望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます
Anniversary of Mitsuo Jusei
A person with a desire visits. Something unexpected happens. Good cause and good effect. The day when we should act in a spiritual manner with the grace of God, parents, society, sentient beings, and things.
A good day to start something.
Good results can be achieved by boldly challenging things that are at risk or hesitant.
It's a day when your imagination will increase and your intuition will be clear, so please take on the challenge even in completely unknown fields.