クニヨシは、初めから比較的良いプレスとの関係がありました。 保守的な批評家は
アレキサンダー・ブルックによって; 同様にザ・ダイアルのヘンリー・マックブライドや
"Life Saver", 1925 Oil on Canvas, (30 x 25) Fukutake Shoten Collection,Okayama.
Kuniyoshi had a fairly good press from the beginning. Conservative critics
were baffled by him, but the progressive critics were now more numerous and
outspoken than in the early days of the modern movement. In The Arts, founded
by Field and edited later by Forbes Watson, his work like that of other young
painters was sympathetically reviewed, especially by Alexander Brook; also by
Henry McBride in The Dial and Murdock Pemberton in The New Yorker.
Forbes Watson:フォーブス・ワトソン、ニュー・ヨーク・ポーストでコメントの仕事。
Art commentator for the New York Post, probably best known as the editor of The Art.
Henry McBride (1867 - 1962):ヘンリー・マックブライド、モダニスト文学に影響力。
1920~29-influential outlet for Modernist literature.
Murdock Pemberton (1888 - 1982):マードック・ペムバートン。
He was first art critic for the New Yorker. ニュー・ヨーカーの最初の美術評論家。
アレキサンダー・ブルックによって; 同様にザ・ダイアルのヘンリー・マックブライドや
"Life Saver", 1925 Oil on Canvas, (30 x 25) Fukutake Shoten Collection,Okayama.
Kuniyoshi had a fairly good press from the beginning. Conservative critics
were baffled by him, but the progressive critics were now more numerous and
outspoken than in the early days of the modern movement. In The Arts, founded
by Field and edited later by Forbes Watson, his work like that of other young
painters was sympathetically reviewed, especially by Alexander Brook; also by
Henry McBride in The Dial and Murdock Pemberton in The New Yorker.
Forbes Watson:フォーブス・ワトソン、ニュー・ヨーク・ポーストでコメントの仕事。
Art commentator for the New York Post, probably best known as the editor of The Art.
Henry McBride (1867 - 1962):ヘンリー・マックブライド、モダニスト文学に影響力。
1920~29-influential outlet for Modernist literature.
Murdock Pemberton (1888 - 1982):マードック・ペムバートン。
He was first art critic for the New Yorker. ニュー・ヨーカーの最初の美術評論家。