Last time I uploaded articles about herbal medicine Sage though, I post about coriander today.
Coriander is said to have an effect to promote digestion and improve appetite. You should drink herbal tea with coriander seeds, such as when you have eaten too much.
※digestion…消化 ♪ダイジェスチュン
This herb contains abundant nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron, etc. It's also a perfect herb for making beautiful skin.
※abundant…豊富な ♪アバンダンt nutrient…栄養素、栄養物 ニュ'ートゥりアンt
Coriander has a detox effect, it's said to be useful for the discharge of heavy metals accumulated in the body. It also encourages the discharge of gases accumulated in the intestine by the carminative effect.
※accumulate…蓄積する ♪アキュ'ムレイt encourage…促進する、助長する intestine…腸 ♪インテ'スティン carminative…胃腸内のガスを排出する
In addition, coriander has a sedative effect, it's said to be effective for relieving symptoms such as migraine.
※sedative…鎮静、鎮静剤 ♪セデリヴ migraine…偏頭痛 ♪マ'イグれイン