに王宮をのがれ出た。国境に達して、従者と乗馬とを帰して、自分の決意を父王に告げさせた。
シャカが、当時の修道者たちの習慣にしたがって、首都ラージャガハRajagaha(ラージャグリハ 王舎城)の街路を托鉢しているのを宮殿からながめた国王ビンビサーラBimbisaraは、常人とちがったシャカの外見や態度にひかれ、わざわざ郊外に食事を終えたかれをたずね、その素性をきき、政治や軍事の面で自分に協力してくれるようたのんだが、シャカは、求道の決意をのべてことわった。王はしかたなく、修行が完成したら、自分を教え導いてくれるよう頼んだ。その
Four Gates
When he leaves the palace to admire the royal forest, he once fell for the deceased old man who was struggling to the side of the road, sometimes for the sick in pain, and sometimes for the mourning dead of his relatives. It is said that he met a holy monk at a funeral occasion at one time, even if it was divine. "Even if the narrative of the Four Gates L is a legend, it is an observation of the fate of mankind in general in his heart. It will show your heart.
Finally, he decides to leave the court to find out how he and mankind can overcome this destiny, or to solve this problem that has taken his heart day and night.
一 I was already born with one of my daughters, Rahula Rahula 4, with Yashodalar. It is now safe to leave home because indigenous families were the primary duty of landlords in India. He escaped the palace secretly in the middle of the night, fearing the disturbance of the palace people. He reached the border, returned his servant and his horseback, and let his father know his resolve.
In the Royal Palace, he grieved as if the pearl in his palm had been concealed, but he had to find out his will, knowing that the Prince had no change.
According to old sources, Shaka was 29 years old.
Meet King Vinvisara
He went to the southern country of Magada, where many religious people lived at the time.
Magada was located at the south of the Ganges River, and was the newest at the time, after Kosala in the northwest.
King Bimbisara, who looked from the palace to see the shaka begging for the streets of the capital Rajagaha (royal castle), following the customs of the religious people of the time, was distracted by the appearance and attitude of Shaka, unlike ordinary people. Asking him to finish his meal in the suburbs, he asked him to identify himself and help him in politics and the military, but Shaka stated that he was determined to seek out. The king reluctantly asked him to guide himself when the training was completed. That
On the street, later, after Shaka's passage, the king became an avid believer according to Shaka's teachings.