オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : 夏の草花模様 ペチュニア(?) a Petunia(?)

2022年07月30日 | 日記


きっと近くに親株 or 元株(?)がいるはず、とキョロっとすると、丸い樽型の花壇にわさっといた。ここからの脱走組かな。




I found three flowers of a Petunia at the gap of bewteen the wall and the footpath.

I was sure if they would have had their group around near here, I found the group of the same flower in the flowerbed that was like a wood. The three flowers, I guess that they must have run away from that.


I was going to go home after shopping at the supermarket in the early evening, the evening sun was too strong to me... i felt tired by that but... They made me laugh so I felt better.

*not sure about my English...


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