

Article 33, PCT

2020-05-15 18:09:43 | 条文

Article 33
The International Preliminary Examination

(1)  The objective of the international preliminary examination is to formulate a preliminary and non-binding opinion on the questions whether the claimed invention appears to be novel, to involve an inventive step (to be non-obvious), and to be industrially applicable.
(1) 国際予備審査は、請求の範囲に記載されている発明が新規性を有するもの、進歩性を有するもの(自明のものではないもの)及び産業上の利用可能性を有するものと認められるかどうかの問題についての予備的なかつ拘束力のない見解を示すことを目的とする。

(2)  For the purposes of the international preliminary examination, a claimed invention shall be considered novel if it is not anticipated by the prior art as defined in the Regulations.
(2) 国際予備審査に当たつては、請求の範囲に記載されている発明は、規則に定義する先行技術のうちに該当するものがない場合には、新規性を有するものとする。

(3)  For the purposes of the international preliminary examination, a claimed invention shall be considered to involve an inventive step if, having regard to the prior art as defined in the Regulations, it is not, at the prescribed relevant date, obvious to a person skilled in the art.
(3) 国際予備審査に当たつては、請求の範囲に記載されている発明は、所定の基準日に当該技術分野の専門家にとつて規則に定義する先行技術からみて自明のものではない場合には、進歩性を有するものとする。 

(4)  For the purposes of the international preliminary examination, a claimed invention shall be considered industrially applicable if, according to its nature, it can be made or used (in the technological sense) in any kind of industry. "Industry" shall be understood in its broadest sense, as in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
(4) 国際予備審査に当たつては、請求の範囲に記載されている発明は、いずれかの産業の分野においてその発明の対象がその発明の性質に応じ技術的な意味において生産し又は使用することができるものである場合には、産業上の利用可能性を有するものとする。「産業」の語は、工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約におけると同様に最も広義に解釈する。

(5)  The criteria described above merely serve the purposes of international preliminary examination. Any Contracting State may apply additional or different criteria for the purpose of deciding whether, in that State, the claimed invention is patentable or not.
(5) (1)から(4)までに規定する基準は、国際予備審査にのみ用いる。締約国は、請求の範囲に記載されている発明が自国において特許を受けることができる発明であるかどうかを決定するに当たつては、追加の又は異なる基準を適用することができる。

(6)  The international preliminary examination shall take into consideration all the documents cited in the international search report. It may take into consideration any additional documents considered to be relevant in the particular case.
(6) 国際予備審査に当たつては、国際調査報告に列記されたすべての文献を考慮に入れるものとし、更に、当該事案に関連があると認められる文献をも考慮に入れることができる。


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2020-05-15 17:22:37 | 英語特許散策

At any time, the user can navigate within menu 202, for example by clicking up/down arrows on a keyboard, or by moving an on-screen cursor to a desired menu item 203.

Referring now to FIG. 4, there is shown an example wherein the user has navigated to menu item 203A, which is a “Proxy password” menu item.

Menu item 203A is displayed in inverse video, to show that it is currently highlighted or selected.

One skilled in the art will recognize that any other distinctive visual technique can be used to indicate a highlighted or selected menu item 203A.

[0019] When elements 202 are being scrolled, one of the elements is highlighted to indicate which element is "selected".

In one embodiment, a haptic effect is generated when each element of elements 202 is selected.

The haptic effect may be in the form of a "bump" "pop", "click", "tick", etc. through a predetermined combination of magnitude, frequency and duration.

However, as the scroll rate is increased, a constant magnitude haptic effect can feel like a constant "buzz" to the user and fail to provide meaningful information.

Therefore, in one embodiment, the haptic effect volume/magnitude is decreased as the scroll rate increases, and vice versa.

This keeps the overall "haptic energy" of the Ul interaction at a low and unobtrusive level.

[00247] FIG. 10b shows an example if a multi-user-experience contains a 360°scene 200202 with a fixed spatial position 200204 of the virtual camera and only its orientation set by the users 200101.

In such an example, the virtual representations of the users 200101 may be placed at the positions 200205 in the 360° scene where the other users 200101 are currently looking.

The orientation of the avatars of the other users 200101 may face to the center of the sphere 200204.

The user 200204 may only see the users in his current field of view 200203 like with any other virtual content in the 360° scene.

If many users 200101 are looking at the same location, their avatars may all be at the same location 200205.

To only show specific avatars and making the other avatars less present in the scene, the user can select the relevant avatars 200208, for example a single presenter 200206 who presents to a large audience, through a selection UI.

This selection UI can be for example a separate list 200207 or as another example he picks the target characters using a magnifier effect to separate them from the unwanted surrounding avatars.

In some examples, by default, if there is a large audience but only a very small subset of this audience 200208 has edit rights to the Holo, the experience happening in the subset can be selected 200208 as the default selection of highlighted users.

In some examples, users with edit rights 200208 to the Holo they are in can change the scene permanently and all other users 200101 may see these changes automatically.

Some examples may allow users to exchange textual information such as links and other textual content an optional chat box 200209.

In such examples, users with the authority to post information can exchange this information in the system or by using a third party system.

[0096] The food access control system 105 can also modulate the operation of a machine 160 that is communicatively coupled with the food access control system 105 according to the safety level data generated in the safety level processing module 135.食物アクセス制御システム105はまた、安全レベル処理モジュール135で発生された安全レベルデータに従って、食物アクセス制御システム105に通信的に結合された機械160の作動を調節することができる。

In some embodiments, the machine can be at least one of the user devices 102a, 102b, 102c, 102d.

In other embodiments, the machine can be different devices other than the user devices 102a, 102b, 102c, 102d, which can be communicatively coupled to the at least one or more user devices 102a, 102b, 102c, 102d.

For example, the machine 160 can be a vending machine with various food items.

The food access control system 105 can configure the vending machine not to vend a food item that has low safety level to a person who attempts to use the vending machine to purchase the food item.

For another example, the machine 160 can be a self-order kiosk for food items.

The food access control system 105 can configure the self-order kiosk not to display the food ingredient (e.g., mustard sauce for a hamburger, etc.) from the menu list,

or prevent from checking out the order if the ordered food item contains food ingredient with low safety level.

One of the self-order kiosks includes an online shopping or online order system (e.g., webpage, a mobile application, etc.) that displays warning signs or refuses to check out the user's orders when the user attempts to place, or places a food item with low safety level in the shopping cart of the online order system.

In this scenario, the computer can label or mark the order of the food item in the shopping cart in a specific color (e.g., red text or highlighted, etc.),

or attach a warning sign ("!" mark or "WARNING", "DANGER", etc.), or even refuse to place the food item in the shopping cart.

[0049] A visually scannable symbol attached to a patient, such as a barcode, can provide information to retrieve the identity of the patient and to retrieve an associated acquired medical image 414 or multiple associated acquired images.

The patient orientation marker 422 can be used to ensure that the acquired medical image is oriented correctly with respect to the patient anatomy.

The patient marker 420 and an image orientation marker 422 in the radiological image may be matched with markers in the acquired medical image

to enable matching orientation of the acquired medical image with the patient orientation marker 422 on the patient anatomy.

This avoids orientation or calibration errors when the acquired medical image 414 is aligned with the patient anatomy.

The image inversion tag 422 can be used to make sure the image is not inverted or flipped over when the alignment occurs.

display ... inverted

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2020-05-15 16:39:07 | 英語特許散策

[0066] In the example of FIG. 19, key member 74 has laser-marked portions such as markings 96 that have been formed by laser light exposure.

Laser light may be focused onto the surfaces of key member 74 and/or may be focused internally.

When light is focused internally, laser markings such as markings 96 may be created without damaging the exterior surfaces of member 74 because the intensity of the light is lower on the exterior surfaces of member 74 than in the interior of member 74.

As a result, two-dimensional and/or three- dimensional internal structures can be formed from the laser markings (e.g., to form symbols, decorative trim, etc.).

Light may be scattered from these laser-processed structures when backlight illumination is applied to key member 74.

[0070] In other embodiments valve motion, or lack thereof, may be inferred from measurement of a parameter related to overall engine operation. For example, lifting an exhaust valve loads the camshaft slightly slowing its rotation rate.

Thus the change in camshaft rotation speed may be used to verify motion of the exhaust valve. Similarly, the presence of a high pressure exhaust spring, indicative of a closed exhaust valve, loads the crankshaft.

Thus the change in crankshaft rotation speed may be used to verify motion of the exhaust valve.

In particular comparison of the crankshaft rotation speed, acceleration, and/or jerk during and somewhat after an expected exhaust venting can be used to infer the presence of a high pressure exhaust spring.

The impact of a high pressure exhaust spring on crankshaft rotation is greatest somewhat before and after TDC,

since the cylinder torque is highest here and thus measurements may focus on these regions of crankshaft angle.

[0007] Emmetropia describes the state of clear vision where an object at infinity is in relatively sharp focus without the need for optical correction and with the crystalline lens relaxed.

In normal or emmetropic adult eyes, light from both distant and close objects passing through the central or paraxial region of the aperture or pupil is focused by the crystalline lens inside the eye close to the retinal plane where the inverted image is sensed.

It is observed, however, that most normal eyes exhibit a positive longitudinal spherical aberration, generally in the region of about +0.5 Diopters (D) for a 5 mm aperture,

meaning that rays passing through the aperture or pupil at its periphery are focused +0.5 D in front of the retinal plane when the eye is focused to infinity.

As used herein the measure D is the dioptric power, defined as the reciprocal of the focal distance of a lens or optical system, in meters.

[0051] User 310 or some other operator of device 320 may provide a visual, touch, audio, inertial, pressure, stress, temperature or other input via GUI 324 (or other such interface mechanism of device 320) to indicate that user 310 is currently or imminently performing a prompted action.
[0051]  使用者310または誰か他のデバイス320の操作者は、使用者310が促された行為を現在行っているか、または間もなく行うことを示す、視覚、接触、音声、慣性、圧力、応力、温度、または他による入力を、GUI324(またはデバイス320の他の同様のインターフェース機構)を介して提供することができる。

For example, device 320 may include a camera and eye tracking logic to determine a direction of viewing by user 310. User 310 may be successively prompted to focus at markings, objects and/or other items each a different respective distance from user 310.

One example of such items is represented by the illustrative book 350 at a distance dl, desktop computer 352 at a distance d2, door 354 at a distance d3, and a view 356 of a horizon distance d4 from user 310.

While user 310 is focusing on an item at a given distance, device 320 may signal EMD 312 to successively provide different accommodation levels at different times,

while user 310 is prompted (by GUI 324 and/or an operator of device 320) to indicate a preferred one of the accommodation levels.

A preferred accommodation level may be indicated by input provided via GUI 324 and then communicated to EMD 312.

For example, a correspondence of the preferred accommodation level to the given distance (and/or a range of distances including that distance)

may be determined by EMD 312 based on such input via GUI 324 and/or associated communications between EMD 312 and device 320.

[0006] One embodiment disclosed is an imaging device.

The imaging device includes a plurality of transmitters including a first transmitter configured to generate a structured light pattern with a first depth of field at a first resolution and a second structured light pattern with a second depth of field at the first resolution,

wherein the second depth of field is wider than the first depth of field,

a receiver configured to focus within the first depth of field to receive the first structured light pattern and capture a first image representing the first structured light pattern

and to focus within the second depth of field to receive the second structured light pattern and capture a second image representing the second structured light pattern; and

an electronic hardware processor configured to generate a depth map of the scene based on the first image and the second image.

Fig, 5 is diagrammatic cross sectional view of a faceted gemstone illustrating a scanning method using a semi-parabolic mirror with a focal point at the surface of where the gem is placed, where OCT beam can then be scanned across the parabolic mirror.

1. An apparatus for measuring thermal diffusivity of a sample material comprising:
a pulsed laser light source for providing a pulsed laser light beam directed to irradiate said sample material whose thermal diffusivity is to be measured, said pulsed laser light beam characteristics being chosen to cause formation of a thermal lens in said sample material;
a probe light beam source for providing a probe light beam directed to irradiate said thermal lens;
a probe light beam focusing lens located between said probe light beam source and said sample material, said focusing lens providing a converging/diverging beam with a focal point at a predetermined location with respect to said thermal lens thereby resulting in an intensity alteration of said probe light beam as a result of irradiating said thermal lens; and
means for detecting the intensity of at least a portion of said probe light beam after having irradiated said thermal lens during a portion of the dissipation time of said thermal lens, thereby providing an intensity versus time profile related to the thermal diffusivity of said sample material.

In the illustrated embodiment, the processing unit 110 does not generate and/or colorize (or otherwise demark) representations 312 of traffic elements that fall outside designated ranges of distance, altitude difference, direction and so forth. For example, it does not generate representations for traffic elements that fall outside the angular field of view of a viewer from the designated perspective (though, it may generate and colorize representations for traffic elements within the angular field of view, but at distances beyond what can be seen by a normal-sighted pilot). Moreover, it does not colorize representations that fall inside that field of view, but that are at altitude differences of more than, say, 2500-3000 feet; distances of more than, say, 15-20 miles, and/or that fall outside a hypothetical cone of, say, 45° with a focal point at the host aircraft cockpit and aligned with that craft's flight path—all by way of example.

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2020-05-15 16:03:53 | 英語特許散策

[0004] This paper describes various embodiments that relate to methods and tools for producing anodization films.

Methods described are useful for providing protective anodization films on metal surfaces of electronic devices such as enclosures for mobile telephones and the like.

The anodization films can not only protect, but can also cosmetically enhance the look and feel of metal surfaces of electronic devices.

In some embodiments, methods include providing at least two adjacent anodization films on a metal surface.

The interface between the adjacent films is regular and uniform, resulting in an overall protective film on the metal surface which is aesthetically appealing and smooth.

In certain embodiments, the adjacent films are on angled regions of the metal surface.

In an electronic device, such angled regions can include, for example, a chamfered edge of the device.

In some embodiments, methods involve forming a transparent anodization film on an underlying metal that permits the underlying metal surface to be viewable.

The underlying metal can have surface features such as a highly reflective surface, textured surface or artwork, which can be viewable through the transparent anodization film.

[0003] To be competitive in a global market, a network-based marketplace that serves a large, world-wide community of users may find it beneficial to meet objectives of

(1) rapidly developing, modifying, testing, or deploying a large number of server-side applications such that rapidly-changing needs of the users are met,

(2) optimizing the server-side applications such that their deployment does not violate resource and performance constraints.

In one approach, the network-based marketplace may achieve its objective by employing a large-sized group of developers to code each server-side application by hand;

however, such an approach may have various drawbacks, including producing applications that have a less consistent look-and-feel,

take a longer time to develop, or are less efficient in terms of, for example, reuse of code, than applications produced using other approaches.

In another approach, the network-based marketplace may achieve its objectives by employing a small-sized group of developers to code applications that conform rigidly to a template;

however, such an approach would also have various drawbacks,

including producing applications that are more difficult to customize, consume more resources, or have slower performance than applications produced using other approaches.

In response to the user selection that identifies a selected workflow from among the registered workflow options, the methods herein automatically and dynamically create (using the computerized device) device-specific user interface screens that function similarly to the existing dynamic web form, but with the appropriate look and feel for an MFD user interface to make better use of the MFD user interface screen real estate.

The device-specific user interface screens are used in execution of the selected workflow, and the device-specific user interface screens comply with unique formatting requirements of the graphic user interface.

Thus, the device-specific user interface screens have different formats for different multifunction devices, depending upon the requirement of the graphic user interface of the MFD.

For example, one MFD with a relatively large screen may be able to display 6 different workflow input fields on each screen (e.g., “Username,” “Password,” “Filename,” etc.)

while another MFD with a smaller screen may only be able to display 3 fields on each screen (thus requiring twice as many user interface screens to collect the same workflow input from a user).

The computerized device generates different user interface screens dynamically for the different MFDs that collect input and execute the same arbitrary workflow, using “Next” and “Previous” buttons to allow the user to navigate from one user interface screen to another.

[0030] Also, although not specifically shown, user 20 and/or a data glove worn on the hand of user 20 can receive haptic feedback from haptic feedback system 16 (FIG. 1).

For example, haptic feedback system 16 may include any suitable force feedback mechanisms, such as the CyberGrasp™, CyberForce™, CyberTouch™, etc., which can operate in conjunction with a data glove.

Particularly, haptic feedback system 16 may include various actuators for simulating the feel of the virtual tool as if it were an actual tool.

Also, based on other characteristics of the virtual tool, such as weight, resilience, degrees of freedom, etc., haptic feedback system 16

can provide the sensation of manipulating the virtual tool and provide sensory feedback based on how the tool interacts with the subject.

Therefore, haptic feedback system 16, depending on the type of tool is being simulated, can provide the sensation of pressure, forces, tendency to resist movement, gravity, vibration, inertia, etc.


[0022] FIG. 3 illustrates first and second beverage centers 22 located on the left and right sides of the beverage station 100.
Each beverage center 22 is located close to the adjacent isle of the aircraft to the maximize workflow.
The beverage centers 22 are equipped with overhead lighting 40 to provide flight attendants with a visually accessible work area. A set of touch controls 31 above the cabinets 24 control the operation of the overhead lighting 40.
The cabinets 24 above the beverage centers 22 are sized to hold numerous coffee and tea cups 42 for passengers and provide an easily accessible storage location.
The cabinets 24 may be free of handles that interfere with the work space areas, and be at a level that is easily reached by flight attendants.
The counters 26 in front of the beverage centers 22 include drip trays 27, are adequate to support a full meal tray, allowing the flight attendants the ability to put a tray down while preparing a beverage.
しずく受け(drip tray)27を有する飲料センター22の前のカウンター26は、食事トレイ全体を支えることができるので、フライトアテンダントは、飲料の準備中にそこにトレイを置いておくことができる。
In a preferred embodiment, touch controls 31 along the upper surface of the galley above the cabinet 24 include controls for each appliance in the beverage station 100.
Dedicated touch screens 31 independently operate each appliance, and user interface screens 33 are customizable and upgradeable.
Methods to provide a tactile feedback to the flight attendants in response to the actuation of the controls may include haptics or other display responses.

[0028] The actual erasing and writing of the flash ROM can require a number of seconds and while the system is in SMM it is not responsive to other user programs.

So as to provide a better user experience when large updates are required, in one embodiment,

the actual processing of the update may be broken into smaller portions by the mechanism of returning to the caller in main memory - either the variable update packager or the update program, with a flag indicating partial completion.

This break in operation may potentially occur several times.

After receiving this partial completion flag, the caller suspends operation for some brief time period to allow other user programs to briefly execute and then reenters SMM with a continuation flag.

In the case of the update program a visual progress indication on the user screen may be updated upon return to main memory.

Upon reentry to SMM, the SMM firmware takes any steps required to make sure that the memory image of the update in progress was not modified during the suspension.

This optional step is omitted from Figures 1 and 2 only for clarity.

[0035] FIG. 4B demonstrates that the logic 30 can also use the custom set of display parameters 60 to process one or more page click events 62 in a co-browsing session.

The page click events 62 might be reflected in a document object model (DOM) property used to render pages or other appropriate state characterization.
ページ・クリック・イベント62は、ページをレンダリングするために使用される適切な文書オブジェクト・モデル(DOM)のプロパティまたは他の適切な状態特性表示(state characterization)において反映されることが可能である。

In the illustrated example, the mobile browser 28 issues the click event 62 to the logic 30, which overrides a standard click animation response 64 having desktop header information with a click animation response 66 that includes mobile header information.

As noted in the previous example, because the illustrated desktop browser 26 has handheld device viewing capability,

the click animation response 66 may have the same look and feel in both the desktop browser 26 and mobile browser 28.
クリック・アニメーション応答66は、デスクトップ・ブラウザ26とモバイル・ブラウザ28の両方で同じ外観および操作感(lookand feel)を有することができる。

Other implementations in which the clients poll for updates from their peers as to link and click events, may also be used.

[0051] Furthermore, the wheels 150 and 152 make firm contact with the backsides 170 and 172 of the teeth 144 and 146.

As the slider 128 is pulled up, the right wheel 150 rotates about the hub 158 in a clockwise direction, while the left wheel 152 rotates about the hub 160 in a counterclockwise direction.

The wheels 150 and 152 complete the engagement of the teeth 144 and 146 and urge the engaged teeth 144 and 146 to exit out of the central opening 169 and out of the slider 128.

The wheels 150 and 152 provide a "smooth" feedback to the wearer of the garment 110 as he or she pulls the pull tab 126 upward, which enhances operational feel of the zipper arrangement 100.

[0080] The additional force that can be needed to compress a fully sealed dome switch can be undesirable from a user perspective, i.e., it can generate an undesirable aesthetic feel to the device.

The apertures in the sealing mechanism can 218 allow the volume and hence the pressure within the dome switches 220 to remain relatively constant under compression.

Thus, the force to further actuate the touch pad may remain relatively constant during actuation of the touch pad, which can provide a more desirable aesthetic feel to a user of the touch pad.

[0068] An inner surface of the piston 10a preferably contains a circular ridge or groove 17a, 17b for engaging a top portion of the spring 16a and holding it in place.

Optionally, similar or different structure can likewise be provided in the cylinder 12a to hold the other end of the spring 16a.

It is contemplated that each piston 10a, 10b may utilize a single spring, or may utilize two or more springs to achieve a sufficient performance for the piston 10a movement within the cylinder 12a, or an operational feel of the treadle 20, or for other various reasons.

For example, as shown, each piston 10a, 10b may utilize a pair of springs 16a, 16b that are generally coaxially arranged within the piston 10a, 10b.

The springs may be held inside the piston in various manners.

In the shown examples, one spring with a relatively larger diameter may engage the inner diameter walls of the piston 10a, 10b,

while the other spring with a relatively smaller diameter may engage the circular ridge or groove 17a, 17b which is located more towards the center of the piston 10a, 10b.

It is further contemplated that the two or more springs 16a, 16b within each cylinder 12a, 12b may have the same spring constant, or different spring constants.

In this way, by exchanging the springs within each cylinder, the spring force can be readily customized.

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2020-05-15 11:41:42 | 英語特許散策

[0051] The catheter may be advanced into the deep ulnar vein using one or more visualization techniques (e.g., via fluoroscopy, ultrasound, combinations thereof, or the like).

In some variations, the catheter may be advanced over or along a guidewire which may be placed at the target fistula formation site via one or more of the vascular access sites described immediately above.

FIG. 9 is a side view illustrating a method for deploying the expandable screw into the treatment site in the vertebra.

[0204] In a sixth step illustrated in anatomical structure 3208 of FIG 57F,

drug and or embolization agents are injected using a syringe or other means

from the proximal end of microcatheter 3104 through guidewire/injection port 354 of hub 52 (FIG 55),

longitudinally through guidewire injection lumen 334 (FIG 54), and out the distal end of catheter extension 307.

In this instance, embolic particles 3210 are carried by normal blood flow

into distal right hepatic artery 3214, tumor capillaries 373, 375, 377 and 379, as illustrated by flow arrow 3212, and into hepatoenteric artery 374 in the direction indicated by flow arrow 376.

Drug and/or embolization agents that travel through gastroenteric branch artery 374 or any other arterial branch distal to the distal tip of microcatheter 3104,

by normal forward flow, are deposited at non-target sites, including parts of the liver and intestine. 

[0027] The inorganic coating may be characterized as being tightly-adhered to the substrate.

Adhesion strength may be tested in accordance with ASTM D 3359 Method A.
接着強度は米国材料試験協会規格ASTM  D  3359  Method  Aに従って試験されうる。

A tape with minimum peel strength 60 oz per inch (as tested per ASTM D 3359 Method A), is placed over the a X-scored marking per D 3359 Method A, pressed down and then pulled away abruptly.
(ASTM  D  3359  Method  Aに従って試験)した1インチあたり60オンスの最小剥離強度を有するテープを、D  3359  Method  Aに従ってクロスカットした部位に配置し、押し付けた後に急激に引き剥がす。

The amount of material pulled off with the tape is compared with a standard to rate the adhesion.

In these tests, the inorganic coatings tested showed very little if any removal and qualify as Class 5 of ASTM D 3359 Method A;
これらの試験で、対象となった無機質コーティングは剥離がきわめて少なく、ASTM  D  3359  Method  Aのクラス5、

i.e., less than 5% of the inorganic coating is present on the pulled-away tape, and more typically less than 1%.

In one embodiment, substantially no inorganic coating is present on the pulled-away tape.

FIG. 1 is block diagram of a laser bond inspection system 100. Laser bond inspection system 100 includes a laser bond inspection device 110 configured to generate a laser beam 120.

Laser bond inspection system 100 also includes a thermochromatic energy-absorbing material 130 applied to an inspection site of a test article 140.

Test article 140 includes a first component 150 and a second component 160 joined by a bond 170.

Thermochromatic energy-absorbing material 130 may include a homogeneously thermochromatic material.

In alternative embodiments, thermochromatic energy-absorbing material 130 may include an energy-absorbing material coated with a thermochromatic material,

such that the coating layer is thermochromatic, but the energy-absorbing material is not.

[0001] A magnetic target and sensor array may be used to locate a hidden feature behind a non-magnetic wall.

The magnetic target is placed at the feature behind the wall, and the sensor array is scanned over a front surface of the wall.

Flux lines from the magnetic target are sensed by the sensor array.

[00116] In some embodiments, a plurality of optical devices may be used to compensate for the orientation of a tube placed in a tube holder.

For example, multiple optical devices can be provided in a tube holder such that more than one line of sight is available for viewing a barcode.

In some embodiments, multiple lenses can be provided in a tube holder to provide multiple optical inputs for viewing a tube.

In some embodiments, multiple image sensors are placed in the receiving portion of the tube holder to allow viewing of a barcode at multiple points in the tube holder.

The arrangement can include 3 to 8 or more imaging devices in an array, such as a one-dimensional array that surrounds the tube in a ring-like fashion.

Accordingly, a substantial portion of the barcode can be read regardless of the initial orientation of the sample tube when it is placed in the tube holder.

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2020-05-15 11:08:13 | 英語特許散策

[0067] In one configuration, the alert system may be configured to

provide a first alert 132 if one or more of the MMG output signals 38 is indicative of the occurrence of an artificially induced neuromuscular response,

and provide a second alert 134 if the plurality of the buffered MMG output signals are collectively indicative of the occurrence of an artificially induced neuromuscular response.

The first alert 132 may be, for example, be a light that is illuminated on the particular sensor 34 that sensed the induced response.

Likewise, the second alert 134 may be, for example, illuminating a plurality of lights across all of the sensors 34 (i.e., to indicate collective detection).

[0091] At 904, the UAV's signal processor module 310 may analyze the collected images to determine the presence of one or more objects.

For example, the image may contain a plurality of lights representing the detected object's navigational lights or anti-collision lights.

During the operation of the system 2602, one or more indicators 2618

may be used to display or signal the status of the system using visual or audio indicators such as lights, graphic or video displays and sounds.

When FOD is detected, for example, one or more lights may be activated to indicate to a user that possible debris may be located near the resonators.

In some embodiments the system may also signal the system and FOD/LOD status to external systems and components.

An indication of the system status may be transmitted to a vehicle, for example.

[0108] Making reference to Figure 8B, an IR positioning emitter tile 850 sits at each corner of the operative or clinical stage.

The diagram is an example of four unique tiles. When using the mounted positioning beacons, the pattern will be different.

These tiles contain a number of infrared emitters 852, usually five individual emitters, arranged in a specific pattern.

Each tile contains a different pattern of the five IR emitters. As the operator moves the x-ray emitter around the stage, the IR positioning camera captures and analyses the IR emissions from the tiles.

Because each tile has a unique pattern, the camera is able to determine its exact position in relation to the table.

Additionally, because each tile has a unique pattern of multiple lights, the system can determine the exact position from the tile in XYZ space.

[0050] Further, interface 801 of FIGS. 7 and 8 may further be configured to convey information related to a charging status of one or more electronic devices positioned within the charging region of the charging devices.

For example, according to one exemplary embodiment, interface 801 may be configured to

display one or more lights in display elements positioned proximate a device identifier (e.g.. "Camera"), in a distinguishable pattern to indicate whether an associated electronic device 820 within the charging region of charging device is being charged.

In addition, interface 801 may be configured to display one or more lights in another distinguishable pattern to indicate that an associated electronic device 820 within a charging region of charging device is fully charged.

Furthermore, for example, interface 801 may be configured to display one or more continuous lights associated with a device identifier to indicate that the electronic device is fully charged.

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