だれでも、解脱に至るためには、この四つの段階を経なければならない。そしてこの四つの階梯を、すぐれた聖師にしたがって歩んでいくならば、だれでも解脱に到達できるのである。もちろん、あなたにしてもそのとおりだ。 そこで、この四つの階梯について、のべてみよう。
一、Srota aPanna 須陀おん
二、sakrd agamin 斯陀含
三、anagmin 阿那含
四、arhat 阿羅漢 仏陀
斯陀含 ーー 高められた聖者
あるのである。間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、霊 感の座なのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピレーションが発生するのである。
四念住法、身念住法 受念住法 心念住法 法念住法
1 第四次元の理解。
2 複雑な全体をとっさに把握する能力。
3 第六感の獲得。
4 無限に発川した泄徳心識の保有。
5 とくにわれわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。
桐山 請雄 師
一 極度に発達した知能――いちど目にふれ、いちど耳にしたことは、ぜったいに忘れることのない削憶力。どのように複雑な構造でも組織でも、瞬間的に分析し、推理し、理解して、本質を把握してしまう演鐸と帰納の力。コトバという間接思考を経ない純粋思考から発する超飛躍的な創造力。
ニ 感覚器官の増幅―彼は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を間く
三 環境の制御と創造―思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造してゆく。
四 物質を超え、物質を自由に統御する力。
五 無限に発達した道徳意識。
The big trend in post-corona is the search for "what comes next to GAFA"
While the spread of the new coronavirus infection remains uncertain, the corona shock has changed our lives and working styles.
For example, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare presents practical examples of a "new lifestyle" that assumes the new coronavirus, and proposes new styles for daily life such as shopping, eating, entertainment and sports, and working styles such as work styles and meetings. In addition, some companies are making the remote work adopted to support "With Corona" permanent even in post-corona.
How will the corona shock change the world? One of the directions I think about this awareness of the problem is that the essential changes that began to manifest before the corona shock will accelerate its speed and become a major trend in the post-corona. .. So what is the essential change? The author thinks that it may intersect with "what comes after GAFA".
The first thing that should be pointed out before the corona shock is "platformer capitalism." Platformers such as GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) in the US and BATH (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei) in China were in control. They continue to be excellent service providers for us consumers and have come to have devastating influence in each industry. Even in "With Corona," these platformer companies are using digital technology to come up with various measures and measures, turning the corona shock into an opportunity for social implementation of technology and improving their business performance.
However, on the other hand, it is also a fact that criticism is increasing. For example, criticisms related to the problem of data monopoly hindering competition and the problem of privacy leakage are mainly mentioned. The author himself thinks that the American-style digital capitalism led by GAFA and the Chinese-style digital capitalism by "China Co., Ltd." are undermined because they seek material affluence. There is. If this is the case, then GAFA and then "China Co., Ltd." should be sought while taking advantage of their original strengths.
Four leading to liberation
"Four steps leading to liberation".
Anyone must go through these four stages in order to reach liberation. And anyone can reach liberation by walking along these four steps according to a good priest. Of course, you are right. Therefore, let's take a look at these four steps.
What are the four stairs?
One, Srota a Panna Sudaon
2. Sakrd agamin including this
3, anagmin, including Ana
Four, arhat, Arhat, Buddha
To explain,
Suda 逼 --- A cleansed saint
Including the saint
A saint who made a leap (in dimension)
Arhat (transcendental dimension), also known as the completed saint, "Buddha".
So how do practitioners walk through these four steps?
Training to kill the limbic system and neocortical brain
It is a practice to kill the limbic thread and neocortical brain in a bite.
Unless the limbic thread and neocortical brain are killed, the diencephalon will not operate and the third eye will not open.
However, don't get me wrong. Killing the limbic system / neocortical brain ultimately means making use of the limbic system, especially the neocortical brain. The neocortical brain is said to be the "seat of creation." However, the true position of creation is in the diencephalon.
There is. The diencephalon is a place of spirituality and a seat of inspiration, as I have repeatedly explained. The development of this place is a real inspiration.
However, in order to develop the diencephalon, the limbic system and neocortical brain must be closed for a while. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is revived. The newly revived neocortical brain is the brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.
Then what kind of training is it?
Method and system of spiritual completion
That is the practice of completing spirituality left by Buddha. This is what I call the "Buddhahood Law." The Buddhahood means the completion of spirituality, and the person who fulfills it is called the "Buddha". That is why I call that method the "Buddhahood method."
The details are as described in "Reincarnation Meditation Method H", which is a method and system for the Buddhahood consisting of seven systems and thirty-seven curriculums. In Agama, this is called "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos" or "37 Bodhipakkhi". These two names were not given by me. It is an ancient Buddhist term.
Sutras other than Agama --- The sutras other than Agama are the ones who criticize all sutras, including the Lotus Sutra and Amida sutras, with a rather intense expression.
However, this is because there is no Buddhahood law. In addition to the historical fact that Buddha was only preached by Agama, is there any other "Buddhahood method" other than Agama?
That's what I am. I cannot recognize it as a true Buddhist scripture, such as a scripture without the "Buddhahood Law." Of course, it has its own significance and value, but it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream. Please read my other books on this subject.
The seven departments and thirty-seven dozens are as follows.
Satipatthana Law, Satipatthana Law, Satipatthana Law, Satipatthana Law, Satipatthana Law
That is all.
These seven subjects, thirty-seven kinds of curriculum,
1. Meditation
Second, practice
Three, tapas (training)
What is Homo Excellence?
It's a new human race.
Homo sapiens is none other than ourselves, but what kind of person is Homo excelence?
Homo Excellence is an "excellent person" who has acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens does not have.
It means "to". Some say that this future person is a homo-intelligent dance (intelligent human).
It is named.
So what special abilities does this excellent future man, Homo Excellence, have?
Here are some of his features.
"Future species, super-humans, will probably have a brain rate coefficient of 3.9."
Said the world-renowned anthropologist, Professor Gicorju Olivier of the University of Paris,
It begins to sing in "Chemicalization, past, present and future".
"(We, who are far inferior to the ability of these extremely good creatures, are all about it.
Anyway, this super-human intellectual ability can barely be imagined.
It is, for example
1 Understanding the fourth dimension.
2 Ability to quickly grasp the complicated whole.
3 Acquisition of the sixth sense.
4 Possession of infinitely eruptive spirit of virtue.
5 Especially the spiritual qualities that are incomprehensible to our enlightenment.
And so on.
I will leave it to those with a lot of imagination to decide what the shape of the creature's body, the wonderful intelligence, and the behavior that we can hardly understand with the brain development coefficient of 3.9. While we are Mekura, our successors are clairvoyant (translated by Kumi Ashizawa, published by Misuzu Shobo).
It has said.
According to the publisher's introductory text, Professor Olivier is a professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Science, University of Paris, and has several books in addition to many articles on anthropology and anatomy, among which "anthropological anatomy". Received a French Bachelor's degree. Not only has he made many achievements in research in his field of specialization, but he is also enthusiastic about training young researchers, and he is an excellent leader in both name and reality of French anthropology. "
It must be said that he is a leading scientist of the time.
The scientist has thus foretold the emergence of the future Homo Excellence.
Homeo Excellence Qualification
Kiriyama, Master
Here is one technology.
When trained with that technique, everyone will have some great power. Let's raise that power.
Extremely developed intelligence-what I first saw and heard was the memorable power that I will never forget. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization. Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
It will probably reach 2.5 to 3.5 if the average human intelligence is I. The best brains in this group are easy to understand.
D. Amplification of sensory organs-he can see invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) and intersperses ultrasonic waves.
be able to. Predictive power that comes from the combination of that abnormal sensation and high intelligence. They come from the ability to control one's body at will.
3. Control and creation of the environment-Change yourself as you wish, move others, and create groups and environments according to your own philosophy.
4. The power to freely control substances beyond them.
Five moral consciousness that has developed infinitely.