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読書 その十九 女と海

2011年01月20日 17時56分06秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)
1924年に新しい主題が来ました、女と海です。 これらの絵画の中で、クニヨシの芸術の大変重要な部分を演じる性の要素が初めて全てを表しました。 それらの最も想像力に富んだ画は、
アイランド・オブ・ハピネス(幸福の島)で、高度に性的です、ただ個々の物体の象徴的意味の中のみならず全ての概念のなかにある- 裸体の女性が夢うつつで横たわっている、現代の

います。 全てのこのような絵画は、ある文字では書けない理想の実体を持っていました。

Island of Happiness, 1924, Oil, (24 x 30 in) Lent by the Bryner-Schwab Collection.

In 1924 came a new subject, women and the sea. In these pictures the ele-
ment of sex that was to play so important a part in Kuniyoshi's art first appeared
fully. The most imaginative of them, Island of Happiness, is highly sexual, not
only in the symbolism of individual objects but in the whole concept - the nude
woman lying as in a trance, a modern Danaë, the tree of life seeming to spring
from her body, her foetuslike attitude and the womblike shape of the island, the
surrounding sea, dark as night. The vision in all these works was far from natural-
istic; the bodies of swimmers were shown not only above but below the water, a
naive and humorous conceit; and sea, rocks and islands were presented in a form
so simplified as to be symbolic images like those in primitive art. All these pic-
tures had some of the unliteral reality of dreams.

The Swimmer, 1924, (20 x 30 in) Lent by the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts.

An old friend of mine from the art student's day in Dayton, Ohio sent me this card.
He said that the colors on the card are very close to the actual painting.Thanks,Carl.
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