

Article 29, PCT

2020-05-11 18:42:53 | 条文

Article 29
Effects of the International Publication

(1)  As far as the protection of any rights of the applicant in a designated State is concerned, the effects, in that State, of the international publication of an international application shall, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) to (4), be the same as those which the national law of the designated State provides for the compulsory national publication of unexamined national applications as such.
(1) 指定国における出願人の権利の保護に関する限り、国際出願の国際公開の指定国における効果は、(2)から(4)までの規定に従うことを条件として、審査を経ていない国内出願の(*そのようなもの=審査を経ていない国内出願、としての)強制的な国内公開について当該指定国の国内法令が定める効果と同一とする。

(2)  If the language in which the international publication has been effected is different from the language in which publications under the national law are effected in the designated State, the said national law may provide that the effects provided for in paragraph (1) shall be applicable only from such time as:
(2) 指定国の国内法令は、当該指定国において国内法令に基づく公開に用いられる言語と異なる言語で国際公開が行われた場合に(1)に定める効果が次のいずれかの時からのみ生ずることを定めることができる。

(i)  a translation into the latter language has been published as provided by the national law, or
(ⅰ) 当該公開に用いられる言語による翻訳文が、国内法令の定めるところにより公表された時

(ii)  a translation into the latter language has been made available to the public, by laying open for public inspection as provided by the national law, or
(ⅱ) 当該公開に用いられる言語による翻訳文が、国内法令の定めるところにより公衆の閲覧に供されることによつて公衆が利用することができるようにされた時

(iii)  a translation into the latter language has been transmitted by the applicant to the actual or prospective unauthorized user of the invention claimed in the international application, or
(ⅲ) 当該公開に用いられる言語による翻訳文が、国際出願に係る発明を許諾を得ないで現に実施しており又は実施すると予想される者に対し出願人によつて送付された時

(iv)  both the acts described in (i) and (iii), or both the acts described in (ii) and (iii), have taken place.
(ⅳ) (ⅰ)及び(ⅲ)に規定する措置の双方がとられた時又は(ⅱ)及び(ⅲ)に規定する措置の双方がとられた時

(3)  The national law of any designated State may provide that, where the international publication has been effected, on the request of the applicant, before the expiration of 18 months from the priority date, the effects provided for in paragraph (1) shall be applicable only from the expiration of 18 months from the priority date.
(3) 指定国の国内法令は、国際公開が出願人の請求により優先日から十八箇月を経過する前に行われた場合に(1)に定める効果が優先日から十八箇月を経過した時からのみ生ずることを定めることができる。

(4)  The national law of any designated State may provide that the effects provided for in paragraph (1) shall be applicable only from the date on which a copy of the international application as published under Article 21 has been received in the national Office of or acting for such State. The said Office shall publish the date of receipt in its gazette as soon as possible.
(4) 指定国の国内法令は、(1)に定める効果が第二十一条の規定に従つて公開された国際出願を当該指定国の国内官庁又は当該指定国のために行動する国内官庁が受領した日からのみ生ずることを定めることができる。当該国内官庁は、その公報にその受領の日をできる限り速やかに掲載する。


until/from such time as: (legalese) up to/from the time that, until/from the time when, until/from

until such time as, English Language Learners

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2020-05-11 17:31:56 | 英語特許散策

[0059] In one embodiment, the authentication device classes specified in the database 690 may logically group authentication devices based on the capabilities of those devices. For example, one particular authentication device class may be defined for (1 ) fingerprint sensors (2) that store sensitive data in cryptographically secure hardware that has been EAL 3 certified, and (3) that use a biometric matching process with a false acceptance rate less than 1 in 1000. Another exemplary device class may be (1 ) facial recognition devices (2) which do not store sensitive data in cryptographically secure hardware, and (3) that use a biometric matching process with a false acceptance rate less than 1 in 500. Thus, a fingerprint sensor or facial recognition implementation which meets the above criteria will be added to the appropriate authentication device class(es) within the database 690.

1つの実施形態において、データベース690に明記された認証装置クラスは、それらのデバイスの機能に基づいて認証装置を論理的にグループ化することができる。例えば、ある特定の認証装置クラスは、(1)指紋センサ、(2)EAL  3認定されている暗号的にセキュアなハードウェア内に機密データを記憶すること、及び、(3)1000分の1以下の他人受入率による生体照合処理を使用することについて定義されることができる。別の例示的な装置クラスは、(1)顔認識装置、(2)暗号的にセキュアなハードウェア内に機密データを記憶せず、及び、(3)500分の1以下の他人受入率による生体照合処理を使用することができる。それゆえに、上記基準を満たしている指紋センサ又は顔認識の実装は、データベース内の適切な認証装置クラス690に追加される。

FIGs. 4-10 illustrate various forms of an apparatus having a housing 10 configured to house probe base 30 and probe head 40 according to various embodiments of the present invention. Housing 10 of the apparatus is configured to allow the apparatus to be mounted to various locations or surfaces such as, for example, inside of a vehicle or on a wall near an entry point. In this way, the apparatus can provide the testing of blood components or blood analytes, such as, for example, blood alcohol at various locations. In addition to providing protection, housing 10 can also be configured to accommodate additional features such as biometric verification, temperature measurement systems, touch activation and/or pressure sensors. 


Because of its broad applicability and many potential uses, there is a large market for radio frequency identification (RFID). For example, RFID systems may be used for automated tracking and inventory, transportation and logistics management, contactless payments, machine-readable documents and identification, biometric matching and security, animal identification, etc. The high demand can create a corresponding desire to keep production costs low. For both chip-based RFID, including active RFID tag and passive RFID tags, both of which a microchip, as well as chipless RFID, which uses circuitry printed with conductive ink, one of the desires is to inexpensively fabricate low-cost conductive trace as the antenna.


Biometric verification is now being employed more frequently to verify personnel identification. Such systems typically comprise a database storing personal biometric information, such as facial templates or features, finger prints, hand geometry, iris prints, thermograms, and skin colors of personnel. In a typical face imaging biometric system, the system takes an image or an image sequence of a person and then performs a "one-to-many" verification database search against the images stored in the database. This is done using 2D or 3D imaging technology. However, such a one-to-many search is very slow and often unreliable. Furthermore, present biometric verification systems typically require facial verification in a benign lighting and background environment with no relative facial movement. That is, the person who is requesting access must either stay still or move in a prescribed fashion while the system takes his/her image, or the individual must present their fingers or iris in direct contact to a biometric reader. This presentation requires direct contact and increases the overall time needed for completing the verification task.

生体照合は、人員の身分証明書を照合するためにさらに頻繁に使用されている。このようなシステムは、通常、人員の顔のテンプレート又は特徴、指紋、掌形、虹彩模様(iris  print)、サーモグラム(thermogram)及び肌の色などの個人の生体情報を記憶するデータベースを備える。典型的な顔画像生体システムにおいて、当該システムは、個人の画像又は画像シーケンスを取得して、データベースに記憶された複数の画像に対して「一対多」照合のデータベース検索を実行する。これは2D又は3D画像技術を使用して行われる。しかし、そのような一対多検索は非常に低速であり、しばしば信頼性が低い。さらに、現在の生体照合システムは、通常、良性な照明及び相対的な顔の移動のないバックグラウンド環境における顔照合を必要とする。すなわち、アクセスを要求している人は、システムが彼/彼女の画像を取得している間じっとしているかもしくは所定の方法で移動しなければならず、又は、指もしくは虹彩を生体読取機に直接的に接触するように提示しなければならない。この提示は、直接的な接触を必要とし、照合タスクを完了するのに要する全体の時間を増加させる。

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2020-05-11 12:13:24 | 英語特許散策

[0034] Referring to FIG. 2, the time delay applied by each time delay circuit may be determined according to the time delay equations:

[0035] X = d sin(O) , and
[0038] Time Delay = X/c = d/c sin(O) ,
[0037] where Φ is the beam pointing direction, d is the separation between adjacent antenna elements 155, c is the speed of light, and Time Delay is the difference between the time delay applied to adjacent antenna elements 155.

  Time  Delay=X/c=(d/c)・sin(φ)
  ここで、φは、ビーム指向方向であり、dは、隣接するアンテナ要素155の間の距離間隔であり、cは、光の速さであり、Time  Delayは、隣接するアンテナ要素155に適用される時間遅延の間の差である。

In the example of FIG. 4A, technique 600 further includes determining, by the one or more processors, if the range bin is the last range bin (decision block 632). If “NO” at decision block 626, technique 600 further includes retrieving, by the one or more processors, the next range bin and considering the next range bin by determining a first signal power measurement based on Doppler processing of the next range bin, a second signal power measurement based on non-Doppler processing of the next range bin, and determining a quality of the first signal power measurement (634). Technique 600 further includes determining the locations within the three-dimensional buffer that correspond to the retrieved next range bin and the antenna beam pointing direction (612). Technique 600 further includes determining whether the quality of the first signal power measurement of a range bin (e.g., the next range bin) is above a threshold (614). If the quality of the first signal power measurement is above a threshold (“YES” at decision block 614), then technique 600 continues in FIG. 4B. If the quality of the first signal power measurement is below a threshold (“NO” at decision block 614), then technique 600 continues in FIG. 4C.


[0047] As an example, with this technique a user can point his/her portable device with ultrasonic microphones, and a speaker array device emits ultrasonic signal through its speakers. By triangulation between the speakers and the device's microphones, the orientation of the handheld device can be calculated. In an alternative arrangement, the handheld device may have ultrasonic transmitters and the speaker array may have one or more microphones to listen to the ultrasonic transmissions from the device to accomplish the triangulation determination. The pointing direction of the portable device can be determined in this manner. Matching the detected pointing direction of the device with the locations of the spatial audio cues being presented can be done to determine the user selection of an audio cue.


Since the location of the sound sources and other pieces of equipment relative to both the environment and the microphones 2 are just as important to maintaining the "sound" as is correctly placing the microphones themselves, it may be necessary that a relocating device be applied to the other pieces of equipment to assist in placing them too. Shown in FIG. 8 is a releasably attachable relocating device 22 shown exploded from an amplifier and loud speaker combination unit 10. The relocating device 22 has been adapted to allow releasable attachment of it to the amplifier and loud speaker combination unit 10. A pair of slots in the amplifier and loud speaker combination unit 10 and corresponding extensions (not shown) on the body of the relocating device 22 allow the module to be applied to and removed from the amplifier and loud speaker combination unit 10 many times, while attaching the same way each time. Any number of alternative releasable attachment means may have been used. Further shown in FIG. 8 is an integral relocating device 26 built into an amplifier and loud speaker combination unit 10 and the locators 4 paired with this module 26 are shown applied to the floor beside the amplifier and loud speaker combination unit 10. Shown immediately in front of the amplifier and loud speaker combination unit 10 is an embodiment of the relocating device 29 that is integral with an electrical connector adapted to connect between a cable and a microphone. One of the three beams of light used in this embodiment of integral relocating device 29 has a projected direction that is generally parallel to the direction the microphone is pointing and the three locators for this application are shown applied to the amplifier and loud speaker combination unit 1 0. Accordingly it could be said that the relating device is integrally attached to the first object.


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2020-05-11 10:59:27 | 英語特許散策

[0038] In some examples, PPEMS 6 may provide a database query engine for directly querying PPEMS 6 to view acquired safety information, compliance information and any results of the analytic engine, e.g., by the way of dashboards, alert notifications, reports and the like. That is, users 24, 26, or software executing on computing devices 16, 18, may submit queries to PPEMS 6 and receive data corresponding to the queries for presentation in the form of one or more reports or dashboards. Such dashboards may provide various insights regarding system 2, such as baseline ("normal") operation across worker populations, identifications of any anomalous workers engaging in abnormal activities that may potentially expose the worker to risks, identifications of any geographic regions within environments 2 for which unusually anomalous (e.g., high) safety events have been or are predicted to occur, identifications of any of environments 2 exhibiting anomalous occurrences of safety events relative to other environments, and the like.

[0062] FIG. 5 is a plot showing the relationship of velocity to a number of arrest anomalies (such as compressive hackle) that occur during the cutting process. The plot is characterized by the number of occurrences of the anomaly on the Y-axis and velocity (mm/min) of the laser beam 60 on the X-axis. The experimentation was performed at a constant energy density per iterative change in velocity by adjusting the laser power. Arrests were seen in the data at relatively high velocity. Crack surging was also observed during such high velocities. The arrests are very undesirable as they yield extremely weak edges and can cause a jog in the cutting path that is outside of the desired dimensional tolerances.

Phytase is an example of an enzyme that can have an effect as a supplement in animal feed pellets. Phytase degrades phytic acid into a myo-inositol core and one or more free phosphate molecules. Phytic acid consists of a myo-inositol core to which are covalently attached six phosphate groups. Phytic acid is a constituent of the plant material, such as soy bean seeds, that are used to generate feed pellets for animals such as non-ruminant animals, e.g. poultry, broilers, birds, chickens, layers, turkeys, ducks, geese, and fowl; ruminant animals e.g. cows, cattle, horses, and sheep; pigs, swine, piglets, growing pigs, and sows; companion animals including but not limited to: cats, dogs, rodents, and rabbits; fish including but not limited to salmon, trout, tilapia, catfish and carp; and crustaceans including but not limited to shrimp and prawn. Because these animals are unable to digest phytic acid, phytic acid has a number of detrimental effects. It chelates divalent cations such as Calcium and Magnesium, and its phosphate is in a form that is biologically unavailable to the animals being fed, resulting in a need to supplement the animal diet with these nutrients despite their being abundant in the feedstock. Furthermore, because these nutrients pass through the animal undigested, they are available to decomposers further down the food chain that are able to degrade phytic acid, resulting in, for example, algal blooms in surface waters to which the animal effluent comes into contact.


[0003] Contraction or "beating" of the heart is controlled by electrical impulses generated at nodes within the heart and transmitted along conductive pathways extending within the wall of the heart. Certain diseases of the heart known as cardiac arrhythmias involve abnormal generation or conduction of the electrical impulses. One such arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation or "AF." Certain cardiac arrhythmias can be treated by deliberately damaging the tissue along a path crossing a route of abnormal conduction, either by surgically cutting the tissue or by applying energy or chemicals to the tissue, so as to form scar. The scar blocks the abnormal conduction and thereby reduces or eliminates AF. For example, in treatment of AF, it has been proposed to ablate tissue in a partial or complete loop around a pulmonary vein within the vein itself, within the ostium or opening connecting the vein to the heart, or within the wall of the heart surrounding the ostium. It would be desirable to perform such ablation using a catheter-based device which can be advanced into the heart through the patient's circulatory system. Despite all efforts in the art, however, still further improvement would be desirable.

心臓の収縮又は「拍動」は、心臓内の結節のところで生じる電気インパルスによって制御されて心臓の壁内に延びる伝導経路に沿って伝えられる。心不整脈と呼ばれている心臓の或る特定の疾患は、電気インパルスの異常発生又は異常伝導を含む。かかる不整脈の1つは、心房細動(atrial fibrillation)、略して“AF”である。或る特定の心不整脈は、異常伝導のルートを横切る経路に沿って組織を外科的に切断することにより又はこの組織にエネルギー又は化学薬品を適用するかのいずれかによってこの組織を故意に損傷させ瘢痕を形成することによって治療できる。瘢痕は、異常伝導を遮断し、それによりAFを減少させ又はなくす。例えば、AFの治療にあたって、静脈を心臓に連結している口又は開口部内で又はこの口を包囲している心臓の壁内で静脈それ自体内の肺静脈周りに部分又は完全なループをなした状態で組織を焼灼させることが提案されている。患者又は被検者の循環系を通って心臓の中に前進させることができるカテーテル利用器具を用いてかかるアブレーション(焼灼)を実施することが望ましい。しかしながら、当該技術分野におけるあらゆる技術的努力にもかかわらず、依然として更に改良が望ましい。
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