オサンポ walk - 2023年の九月の初めごろ・・・の草花模様:松の木の実?? About plant in the beginning of Sep 2023

2023年09月30日 | 日記

木の変化に気づくことが少ないのは、見上げる高さの木が多いから? 低い木が近くにあるときはチャンスだけど、変化がゆっくりだと気付けない。写真のこれもたまたま…。これが松ぼっくりになるのかな??

This tree might be pine tree, that has nuts?

*not sure English...


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空を見上げる No.10 (九月七日Thu撮影) Looking up in the sky

2023年09月29日 | 日記


Even it is the same as the evening sky, if it pasts a few times, it will be a different evening sky.

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ガーデニング便り : チョウの 訪問者 From gardening

2023年09月28日 | 日記

(九月十七日Sun撮影)Photographed on Sun 17th of Sep 2023

I found a butterfly that would be a kind of Purple martin in the garden. His(her?) wings had something like kinds of copper, purle colour. But I couldn't take a photo of it. He has two like tails in his backward. It means that he might be a Purple martin. They usually live in south parts of Japan, but now they are moving to east areas in Japanm because of global warming(?).

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空を見上げる No.9 (九月七日Thu撮影) Looking up in the sky

2023年09月27日 | 日記


An evening sky chages fastly. When I am slower, I will miss a chance to take a good colour sky.

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ガーデニング便り : 「もしかしてヒルガオ?」(七月二十六日撮影)No.6 From my garden: it would be bellbind?

2023年09月26日 | 日記



This plant might be Ipomoea lacunosa. When it is around noon, its flowers wilt.

When I saw them in the evening, it was ture...

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空を見上げる No.8 (八月二十九日Tue撮影) Looking in the sky

2023年09月25日 | 日記


If there was a nice evening sky, if the sky was not wide, it would be difficult to photograph in a good composition.

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ三百五十六 No.356

2023年09月24日 | 日記


I met a cat at summer night

He looked like my cat

But I knew it wasn't 

*I miss you a lot. Please come and see me, it's ok even if you were ghost.

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant: ツユクサ an asiatic dayflower (2023年の九月十二日Tue撮影)

2023年09月23日 | 日記


This dayflower must like hot summer, that's why, still blooming...

ブタナと。with Hypochaeris radicata.

Photographed on Tue 12th of Sep 2023



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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.171 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo

2023年09月22日 | 日記



It was Thu 20th of July 2023, I photographed.

The swan was sleeping in the morning.

I haven't been to there, nearly for a month. I was wondering if the swan is OK with this crazy extremely HOT Summer... I hope so.

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空を見上げる No.7 (八月二十八日Mon撮影 Looking up in the sky.

2023年09月21日 | 日記


If I can see an evening sky, I think it is lucky!

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