Fraser, J. T.が編集しているThe Study of Time(1996)の第8巻Dimensions of Time and LifeのなかにあったPragmatism, life, and the politics of time(John J. Stuhr)という章を読んでいたら、デューイの言葉が引用されていた。
The human individual is himself a history, a career, and for this reason his biography can be related only as a temporal event. That which comes later explains the earlier quite as truly as the earlier explains later... Temporal seriality is the very essence, then, of the human individual. (Dewey, 1988 Time and individuality. In Jhon Dewey: The later works, 1925-1953, Vol.14, Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, p.102)
含蓄のある言葉だ。このTime and individualityという論文を読んでみたいと思った。
Fraser, J. T.が編集しているThe Study of Time(1996)の第8巻Dimensions of Time and LifeのなかにあったPragmatism, life, and the politics of time(John J. Stuhr)という章を読んでいたら、デューイの言葉が引用されていた。
The human individual is himself a history, a career, and for this reason his biography can be related only as a temporal event. That which comes later explains the earlier quite as truly as the earlier explains later... Temporal seriality is the very essence, then, of the human individual. (Dewey, 1988 Time and individuality. In Jhon Dewey: The later works, 1925-1953, Vol.14, Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, p.102)
含蓄のある言葉だ。このTime and individualityという論文を読んでみたいと思った。