Putin's Way (PART 1)



Kato, are you talking about Vladimir Putin?

Yes, I am.
How come you're talking about him all of a sudden?
Well..., the other day, I read an aricle about Putin.

■"Actual Article"

My, my, my... Ex-soviet agent Alexander Litvinenko died from radiation poisoning after drinking tea laced with polonium. It says, Putin probably approved plan to kill him.

You're telling me.
So that's why you came up width the title, huh?
Yes, that's part of the reason. As a matter of fact, I borrowed and viewed a DVD about Putin on last December.

■"Actual catalogue page"

I see... you viewed the above DVD on December 7 and jotted down the comment, did you?

That's right.

The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, killing nearly 300 people and spreading a wave of fear across the country.
The bombings were blamed by the Russian government on rebels from the North Caucasus region and together with the Dagestan War, that took place in August 1999, lead to the military invasion of the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.
The militants as well as the secessionist Chechen authorities, however, denied their involvement in the bombing campaign.
According to a theory that was put forward by anti-Kremlin oligarch Boris Berezovsky, Yuriy Felshtinsky, Alexander Litvinenko, American writer David Satter, political scientist Vladimir Pribylovsky, Russian Duma lawmaker Sergei Yushenkov, film maker Andrei Nekrasov, investigator Mikhail Trepashkin, the bombings were a successful coup d'état organized by the FSB to bring Vladimir Putin to power.
Putin seems to be a dangerous person to the world peace.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qkjG2LQx8oE?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You see, Diane... Back in 1999, the Russian government stated that the rebels from the North Caucasus region exploded the apartment buildings, and then as if for a retaliation, the Russian armies invaded the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

Yes, that's what the world media told us about.
Actually, the bombings were a successful coup d'état organized by the FSB to bring Vladimir Putin to power.
What is the FSB?
It is Russia's Federal Security Service---the main heir to the Soviet-era KGB.

<iframe width="500" height="350" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BwvMurOiUls?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

But what made you bring up the above documentary?

... simply because the newspaper article says Putin probably approved murder of ex-KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko.
Did Putin actually did it?
Well... listen to this:

Litvinenko, 43, an outspoken critic of Putin who fled Russia for Britain six years to the day before he was poisoned, died after drinking green tea laced with the rare and very potent radioactive isotope at London's Millennium Hotel.
From his deathbead, Litvinenko told detectives he believed Putin---a former KGB spy who went on to head the FSB before winning the presidency---had directly ordered his killing.
Senior British judge Robert Owen cited several reasons why the Russian state would have wanted to kill Litvinenko, who was granted British citizenship a month before his death on Nov., 23, 2006.
The ex-apy was regarded as having betrayed the FSB by accusing it of carrying out 1999 apartment block bombings that killed more than 200 people in Russia and which the Kremlin, launching an offensive to restore control over the southern region of Chechnya, blamed on Chechens.
The FSB also had information Litvinenko had started working for Britain's foreign intelligence agency, MI6.
Litvinenko was close to leading Russian dissidents and opponents of Putin and his administration, whom he had accused of collusion with organized crime, and had made highly personal allegations about the Kremlin chief.
"Putin probably approved murder of
ex-KBG agent Litvinenko"
Page 13 "24 hrs news"
Friday, January 22, 2016

I see... So, Litvinenko was Putin's hate-list number one, wasn't he?

...looks like it.
So, Kato, you really think Putin is a dangerous person to the world peace, huh?
Yes, I do... You see, Diane... I'm also worried about the current political situation, in which Donald Trump is gaining some popularity.
What about Donald Trump?
The brash real estate magnate celebrated an important rebound after his loss to Texas Sanator Ted Cruz in last week's Iowa caucases, the first nominating contest. Trump has led national polls for months and the rebound reinforces his position as fron-runner, proving his unorthodox, populist campaign can win primaries.
Kato, I don't think you should worry too much about his popularity.
Why not?
I believe, more reasonable Americans are out there.
How do you know?
Listen to this:

<iframe width="500" height="350" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0Km4R377s4M?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You see, Kato... Compared to Putin, Trump is an adorable tiny fish.

You may be right.
Actually, I'm worried about you, Kato.
Why is that?
Well... since you're telling the whole world how bad Putin is, a Russian agent might give you a cup of green tea laced with the rare and very potent radioactive isotope.
I don't drink green tea.
Why not?
I'm NOT a typical Japanese.

(To be followed)