


2005年05月11日 | 人権

Commission/Sub-Commission Team
(1503 Procedure) 
Support Services Branch,
Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Subject: Compulson of `Kimigayo`(national anthem of Japan)

Dear Sirs,

As I wish to bring to the working group’s attention during its next meeting, I enclose further information concerning the captioned subject that follows 1503 procedures.

Sincerelly yours,

Following is the information from many teachers.
It might be a large-scale suppression by the prosecution, the police and the administration to the right of freedom of expression and conscience systematically.
It enters this year in addition to suppression to the citizens, and the intervention of the police to the academic training has become violent.

In the Nozuta high school in Tokyo, two people who had been doing the flyer scattering were arrested by the reason of having entered on the premises and a dwelling trespass crime. It is quite the same reason of Tachikawa event. Two people distributed bills between the school gate and the road and were arrested. I hear from the teacher who knows the situation of this school well and he said that it was a place not thought to become "Dwelling invasion" when something is done there.

In the Kudan high school in Tokyo, one wagon car, one police car, and seven plainclothesmen wandered the opponent on the road and the people who distributed bills were threatened . The plainclothesman had come also to Ichigaya Commercial High School in Tokyo.

It suppresses to the flyer scattering by using the police authority power, and then the graduation ceremony and the entrance ceremony are managed. This year, the freedom of the expression and the freedom of the conscience of the teacher, students, and the citizens are violated on a large scale.






People are protesting against the sub-principal of Nozuta high school in Tokyo.


This figure shows the one that the vicinity of front gate of Nozuta high school. The Nozuta high school is on the hill ground, and the space of the rotary is considerably wide.

The sub-principal said: “ I noted to two men that they must clear out because here (the rotary of the bus in front of the gate) is in the site of the school. But, one person was passing out handbills in the vicinity of the bus stop. Then, I communicated with the police and the principal sent damage rport to the police. “


A lot of policemen came out and people who were requesting an acquittal of two men unjustified arrested have been exclude from the inside to the pavement forcibly.



Commission/Sub-Commission Team
(1503 Procedure)
Support Services Branch,
Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights

United Nations Office at Geneva

1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Subject: Compulson of `Kimigayo`(national anthem of Japan)

Dear Sirs,

A man was arrested while he had distributed handbills in Nousan
high school in Tokyo. The principal violently pressed on him who
distributed the bills outside the school gate , saying that "Don’t
distribute it to the students.", and the man was taken to rugged
impossibly by the policemen of the patrol car that ran by the report..
Then, the damage report was made by the principal while the man was
being restrained in the police, and the man was arrested in the police.
It is a remarkable human-right violation to the freedom of the
expression and the conscience. When people went with the lawyer and
protested against the principal next day, the principal declared that:
"A man was not on the site of the school". The court ordered to release
him because the reason for detention is none.
Before the interview with the principal, nine police vehicles sound
a siren arrived in succession probably because of obstruct it .
Plain clothes and the patrolman in uniform took up one's
position in and out of the school gate. The detective began to turn
the video camera at once.
In a word, it seemed to have been an arrest play that the capital
educational board combines with the police.





一方、校長との面談に際しては、それを阻止するためか、警察車両9台がサイレンを鳴らして続々と到着。校門の内外に私服・制服の警官が陣取る。すぐに刑事がビデオカメラを回し始める。 つまり、都教委と警察が一体となった逮捕劇だったようでした。

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