

It is imperative that Japanese people not think only of themselves, but to remember that in order...

2016-07-15 12:27:14 | 日記





③俺もそう思う。俺たちはてめえらで楽しめるけど、 ほかの人も平和と静かさを楽しむ権利があるもんな。

④でも、僕は外国人が不公平に扱われるのは騒がしいという理由じゃないと思うよ。 日本はまだまだ閉鎖的なんだよ。フルの受け入れにには長い時間がかかると思うね。

⑤ イギリスには外国の議員がたくさんいるけど、 日本ではまだ誰もいないもんな。

⑥職探しはどうなんだ? 日本では特に外国人の弁護士や医者が仕事を得るのは難しくない?


⑧僕が考えるに、国際的なやり取りがある今、 是非やらなければならないのは日本人も自分たちのことだけを考えるのではなく、 思い出さなければいけないんだ、よりよい世界を作るためには皆がお互いに理解し、働くことの必要性をね。




⑫君は著名人や著名人の個人的な生活についての本を読んで時間を潰すことがあるかい? → 気に入った著名人だけ読むわ。人気のある著名人はみんな読んだこともあるわ、今の傾向を掴もうとしてね。でも無駄だったわ。傾向はいつも変わるし、いつだって役に立たなかったわ。






①l didn't mean to cause my neighborany trouble, but l guess l did, and he contacted the landlord.
※cause my neighbor any trouble…近所になにやら迷惑をかける

②You should have been more concerned about the people around you, right? Maybe l should be, too.

③l think so. We can enjoy ourselves but others have the right to enjoy their peace and quiet.

④But l don't think being noisy is the reason many foreigners are treated unfairly. Japan is still very cIosed. Full acceptance will take a long time.

⑤In England, l hear that there are many foreign Parliament members, but in Japan there are none.
※Parliament…パールムンt none…ナン

⑥What about finding work? Isn't it hard to get jobs in Japan, especially for foreign lawyers and doctors?

⑦Now I realize l myself have had a prejudice against foreigners.
※prejudice against…先入観

⑧l think that since there are a lot of international exchanges right now, it is imperative that Japanese people not think only of themselves, but to remember that in order to create a better world it is necessary for everyone to try to understand each other and work together.
♪imperative…イムペ'るティヴ 意;是非しなければならない、緊急の

⑨I can't believe I'll dance with him tonight. I'm over the moon.
※be over the moon…本当に幸せ

⑩I like making things and also shopping for hand-made things. I can't make the same thing again, and it is priceless. Now I am making a bag for my son. I hope he likes it.

⑪When can you finish your work? I am starving...
→Sorry, it's almost over there.

⑫Do you spend time reading about celebrities and their personal lives?→I only read about my favorite celebrities. I used to read about all the popular celebrities when I tried to catch on trends, but it was a waste of time. Trends always change, and it is useless to be on all the time.

⑬It was a waste of time and money.

⑭What's on TV today?

⑮When did it come out?

⑯Pass it!!... How selfish he is !
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