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読書 その四 オカヤマ

2011年01月03日 13時16分07秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)
一人息子として生まれました。 子供の頃に彼が、絵画に接することはほとんど

あった全て伝統的な日本画でした。 彼が覚えている唯一の西洋的な絵は、

見られなかったものでした。 そこには飾り物とか儀式的な物以上の何かがありま

学校では、素描は本の中の絵を模写することで教わったのです。 その後、彼は


Yasuo Kuniyoshi was born in the city of Okayama in southern Japan in 1893,
the only child of a businessman of modest means. As a boy he had little contact
with art. Okayama had no museum and the few pictures he saw were those in
friends’ all in the traditional Japanese style. The only painting in the
Western style that he remembers was a realistic battle panorama that came to
town when he was six or seven. “It stirred me greatly,” he wrote recently,
“because it was so real and lifelike, a factor that I had not been aware of in the
works of art that surrounded my childhood. Here was something that was more
than decorative and dignified.” In school, drawing was taught by copying pictures
in books. Later in technical school he studied weaving and dyeing, and
made designs for textile patterns. But though he liked to draw he had no idea
of becoming an artist. He was a strong, active boy and a good athlete, and often
represented his school in track meets.

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