[0017] In yet another aspect of the invention, detectors are provided to detect X-rays, light, or both.
Detectors may be positioned at the side of the column near the sample and oriented generally toward the intersection of the primary beam and the sample surface.
One, two three, four, or more detectors can be positioned around the optical axis.
Portions of the final electrode in the final lens may fall along the line-of-sight between the detectors and the sample.
By providing a transmissive final lens element, the final lens element can be positioned closer to the sample, thereby decreasing the working distance while still allowing emissions to reach one or more detectors.
By providing transmissive elements, the elevation angle between the sample and the detector can be increased because a line of sight from the sample to the detector is no longer required to extend under the final lens element.
Moreover, the acceptance angle of the detector can be increased.
さらに、検出器の取り込み角(acceptance angle)を大きくすることができる。
The acceptance cone that defines the emissions from the sample that will fall on the detector can pass through the transmissive portion of the lens elements, allowing higher elevation angles and larger acceptance angles.
[0039] After the deposition cycles, the substrates were transferred in-situ to the ultra-high vacuum chamber for XPS and STM analysis.
For the XPS measurement, the X-rays were generated by an Al Kα anode (1486.7 eV).
XPS測定において、X線はAl Kαアノード(1486.7eV)によって生成された。
XPS data was acquired using constant analyzer-energy (CAE) with a step width of 0.1 eV and a pass energy of 50 eV.
XPSデータは、0.1eVのステップ幅と50eVのパスエネルギーを有するconstant analyzer-energy(CAE)を使用して取得された
The XPS detector was positioned at 60° to the substrate normal (30° take-off angle from the substrate surface) with a detector-acceptance angle of 7°.
[0028] The camera system 185 may be deployed in different locations within a tank 180.
[0028] カメラシステム185は、タンク180内の異なる場所に配備することができる。
In general, the camera system 185 may be located at a position in the tank 180
that enables images of good quality, e.g., clear images of fish without blurriness and optimal capture angle and view, to be captured by the camera system 185.
For example, as illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1 B, the camera system 185 may be located in a relatively central location of the tank 180.
The camera system 185 may be held in position in the tank 180 in various ways such as by using a surface buoy, sub- surface buoys, fixed structures, or cable lines.
where n is the index of refraction of the immersion fluid and a is the acceptance angle of the lens.