I saw a movie “プラダを着た悪魔” on TV. It was English sound.
I think メリル ストリープ's English is easy.
Because she speaks slowly .
But it's realy hard for me.
それでも I underatood some sentences.
I didn't have choice.
I need to talk to you.
I have to tell you.
他にも ちょこちょこと聞き取れて 超ウレシイ
I hope to enjoy to see movie without Jpanese subtitle someday.
So I will study English.
いつか日本語字幕なしで楽しめるように めげずにがんばりマス
I think メリル ストリープ's English is easy.
Because she speaks slowly .
But it's realy hard for me.
それでも I underatood some sentences.
I didn't have choice.
I need to talk to you.
I have to tell you.
他にも ちょこちょこと聞き取れて 超ウレシイ
I hope to enjoy to see movie without Jpanese subtitle someday.
So I will study English.
いつか日本語字幕なしで楽しめるように めげずにがんばりマス