

子どもの権利条約日本審査 in ジュネーブ アピール文(英文)

2010年05月27日 | 日の丸・君が代関連ニュース
 Forced Worship of National Flag and Anthem at Public Schools in Tokyo
 (an appeal from The Organization to Support the Lawsuits for Freedom of Education in Tokyo)

(1) An Order of Duty to Worship the National Flag and the Anthem

On October 23, 2003 the Tokyo Board of Education issued a directive (10.23 directive  hereafter) ordering all the teachers and school staff of public schools in Tokyo to stand up facing the national flag Hinomaru, and sing the national anthem Kimigayo at school events such as entrance or graduation ceremony. It states that those who disobey the order are to be reprimanded.
(2) Severe Punishments on Those Who Disobeyed
In Japan there are various opinions and attitudes toward the flag and the anthem because of the role they played during the wartime as the spiritual backbone of emperor-centered nationalism and fascism.
Many teachers and school staff have refused to obey the order, believing that to force worship of the flag and anthem with the threat of punishments violates freedom of thought and conscience.
What they did as a form of disobedience was just remaining seated quietly for 40 seconds during the singing of the anthem. But the Board has taken stern measures against them, and the number of those given severe punishments, which include dismissal of part-time teaching or 6 months of suspension from teaching, has amounted to more than 420 as of April 2010.
(3)Violations of Human Rights of Students and Children
Although the orders have been given only to the teachers, the human rights of students and children have also been violated in various forms as follows. 
A. At Schools for Children with Special Needs
Since the directive was issued, school administrators have given the highest priority to making the teachers stand up and sing the national anthem, and have not permitted them to respond quickly to children's urgent needs.
★Danger of life
The alarm of the respirator of a child with muscular dystrophy sounded during the singing of the anthem. When a nurse ran up and bent over him, the vice principal ordered her to stand up.
He gave the priority to the nurse's standing up and singing the anthem over her caring for the child whose life might be in danger.
★Prohibition of Enema
A child was suffering from chronic constipation and needed the injection of an enema every morning. But the principal asked his parents not to use an enema on the graduation day.
He was afraid that the teacher would go out of the hall during the singing of the anthem if the child wanted to go to the washroom.
★"Don't Take Him to the Toilet. Make Him Wear a Diaper!"
At the rehearsal of the graduation ceremony, a first grader gave a sign that he wanted to go to the washroom. When a teacher was taking him out of the hall, the vice principal ran after them and said, "Don't take him out. Let him wear a diaper on the graduation day!"
★Use of the Stage Forced upon Every School
After long discussion on how to arrange the hall for graduation ceremony from the view point of normalization since 1960s, the teachers had adopted a flat-floor system, so that the children using wheel chairs or walkers could go to the principal to receive the diploma by themselves. The Tokyo Board of Education, however, ordered that the national flag should be hoisted on the back wall of the stage, with all the participants of the ceremony seated facing the flag, and that the children should receive the diploma on the stage. It even budgeted for building a slope for the children in wheelchairs. But it is very dangerous and difficult to operate a wheel chair on a narrow slope, and the students have had to give up going to receive the diploma by themselves.
B. At Senior High Schools
★Students' Free Discussion Forbidden.
The students' body of a senior high school had a discussion on the flag and anthem issue. The Board regarded the discussion as problematic, and interrogated all the teachers who had participated in it. They were given the punishment of "strict warning" for "inappropriate instruction." The students were forced to cancel another discussion they had planned.
★The Speech by the Graduating Student Criticized by the Board.
At the graduation ceremony a student made a graduation speech, which included such comments as, "Invisible coercion and pressure exists at this moment at this place." An official from the Board took this as a criticism against its policy, and ordered the principal to investigate the process in which the student had been chosen as a speaker, his/her family background and so on. 
★Students Ordered to Stand Up
Since March 2008, at some schools the following sentences have been added in the timetable of the emcee of the graduation ceremony; "If there are students who remain seated, the emcee should repeat the command to stand up until they do, or an administrator should walk up to them and urge them to." It means that the students are ordered to stand up in public, even if they cannot stand up because of their beliefs or conscience. Thus coercion not only on teachers but on students has been intensified.
The examples above constitute the violations of the human rights of children prescribed in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
We sincerely request the Committee on the Rights of the Child:
(1) to conduct full investigation on the situation of the public schools in Tokyo since the 10.23 Directive:
(2) to acknowledge the facts that the Tokyo Board of Education has violated Articles 12, 13, 14 and 23 of the Convention:
(3) to recommend those in the educational administration that they immediately stop violating the child's rights and start improving the situation:
(4) to make a recommendation for those in the administration, the assembly, and the court to receive training so that they will respect the Convention and other international human rights laws.

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