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読書 その二十三 ドローイング

2011年01月26日 23時35分19秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)
オリジナルなものでした。 伝統的日本美術に似て彼のスタイルは基本的に書道的でした、

と同じ様に、表情豊かに表現します、それも色に頼らないで。 我々の殆どは、ペインティングをする前にドローイングを学びます。 しかしながら、画家になった後にやっとドローイングの意味をハッキリと理解して、どうやって素描するかを学び直すのです。 私は、ペインティングにするのと同じやり方でドローイングを扱うと信じています。」

これらの初期のドローイングで彼の幻想は、油絵の中にあるものよりより純粋な表現を成し遂げました。 人物と物体の提携は、豊富な象徴的意味と想像力に富んでいました。 デザインは、
多くの自由を許したのです。 全てのすばらしい形体は優美に描かれています、雑草とシダ、

"Dream" 1922, Ink. (18 3/8 x 12 3/4 in) Collection Mrs. Edith Gregor Halpert.

In these years he made a series of ink drawings that were among his most
original works. Like traditional Japanese art his style was fundamentally calli-
graphic, and the drawing medium has always been particularly sympathetic to
him. He recently wrote of drawing as compared with painting: "It is an indepen-
dant creation, an intimate expression almost always freer and less self-conscious.
It requires infinitely more knowledge to produce a drawing, which in itself speaks
as eloquently as painting, without relying on color. Most of us learn to draw
before we learn to paint. However it is only after becoming a painter that one
realizes the meaning of drawing, and goes back to relearn how to draw.........
I believe in treating a drawing in the same way I do a painting." In these early
drawings his fantasy achieved an expression even purer than in his oils. The
association of figures and objects was more imaginative, richer in symbolism.
The design was freer than in his paintings, the very limitation of the medium
allowing more freedom. All the fine forms were exquisitely drawn - weeds and
ferns, snakes and birds, tiny distant trees.

"Fisherman" 1924 Ink. (21 1/2 x 27 1/2 in) Museum of Modern Art.

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