「老白梅満開之図」をChatGPT 3.5君に読んでもらったら・・・

 昨日ご覧いただきました写真「老白梅満開之図」に続く漫文(Click here)をChatGPT 3.5君に読んでもらったら、こんな感想を寄せてくれました。

ChatGPT 3.5 〜 老と美しさ



 ChatGPT 3.5君、なかなか「お上手」ですね(^^)

ついでなのでChatGPT 3.5君に英訳もしてもらいました。
Today, a depiction of an old white plum tree in full bloom against the backdrop of a bamboo grove.
I had thought not to write anything unnecessary, but still, with full awareness of being superfluous, I wish to write. There is a saying, 'Growing old, becoming even more vigorous.' This means being filled with spirit and vitality to the extent of surpassing one's youth as one ages. However, this plum tree is different. It knows the strength of its own aging, gently blooming flowers with the power to continue blooming in the coming years, without force. That's why it is beautiful. I too wish to age like this plum tree, gracefully blooming flowers while understanding the power of my own years, but it seems my thoughts are a bit too impure...



To the author of this page: gaucheadgc(at sign)gmail(dot)com
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#ChatGPT #生成Ai #人工知能 #厳冬期 #立春間近 #梅 #老木 #白梅

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