≪『アニーローリー』(Annie Laurie)は、代表的なスコットランド民謡として知られる楽曲。
ウィリアム・ダグラス(William Douglas 1672? - 1748)の詩をもとにして作られた。
作曲はスコットランドの女流音楽家ジョン・ダグラス・スコット夫人(Alicia Scott)。≫
- ウィキペディアより引用
1 Maxwellton's braes are bonnie,
Where early fa's the dew,
And it's there that Annie Laurie Gave me her promise true,
Gave me her promise true, Which ne'er forgot will be,
And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd lay me doon and dee.
2 Her brow is like the snowdrift,
Her throat is like the swan,
Her face is the fairest That e'er the sun shone on.
That e'er the sun shone on,
And dark blue is her e'e, And for bonnie Annie Laurie,
I'd lay me doon and dee.
3 Like dew on the gowan lying Is the fa' o' her fairy feet.
And like winds in the summer sighing, Her voice is low and sweet.
Her voice is low and sweet,
And she's a' the world to me,
And for bonnie Annie Laurie,
I'd lay me doon and dee.
≪『アニーローリー』(Annie Laurie)は、代表的なスコットランド民謡として知られる楽曲。
ウィリアム・ダグラス(William Douglas 1672? - 1748)の詩をもとにして作られた。
作曲はスコットランドの女流音楽家ジョン・ダグラス・スコット夫人(Alicia Scott)。≫
- ウィキペディアより引用
1 Maxwellton's braes are bonnie,
Where early fa's the dew,
And it's there that Annie Laurie Gave me her promise true,
Gave me her promise true, Which ne'er forgot will be,
And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd lay me doon and dee.
2 Her brow is like the snowdrift,
Her throat is like the swan,
Her face is the fairest That e'er the sun shone on.
That e'er the sun shone on,
And dark blue is her e'e, And for bonnie Annie Laurie,
I'd lay me doon and dee.
3 Like dew on the gowan lying Is the fa' o' her fairy feet.
And like winds in the summer sighing, Her voice is low and sweet.
Her voice is low and sweet,
And she's a' the world to me,
And for bonnie Annie Laurie,
I'd lay me doon and dee.