第Ⅲ部 Free Online Caluclator (例題集)
統計技術 第Ⅲ部 第6章-1(2):独立2標本の t-検定の方法(続き)
同章前項では、t 検定と Effect size を別々の"Free Online Calculator"で求めたが、ここでは t検定と ESの結果を同時に見ることが出来るサイトを紹介しておこう.
# Statistics Kingdom
図1 Summary data の入力画面
[ Calculate test ]
図2 出力結果の画面
1. H0 hypothesis
Since p-value < α, H0 is rejected.
The average of Group-1's population is considered to be not equal to the average of Group-2's population.
In other words, the difference between the sample average of Group-1 and Group-2 is big enough to be statistically significant.
2. P-value
The p-value equals 0.005255, ( p(x≤T) = 0.002627 ). It means that the chance of type I error (rejecting a correct H0) is small: 0.005255 (0.53%). The smaller the p-value the more it supports H1.
p 値は 0.005255(両側) は、第1種の過誤(TypeⅠerror ) 、すなわち誤って帰無仮説を採択する可能性が小さいことを意味している.
3. The statistics
The test statistic T equals -2.9714, which is not in the 95% region of acceptance: [-2.0281 : 2.0281].
x1-x2=-3.27, is not in the 95% region of acceptance: [-2.2319 : 2.2319]. The standard deviation of the difference, S' equals 1.1, is used to calculate the statistic.
検定統計量 T= -2.9714 は 95% 許容領域 [-2.0281 : 2.0281] にはなく、また、平均値の差(x1-x2=-3.27) も、95% の許容範囲 [-2.2319 : 2.2319]にない.
4. Effect size
The observed effect size d is large, 0.96. This indicates that the magnitude of the difference between the average and average is large.
効果量 d=0.96と大きく、平均と平均の差の大きさが大きいことを示している.
Based on a two-tailed F test, σ1 is considered as unequal to σ2 (p-value is 0.00594).
両側 F 検定に基づいて、σ1 は σ2 と等しくない(不等分散)と見なされる (p 値は 0.00594).
両側 F 検定(不等分散)に基づいて、必要なら下記で"Welch's T-test" を行えば良い.
# Two Sample T-Test Calculator (Welch's T-test)