
It wouldn't be good
Paying attentions to them
いる、っと思ったときに、彼らに対してのキモチが出過ぎてしまうんでしょうか?? 写真に撮りたいだけで、捕食とかないんですけど、「ジブンたちに関心持つヤツ悪いヤツ」と、いうような共通の認識? 常識? みたいなものを、彼らはどうしようもなく持っているということでしょうか???
"Oh, there are sparrows! Doves!" When I find them, I might pay attentions to them too much?? I'd only like to photograph them, never eat them, but they don't understand my thoughts for them, "If humans(not only but) pay an attention to us, they must be BAD. Is that their one of common senses? that they should have for surviving.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

It wouldn't be good
Paying attentions to them
いる、っと思ったときに、彼らに対してのキモチが出過ぎてしまうんでしょうか?? 写真に撮りたいだけで、捕食とかないんですけど、「ジブンたちに関心持つヤツ悪いヤツ」と、いうような共通の認識? 常識? みたいなものを、彼らはどうしようもなく持っているということでしょうか???
"Oh, there are sparrows! Doves!" When I find them, I might pay attentions to them too much?? I'd only like to photograph them, never eat them, but they don't understand my thoughts for them, "If humans(not only but) pay an attention to us, they must be BAD. Is that their one of common senses? that they should have for surviving.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.