[ Fantasy Baseball 2017 ]
Fantasy Baseball LOG
Week18のMatch Upをチェック。
Santos(8-8-1 | 9th) - Specialweek(10-7-0 | 6th)
Thunder Roads(10-6-1 | 4th) - Kaz Kings(10-7-0 | 5th)
Bay Xerox(9-7-1 | 7th) - nanana(10-6-1 | 3rd)
Dwight(3-14-0 | 14th) - Keseran Paseran(9-5-3 | 2nd)
FoodsFoods(7-10-0 | 11th) - Okayama Galaxy(3-12-2 | 13th)
Royal Blue(11-6-0 | 1st) - SuperCruiseW(7-10-0 | 12th)
Gold Taurus(8-8-1 | 10th) - Wolverines(9-8-0 | 8th)
Thunder Roads正念場。
地区順位で直下に位置するKaz Kingsとの対決で、優勝戦線に踏みとどまるか、それとも中位陣に飲み込まれていくのか、大きな分かれ道です。
BGM♪: A Horse In The Country / Cowboy Junkies
Fantasy Baseball LOG
Week18のMatch Upをチェック。
Santos(8-8-1 | 9th) - Specialweek(10-7-0 | 6th)
Thunder Roads(10-6-1 | 4th) - Kaz Kings(10-7-0 | 5th)
Bay Xerox(9-7-1 | 7th) - nanana(10-6-1 | 3rd)
Dwight(3-14-0 | 14th) - Keseran Paseran(9-5-3 | 2nd)
FoodsFoods(7-10-0 | 11th) - Okayama Galaxy(3-12-2 | 13th)
Royal Blue(11-6-0 | 1st) - SuperCruiseW(7-10-0 | 12th)
Gold Taurus(8-8-1 | 10th) - Wolverines(9-8-0 | 8th)
Thunder Roads正念場。
地区順位で直下に位置するKaz Kingsとの対決で、優勝戦線に踏みとどまるか、それとも中位陣に飲み込まれていくのか、大きな分かれ道です。
BGM♪: A Horse In The Country / Cowboy Junkies