オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : 長方形が好きなカタバミたち these oxalis love a rectangle

2021年09月30日 | 日記





What happened & why something happened...? It's a footpath where asphalted, there is a very small rectangle pit then the group of oxalis are living together there.

About the second photo, it phographed from a bit distane.

*not sure about my English... 

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : スキマ草なモミジ(?) it might be a kind of maple

2021年09月29日 | 日記


これは・・・モミジの何か? ですか?

壁際に生える若いモミジかな? と思う背の低い木を以前別の場所で見かけたことがあります。今回のと同じ、壁とアスファルトのスキマです。でもその木は、見つけてからまもなく、切られてしまいました。


Here, the gap of the wall and the asphalt, in the beginning of year, I can see many red dead nettles. After the flowers disappear, there are also many different kinds of plants come up from the ground then they disappear. The most of plants that are I can see anywhere, so I wouldn't pay attentions on them. However, a few days ago...

I found it, is it a kind of maple??

More than a few years ago, I found like this at another place but the situations were the same as this, much taller though. Soon later, the short maple? tree was cut. Oh dear.

If it is a maple tree, I will move it to another better place to live in?

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十二

2021年09月28日 | 日記






That evening sky, its colours reflect my mind of today.


I surely thought that the colours of an evening sky must show us our own minds. That bright red, I felt calm one day. But another day, I felt lonely. Each day, I have different feelings to that.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : スキマ草なサルスベリ(?) a crape myrtle living in a gap

2021年09月27日 | 日記

個人宅の庭を囲う壁の外側です。その壁とアスファルト舗装された駐車場との接地面のスキマ! から生えていました。一房咲いている花を見ると、サルスベリのに似ているし、葉っぱの連なりも似ているし…。

これがサルスベリだとして、これから先これ以上に背を伸ばしていけるのでしょうか? この道を通る時は観察せねばなるまいと思い定めたことでした。

I found this crape myrtle outside of the wall that belonged to the owner. It was a gap between the wall and the asphalt road for the car park that belonged to next door. The bunch of flower was opening, it looked like a flower of crape myrtle's one. And also, those leaves, too.

I am wondering if... it is crape myrtle, this Sukima-soh(plant) will be glowing to a taller tree?? I should study the plant wnenever I pass by.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十一

2021年09月26日 | 日記




猫などの、爪のある動物の手足のことを、英語でpaw(ポ or ポー)というらしいです。かわいい…と言いたいですが、このがもしもライオンだったら…それでもまだ、かわいい、と言える…かしらん…。


The cat's hand is paw!


The sound of "paw" is lovely to Japanese. But it is now about the cat. If it is an lion's ones....I'm not sure if I thought it's lovely....

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百三十

2021年09月25日 | 日記







Even a caterpillar stumbles.


It's true. I saw that. Around a week ago, when a caterpillar was moving on the asphalt road, she(he?) did. 

I will tell you an additonal story. About her, she was around on the middle of the road. I was worried if someone would have stepped on her. I tried to find a mini-tree stick, and take her into the bush with my hard-working. I hope that she has been OK and then will succeed to emerge from a pupa.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十九

2021年09月24日 | 日記







I Found a turtle in the sewage canal.


 It was long time no see such a dirty small liver that was running in a residential area. How was it? I tried to be peeping into the canal, there were one turtle, more than 10 of Asian carp and a few of a haif-sized fish of carp.

The turtle might have been red-eared turtle? If so, he(she?) was left here by an owner? I was feeling something like emptiness in a short time when I was at the canal.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十八

2021年09月23日 | 日記








I found two acorns that got in in a small dent. It looked lovely for me. It was a small happening though.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百二十七

2021年09月22日 | 日記






I should have an image that an aura is around me all the time for protecting myself from badly spiritual-things.


I should have a strong mind for guarding myself from even COVID-19. These days, I am trying to say it like a charm.

*not sure about my English...

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ホンヨミ Book-loving - 心淋し川」(うらさびしがわ)/Urasabishi-gawa

2021年09月21日 | 日記






The book is ,at the moment, only written by Japanese. The author is Kana Saijo. It got Naoki-Prize 2021 that is one of famouse Prizes in Japan. Anyway, about the book, the set is Edo Period, it has 6 short stories of ordinary people who have a lot/a bit/kinds of problems...but they live with some/a little hope. I hope it will be translated into any languages in the near future.

*not sure about my English...

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