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読書 その二十四 オリエンタリズム

2011年01月27日 08時59分22秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)
クニヨシの初期の作品は、ユニークな東洋風とモダニズムの調合でした。 基本的には東洋的
その幻覚性からの自由さ。 この東洋的なものは先天性に因るところが大きいと見られます、

"Self-Portrait as a Golf Player", 1927. Oil. (50 x 40 in) Museum of Modern Art.

Kuniyoshi's early work was a unique blend of Orientalism and modernism.
Basically it was Oriental, in its interest in all forms of life, its humor, its concep-
tion of pictorial design as receding planes, its freedom from illusionism. This
Orientalism appears to have been largely atavistic, for he had seen little art of
any kind before his student days in New York. Certainly it was as radical a
departure from the traditional Japanese style as from Western academicism.

"Adam and Eve", 1922 Oil on Canvas (20 x 30in) Private Collection, New York.
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