

Article 30, PCT

2020-05-12 18:11:28 | 条文

Article 30
Confidential Nature of the International Application

(1)(a)  Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (b), the International Bureau and the International Searching Authorities shall not allow access by any person or authority to the international application before the international publication of that application, unless requested or authorized by the applicant.
(1)(a) (b)の規定が適用される場合を除くほか、国際事務局及び国際調査機関は、国際出願の国際公開が行われる前に、いかなる者又は当局に対しても国際出願が知得されるようにしてはならない。ただし、出願人の請求による場合又はその承諾を得た場合は、この限りでない。

(b)  The provisions of subparagraph (a) shall not apply to any transmittal to the competent International Searching Authority, to transmittals provided for under Article 13, and to communications provided for under Article 20.
(b) (a)の規定は、管轄国際調査機関への送付、第十三条の送付及び第二十条の送達については、適用しない。

(2)(a)  No national Office shall allow access to the international application by third parties, unless requested or authorized by the applicant, before the earliest of the following dates:
(2)(a) 国内官庁は、次の日のうち最も早い日前に、第三者に対し国際出願が知得されるようにしてはならない。ただし、出願人の請求による場合又はその承諾を得た場合は、この限りでない。

(i)  date of the international publication of the international application,
(ⅰ) 国際出願の国際公開の日

(ii)  date of the receipt of the communication of the international application under Article 20, 
(ⅱ) 第二十条の規定に従つて送達される国際出願の受理の日

(iii)  date of the receipt of a copy of the international application under Article 22.
(ⅲ) 第二十二条の規定に基づく国際出願の写しの受理の日

(b)  The provisions of subparagraph (a) shall not prevent any national Office from informing third parties that it has been designated, or from publishing that fact. Such information or publication may, however, contain only the following data: identification of the receiving Office, name of the applicant, international filing date, international application number, and title of the invention.
(b) (a)の規定は、国内官庁が自己が指定官庁とされた旨を第三者に通知すること又はその指定された事実を公表することを妨げるものではない。ただし、その通知又は公表には、受理官庁の名称、出願人の氏名又は名称、国際出願日、国際出願番号及び発明の名称以外の事項を含めることができない。

 (c)  The provisions of subparagraph (a) shall not prevent any designated Office from allowing access to the international application for the purposes of the judicial authorities.
(c) (a)の規定は、指定官庁が司法当局に対し国際出願が知得されるようにすることを妨げるものではない。

(3)  The provisions of paragraph (2)(a) shall apply to any receiving Office except as far as transmittals provided for under Article 12(1) are concerned.
(3) (2)(a)の規定は、第十二条(1)の送付の場合を除くほか、受理官庁について適用する。

(4)  For the purposes of this Article, the term "access" covers any means by which third parties may acquire cognizance, including individual communication and general publication, provided, however, that no national Office shall generally publish an international application or its translation before the international publication or, if international publication has not taken place by the expiration of 20 months from the priority date, before the expiration of 20 months from the said priority date.
(4) この条の規定の適用上、「知得されるようにする」とは、手段のいかんを問わず第三者が知ることができるようにすることをいい、個別に通報すること及び一般に公表することを含む。ただし、国内官庁が、国際公開前又は、国際公開が優先日から二十箇月を経過する時までに行われない場合には、優先日から二十箇月を経過する前に、国際出願又はその翻訳文を一般に公表してはならないことを条件とする。


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2020-05-12 13:19:33 | 英語特許散策
1. A device for relaying content between a head end and a plurality of subscribers remote from the head end, the device receiving a downstream optical signal from a head end and delivering the signal to each of a plurality of groups of users, the device comprising:
(a) a first unit that receives the downstream optical signal from a head end and
provides the downstream optical signal as a plurality of first inputs;
(b) an array of amplifiers, each amplifier receiving a respective one of said first inputs, and each amplifier connected to a respective plurality of ports in a splitter/combiner unit, where the splitter/combiner unit receives and combines respective upstream signals; and
(c) a multiplexer that multiplexes the respective upstream signal with the downstream optical signal from the head end.

1. A bidirectional optical amplifier (1 ) arranged to be passed through in one direction by a downstream optical signal (SDs) and in an opposite direction by an upstream optical signal (Sus), comprising:
- a first optical circulator (2) having three ports,
- a second optical circulator (3) having three ports,
- a downstream unidirectional optical amplifier (4) connected between a second port (P2) of the first optical circulator (2) and a second port (P2) of the second optical circulator (3) so as to define a downstream amplification path (5) for the downstream optical signal (SDs), and
- an upstream unidirectional optical amplifier (6) connected between a third port (P3) of the first optical circulator (2) and a third port (P3) of the second optical circulator (3) so as to define an upstream amplification path (7) for the upstream optical signal (Sus), wherein the bidirectional optical amplifier (1 ) further comprises a waveband separator (10) connected between the second port (P2) of the first optical circulator (2) and an input of the downstream unidirectional optical amplifier (4).

1. A fiber optic network for transmitting data between a plurality of user systems, comprising:
a hub node, comprising:
a multi-wavelength optical transmitter configured to transmit a plurality of downstream optical carriers to at least one uni-directional fiber ring, each of said plurality of downstream optical carriers having a corresponding specific downstream wavelength selected from a plurality of wavelengths;
a first multiplexer configured to orthogonal frequency division multiplex a corresponding specific downstream data stream onto each of said plurality of downstream optical carriers;
a first parallel signal detector configured to receive from the at least one unidirectional fiber ring a plurality of upstream optical carriers, each of said plurality of upstream optical carriers having a corresponding specific upstream wavelength selected from said plurality of wavelengths and each of said plurality of upstream optical carriers carrying a corresponding specific upstream data stream multiplexed by orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; 

14. A method performed in a Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) network, the method comprising the steps of: - providing a transceiver suitable for coupling to a first light signal to a first downstream electrical signal and to a first upstream electrical signal;
- converting a downstream portion of first light signal to the first downstream electrical signal having a first frequency band;
- converting the upstream electrical signal to an upstream portion of the first light signal;
- providing a forward receiver suitable for coupling to a second downstream electrical signal and a second downstream light signal;
- converting the second downstream light signal to the second downstream electrical signal, the second downstream electrical signal having a second frequency band; - filtering the first downstream electrical signal by attenuating the first downstream electrical signal at frequencies that coπespond to the second frequency band; and
- combining the second downstream electrical signal and the filtered electrical signal into a combined signal.

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2020-05-12 13:02:34 | 英語特許散策

[0225J The decreasing responsivity with such shorter wavelengths presents difficulty i achieving a high performance silicon based photodiode in the violet or blue wavelength range. To overcome this difficulty blue enhancement and/or filter techniques can be used to improve the responsivity this wavelength range. In one embodiment an InGaN and/ or GaN-containing photodiode is combined with the integrated white light source. In another embodiment of this invention to overcome the difficulty of achieving a low cost silicon based photodiode operable with high responsivity in the blue wavelength region, a wavelength converter material such as a phosphor can be used to down convert ultraviolet, violet, or blue laser light to a wavelength more suitable for high-responsivity photo-detection according to the criteria required in an embodiment for this invention.

このようなより短い波長での受光感度の低下は、紫色または青色波長範囲の高性能シリコン系フォトダイオードを達成することを困難にする。この困難を克服するために、青色強化および/またはフィルタ技術(blue enhancement and/or filter techniques)を使用して、この波長範囲の受光感度を改善することができる。一実施形態では、InGaNおよび/またはGaN含有フォトダイオードが、一体型白色光源と組み合わされる。本発明の別の実施形態では、青色波長領域において高い受光感度で動作可能な低コストのシリコン系フォトダイオードを実現することの困難を克服するために、蛍光体などの波長変換材料を使用して、本発明の実施形態で要求される基準に従って、紫外、紫色または青色レーザ光を高感度光検出により適した波長にダウンコンバートすることができる。

[0007] To compensate for limited illumination, the camera may have enhanced light collecting efficiency and registration capacity so that amounts of reflected light registered by pixels in the camera's photosensor are sufficient for signals the pixels generate to have acceptable signal to noise ratios (SNRs). Light collecting efficiency is a measure of an intensity (optical energy per unit area) of light imaged on the camera photosensor from that portion of light collected by the camera lens per unit area of an object that the camera images. Light registration capacity is a measure of how much signal that a pixel in the camera's photosensor produces per unit of optical energy that the camera images on the pixel and has units of signal magnitude per unit of optical energy. A product of a camera's light collecting efficiency and light registration capacity is a measure of the camera's sensitivity to light from a scene that it images and is referred to as the camera's light acquisition sensitivity (LAS).

  [0007]  限られた照明を補うために、カメラは、当該カメラの光センサー内の画素により記録される反射光の量が、画素の発生する信号が許容可能な信号対雑音比(SNR)を有するのに十分となるように、増大した光収集効率と光記録容量を持つことができる。光収集効率は、カメラが撮像する物体の単位面積当りの、カメラのレンズによって収集される光の一部分からカメラの光センサー上で撮像される光の強度(単位面積当りの光エネルギー)の尺度である。光記録容量は、カメラが画素上に撮像する光エネルギーの一単位当りの、カメラの光センサー内の画素が生成する信号の量の尺度であり、光エネルギーの一単位当りの信号振幅の単位を有する。カメラの光収集効率と光記録容量の積は、カメラが撮像するシーンからの光に対するカメラの感度の尺度であり、カメラの受光感度(light  acquisition  sensitivity:LAS)と呼ばれる。

[46] Another alternative is illustrated in Figs. 11 and 12, wherein an edge-emitting laser 250 is integrated with a surface-receiving detector 252 on a substrate 254, with a reflective base element 256 mounted on the surface of, or positioned above, the surface of the detector. The base element 256 includes a surface 260, which may be either flat or curved, and a dichroic filter 262 on surface 260. The filter may be a multilayer coating on the surface 260, which is designed to reflect one wavelength band and to allow another wavelength band to pass through. For example, a beam 264 emitted from facet 266 of laser 250, which may have a wavelength band of 1310 nm ± 40 nm (and which may be essentially s-polarized) and directed at an angle of 45° onto filter 262 will be almost completely reflected upwardly through external optics 266 to an input/output device such as optical fiber 268. Incoming light 270, which may have a wavelength band of 1490 nm ± 10 nm, also is directed at an angle of 45° to the filter 262, but this wavelength is almost completely transmitted through the filter to the underlying detector 252. As illustrated in the top view of Fig. 12, the received light 270 is directed onto the detector within the dotted line 272, including the region beneath the base element 256, to provide a greater area of detection, and thus greater sensitivity to received light.

 基板254上で末端発信レーザ250が表面受光検出器252と統合され、反射ベース要素256が検出器の表面上に取り付けられ、または上方に位置決めされる他の代替手段は図11、図12に示されている。ベース要素256は、平面または曲面の表面260、および表面260上のダイクロイックフィルタ262を含んでいる。フィルタは、ある波長域を反射し、他の波長域を通過させるよう設計された表面260上の多層コーティングである。例えば、1310nm±40nmの波長域を持ち(実質的にs-偏光)、45°でフィルタ262に向けられ、レーザ250の面266から放射されるビーム264は、外部光学部品266を通して、光ファイバ268のような入力/出力デバイスに向けてほぼ完全に上方に反射される。 1490nm±10nmの波長域の入射光270もまた、45°の角度でフィルタ262に向けられるが、この波長はフィルタを通して下にある検出器252にほぼ完全に伝達される。図12の平面図に示されるように、受光270は、より大きな検出領域、およびそれによってより大きい受光感度を提供するため、ベース要素256の下の領域を含む、破線272の中の検出器に向けられている。

[0023] In an embodiment, the supporting device supports the x-ray irradiating device and x-ray receiving device at respective ends of a C-arm. In this case, diverse accesses to a subject are permitted. In an embodiment, the x-ray receiving device includes image intensifier so that the sensitivity to incident x-rays may be improved.



light reception sensitivity, optical reception sensitivity

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2020-05-12 12:32:09 | 英語特許散策

As a scheme for transmitting multichannel video signals (90 to 770 MHz) such as CATV signals via an optical fiber with higher quality, an FM batch conversion scheme is recommended by ITU (Non-Patent Document 1). The FM batch conversion scheme can improve a receiving sensitivity through a wideband gain obtained by FM conversion, compared with a scheme that intensity-modulates multichannel video signals for transmission, and thus enables a transmission with higher-quality (Non-Patent Document 2).


Several switches have been proposed for wavelength translation of a signal in a WDM system. For example, an all-optical switch previously proposed for wavelength translation of a signal is a four-wave optical mixer. Four-wave mixing, however, suffers several disadvantages over difference frequency generation. For a single pump signal, the pump frequency ωp is between the two optical carrier frequencies ω1, ω2 and the tails of the pump signal, which needs to be large for a third-order non-linear conversion, overlap the optical carrier frequencies. Furthermore, four-wave mixing, being more complex, generates more cross terms, which can interfere with the optical carrier signals. As a result, it is more suitable for converting a single wavelength and is difficult to apply to bulk conversion, that is, the simultaneous conversion of multiple wavelengths.

WDMシステムにおける信号の波長変換のために、幾つかのスイッチが提唱されている。たとえば、信号の波長変換のためにこれまでに提唱された全光型のスイッチの1つは、四光波光混合器である。しかし、四光波混合は、異なる周波数生成に関して幾つかの欠点を有している。単一ポンプ信号の場合、ポンプ周波数ωは2つの光搬送波周波数ω、ωの間にあり、また3次非線形変換のために大きいことが必要であるポンプ信号のテール部はこの光搬送波周波数と重なっている。さらに、四光波混合はより複雑であり、光搬送波信号と干渉を生じる可能性があるより多くの交差項(cross  term)を生成させる。その結果、単一の波長の変換のためにはより適当であるが、複数の波長の一括変換(すなわち、同時変換)に適用することは困難である。

[0008] However, such transmission scheme using intensity modulation has an inherent problem of a poor receiving sensitivity. Consequently, a scheme has been invented in which the CATV signals with 90 to 770 MHz is batch-converted to a broadband frequency-modulated signal with a center frequency of approximately 3 GHz and an occupied frequency bandwidth of 6 GHz, i.e., with an occupied frequency of 0 to 6 GHz, which is known as an FM batch conversion scheme (Patent Documents 1 and 2). According to this scheme, the receiving sensitivity can be improved because of the broadband gain (Non-Patent Document 3). This scheme is standardized by ITU (Non-Patent Document 2).


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