

九州大学入試問題研究会 その2

2010-06-02 17:52:00 | 研修

It had been after dinner when Oskar suggested to the boy that they go out on the lake. He and Margret had eaten salad and lamb, drinking white wine with the salad and red with the meat. They were content.

Jonas was their only child, just turned six. He was named after Margret's father and was thought to have his features. His grandparents had given him a fishing rod for Christmas, and a couple of times Oskar had taken him out on the water to fish from their boat. Jonas had caught his first fish the prior weekend, a small *trout that Margret fried for lunch. He had been very proud of (1)「it.」

"Wouldn't it be better to go tomorrow morning?" she asked, "It's already eight thirty. "

"We won't be long,” answered Oskar. “I promised him.”

She did the dishes, and Oskar finished his wine as he cleared the table. (2) 「It had been a rule when Margret was growing up that people shouldn't go out on the lake when they had been drinking, but she decided not to bring that up now.」 She had mentioned it before, and Oskar hadn't hidden his opinion that her father's rules had no place in their home. He was far from drunk, anyway, and Margret made sure that Jonas's life jacket was securely fastened before father and son went down to the shore.

There was a breeze, and the boat rocked a little as they fished. They had no luck in the first spot and motored farther out. They got nothing there either. When the wind picked up, Oskar told Jonas they should be getting home. Jonas begged to stay just a little longer. Oskar agreed, but the trout still weren't biting. "The fish have gone to bed," he said. "and so should we. "

Jonas hung his head, disappointed.

"I never catch any fish with you," he said, "and you never do anything fun like the man in the white boat. You never spin around or anything. "

The man in the white boat was Vilhelm. He sometimes amused himself by making tight turns on the lake, and Jonas would watch him, excited. "Bloody fool," said Margret's father, but this had no effect on Jonas, who saw the white boat sending big waves up the beach.

"Shall we do a few turns?" Oskar asked.

"You never do," said Jonas. "You never do turns like the man in the white boat. "

They weren't far from land when Oskar turned round, headed out into the lake, and increased his speed. (3)「Keeping within what he thought a safe limit, he turned sharply to the left and right before slowing down again.」

"Wasn't that fun?" he asked.

"No," said Jonas, "not like the man in the white boat. It was boring. "

Oskar sped up again, heading for land this time. He was feeling irritable and wanted to go home. He opened the throttle as far as he could, then thrust the tiller hard right. The boat turned over.

They went (4). Oskar surfaced and then gasped. He couldn't see Jonas anywhere. Oskar splashed round the boat and found Jonas, coughing up water. Oskar gripped the side of the boat with one hand and pulled Jonas to him with the other. The water was too cold for them to swim to land. The boy was crying and kept choking on water every time a wave washed over them.




・一段落の強調構文はIt had beenで始まっている。ここは文法的には過去形でも良いのだが、過去完了になっている。それにより湖での出来事以前のことのリアルタイム感を消し「やり直すことのできない過去のあやまち」的側面を際立たせている。また、先に起こる出来事の不吉さを予感させる効果もある。

1 代名詞itが指す内容を日本語で述べる
Jonas had caught his first fish the prior weekend, a small trout that Margaret fried for lunch. He had been very proud of it.

2 下線部の日本語訳
It had been a rule when Margaret was growing up that people shouldn't go out on the lake when they had been drinking, but she decided not to bring that up now.
・bring that upが「話題に出す、言及する」の意味であることが分かるかがカギ。

3 下線部の日本語訳
Keeping within what he thought a safe limit, he turned sharply to the left and right before slowing down again.
・前半の分詞構文と関係詞whatの処理がポイント。before slowing down again も日本語に置き換えにくいと感じるかもしれない。

4 Jonas はVilhelmとOskarを比較してどのような不満を述べているかを日本語で説明しなさい。
"I never catch any fish with you, and you never do anything fun like the man in the white boat. You never spin around or anything." The man in the white boat was Vilhelm...
"Wasn't that fun?" "No, not like the man in the white boat."

5 空所補充。along away under up より適するものを選ぶ問題。
ボートが転覆した直後、段落が変わって They went ( ). Oscar surfaced and gaspedとつながっている。「転覆し、・・・し、オスカーは海面に顔を出した」という流れなので、・・・には、「二人は一旦沈んだ」という内容が入ると思われる。答えはunder

例によって次は今回得た知見をまとめたもの。受験生の再現答案分析による。(   )内は私個人の感想などの補足。


・「ルールの下で育った」は意訳と解し可? 1割の答案で見られる。
・bring that up の誤解が1/3強。

・what he thought a safe limitを「スピードの限界」としたものが2/3強。(厳密に言えば誤りかもしれないが、安全性とスピードのつながりの強さを考えれば不可にするのは厳しいかもしれない。)
・what he thought a safe limitの構造が把握できていないものが1/6強。
・before slowing down againを「速度が落ちる前に」と解したものが1/3。


・正解が1/3強。underの副詞用法になじみがなく、よく見かけるgo awayを反射的に選んでしまっている。awayの間違いが半分弱。


問1 「~した魚(マス)」とした解答例は、私とY。H、S、Kは「初めて魚を釣り上げ昼食に料理してもらって食べたこと」としている。次の記事も参考になる。

http://www9.plala.or.jp/h-ike/NYUSHI/2010-frame.htm より引用

「He had been proud of it.のitを指すものを説明しなさい,という問題は。私は最初疑わず「彼はそのことを大変誇りに思っていた」→初めてマスを釣ったこと,と解釈しました。いわゆる旧帝国大学の問題は代ゼミ,河合塾でその答を公表していますので,一応解答してから,答を照合しました。すると代ゼミは「1週間前に釣って,昼食に母が料理してくれたマス」とありました。当初考えてもなかったので,ちょっとびっくり。たまたまいたALTに英文を見せて,itは何だと思う?と聞きました。そしてら,最初の直感はtroutでした。それで,the fact that he ahd caught a troutということはないのか?と聞きました。答は"It could be."ただ,何度か読んでみて,やはり,itはtroutを指し,本当は"I am proud of myself"と言いたいところだけど,それでは,威張っているようなので,I am pround of the trout.と言っている,という返事でした。ところが河合塾では,「1週間前に初めてマスを釣って,そのマスを母が料理してくれたこと」答え全般には河合塾版に近かったので,こちらを採用したいところですが,直前に名詞があってitとなれば,それはtrout優先かなと思い返しました。いずれにしろ曖昧な設問で想定した答を知りたいところです。」

問2 bring that up はH、Y、Kが(話に)持ち出す。Sは「話題にする」。私は「触れる」

問3 Keeping within what he thought a safe limit はH、S、私が「スピード、速度」を表出していない。K、Yはそれぞれ「速度」「スピード」という言葉を使っている。

問4 Kはビルヘルムの運転の様子を前半で描き、後半にオスカーの運転が退屈であることをコンパクトに表現している。

問5 省略


にほんブログ村 教育ブログ 英語科教育へ

九州大学入試問題研究会 その1

2010-06-01 17:26:36 | 研修


In 1984, Dr Norman Rosenthal and his team at the National Institute of Mental Health, USA, described a condition they called seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Dr Rosenthal found there was a link between the decreased hours of sunlight during winter and the occurrence of depression. (1)「Most people are aware of the "winter blues," where tiredness, difficulty in getting out of bed and weight gain become common as autumn turns into winter.」 But for some people these blues can become so serious they pose a serious health problem.

Symptoms of SAD include a decrease in physical activity, sometimes with almost any effort seeming too much. Associated with this is an increase in time spent asleep. Often there is a greater desire for high-energy *carbohydrate foods such as cakes. ( ), weight gain is often reported in SAD sufferers. However, it is not the physical symptoms of SAD that are the most dangerous. Common mood changes include (3)「depression and anxiety.」 These, in turn, can lead to poor concentration, breakdowns in relationships, troubles in the workplace, and decreased immunity to infection.

(4)「What makes certain people more likely to feel SAD?」 Without doubt, the most important factor is the person's body chemistry, that is, how the chemicals in their brain respond to decreases in light. Next come the external factors. The further you live from the equator, the more likely you are to suffer from the condition, because winters have fewer daylight hours. In fact, any condition that reduces exposure to light during winter increases the likelihood of SAD, for example, working in an office for long hours. Based on two major research studies in Italy and Switzerland, it appears that around 9-10 per cent of the population is affected by SAD to varying degrees. However, for every individual with actual SAD, there are many more with milder winter blues, which can nevertheless still impact on a person's quality of life.

Dr Rosenthal pioneered the use of special artificial lights for the treatment of SAD, and this has proven to be the most successful therapy. The amount of light needed varies from one individual to another. Generally, commercial light boxes put out 10, 000 lux (a lux is a measure of light intensity). This amount of light would be roughly equivalent to outdoor light. For most people, between 30 and 60 minutes in front of the light is sufficient to get a positive response. (5)「However, it is important for a person to discuss various treatment alternatives with a doctor in case the depression is due to some other medical condition. 」




・三段落の最後の文However, for every individual with actual SAD, there are many more with milder winter blues, which can nevertheless still impact on a person's quality of life. のfor every individual with actual SAD のつながりが難。(問題の解答及び概要の把握には影響なし)

1 下線部の日本語訳
Most people are aware of the "winter blues," where tiredness, difficulty in getting out of bed and weight gain become common as autumn turns into winter.
・tiredness、difficulty、weight gainが並列であることが掴めるのは最低条件。
・become commonを「流行する」といった意味だと解釈できるか。

2 空所補充 As above、As a result、In addition、In contrastから適するものを選ぶ問題。
Often there is a greater desire for high-energy carbohydrate foods such as cake. ( ), weight gain is often reported in SAD sufferers.
・因果関係からAs a resultが答えなのは明らか。

3 下線のもたらす影響を4つ日本語で述べよ。
下線部:(3) depression and anxiety
・解答になる箇所はそれに続く文より、These, in turn, can lead to poor concentration, breakdowns in relationships, troubles in workplace, and decreased immunity to infection.の4箇所。読解力ではなく語彙力の問題である。

4 下線の答えと考えられる要因を2つ日本語で具体的に述べよ。
下線部:(4) What makes certain people more likely to feel SAD?

5 下線部の日本語訳
It is important for a person to discuss various treatment alternatives with a doctor in case the depression is due to some other medical condition.
・in case、due toに十分馴染んでいるか。
・various treatment alternativesが「他の様々な治療法」の意味であることが理解できるか。

次に、今回得た知見をまとめたもの。受験生の再現答案分析による。(   )内は私個人の感想などの補足。



・troubles in the workplace 「職場でのいざこざ」を「職場での問題」のように不十分な訳にしてしまう。(個人的には職場での問題を不可にするのは辛いと感じる)
・decreased immunity to infection が語彙レベル的に獲得されていない答案が約1/3。

・ 解答は「光の減少に対する脳内の化学物質の反応の仕方」という要素と「高緯度地域に暮らしていることやオフィス内での長時間労働など、光を浴びることを減少させるような状況」の2つ。
・「赤道から離れた場所に住んでいるなど冬期に日の光にあたる量が減少すること」など、 「オフィス労働」に関する記述がない。

・in caseを「~の場合」、「~しないように」など誤解をしている答案が約2/3(様々なin caseの用法についてはしっかり確認しておくべき)
・some medical conditionを「何らかの医学的状況」などと直訳をしたため、意味が分からない答案が9割以上。(「他の病気」と思い切って訳す勇気を求めるのは酷かもしれない。)
・to discuss various treatment alternatives with a doctorを「医者に替わる様々な治療法を検討する」と解する間違いが散見される。1割強。


問1 where以下は"winter blues"の説明であるから、私は敢えてそこで切ることはしなかったが、H、S、Kでオーソドックスに2文に分けられている。 Yは私と同じスタイル。

問3 職場での「問題」はHでは採用されている。Yも「問題」で処理。私も「問題」で可にすべきだろうと考える。

問4 それぞれ、「内的要因」、「外的要因」で締めくくりたいところ。Hではその形になっている。S、Y、Kのいずれも両方が揃っているところはない。Hの二つ目の要因は、「赤道」、「屋内労働」、「日光を浴びる時間の減少」の全てがカバーされている。一方、Y、Kの答案はSの基準でいけば不十分。

問5 medical conditionは Hでは「他の病状」、Kは「何らかの病状に原因がある場合」となり、日本語自体がやや不自然。Yは「医学的状態」

にほんブログ村 教育ブログ 英語科教育へ