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Tagawa City Coal Mining Historical Museum Blog (English)

2016年05月12日 | ENGLISH

Tagawa City Coal Mining Historical Museum
(Tagawa-shi Sekitan Rekishi Hakubutsukan)

About us:
Our museum is a public historical museum whose name includes “Sekitan (Coal),” and is located in the Coal Mining Memorial Park (Sekitan Kinen Koen) where the two great chimneys and a shaft head frame sore into the sky. We hold and exhibit the “Sakubei Yamamoto Collection” which was registered as UNESCO Memory of the World, as well as materials related to the history of the Tagawa area including coal mining.

Unfortunately, our main building is now closed and under construction for repair. Therefore, you can only see the above two chimneys, shaft head frame, a steam locomotive engine used for coal transportation, reproduced miners’ row houses, duplications of selected coal mine paintings included in the “Sakubei Yamamoto Collection” and so on. 

Shaft head frame of the Ita Pit of the old Mitsui Tagawa Mining Station

No.1 and No.2 chimneys of the old Mitsui Tagawa Mining Station

No. 59684 of the Type 9600 steam locomotive engine

Reproduced miners’ row houses

In every season for outings, various amusing events are held in the Coal Mining Memorial Park with a parking space, to which it is a very short walk from JR Ita Station.

Come and see us, and you will surely be enchanted by our city, a former “center of coal mining (tanto).” 

The museum is open: 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
The museum is closed: Monday
* The museum is open even on Monday when it is a holiday and closed the following Tuesday.
When holidays succeed to the Monday as a holiday, the museum is open on every holiday  and closed the day after the holidays.

* The museum is closed at the beginning and end of the year (January 1-3, December 29-31)
* The museum is temporarily closed on such occasions as changes in exhibits.


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