ガーデニング便り : 「もしかしてヒルガオ?」(七月二十六日撮影)No.3 From my garden: it would be bellbind?

2023年07月31日 | 日記



There are three plants, two of them are having their vine. It's growing then

holding the stick. Their leaves don't look like "bellbind", are similar to Ipomoea triloba?

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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.153 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo

2023年07月30日 | 日記


Is there the swan's neck??

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ガーデニング便り : 「もしかしてヒルガオ?」(七月四日撮影)No.2 From my garden: it would be bellbind?

2023年07月29日 | 日記

三つほど? 芽を出しているように見える。成長が遅いよーな気もしている…。


There would be three burgeons coming out of the ground. But, it would be late a bit?

Is there enough time to grow up by this summer? (at the moment, growing up a bit more)

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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.152 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo

2023年07月28日 | 日記



One morning, I found a man who was photographing someting in the moat. Then, I found a turtle who was eating waterweed??

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夏の楽しみのひとつに:ツバメ Something about my pleasure of summer:swallow

2023年07月27日 | 日記


Making a nest, nurturing, and leaving a nest... I really like them swallow. They show us about thier "how to live" so close to our human lives. It's a good opportuniy to see one of wild animals that are difficult to see/observe thier lives. I wish that they stay close with us.

About the photo, the swallows might have been a family? They grew up on the nest at the supermarket near my house?

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ガーデニング便り : ちょっと圏外 out of my garden, close though

2023年07月26日 | 日記



These kind of mushrooms were found a ground where was close to my (very little)garden.

First of all, I thought it was siitake mushroom but seemed it was not.

Soon, they were gone. Someone(animals or ?) would have eaten or dying?

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夏の楽しみのひとつに:クモ Something about my pleasure of summer:spider

2023年07月25日 | 日記


I'm not sure if I would say it's one of my pleasure in summer about that when I was waiting for a bus, I found a spider making his(her)net near the light of the roof of the bus stop.

The spider worked very well, so speedy and makeing nets that were so beautiful. I was impressed with that, I hoped that I could have seen the end of making but my bus came so I couldn't see that.

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant :ヤツデのヤッチャン My fatsia, Yacchan(22)

2023年07月24日 | 日記



My observation to Yacchan, it is "just about"...nowadays (as I've been busy...)

Their speed of growing up, is so fast, it's a bit difficult to follow it...

Anyway, they've looked fine, so I'm satisfied with that.

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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.151 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo

2023年07月23日 | 日記



The water has got some dust that seemed kind of wings from the swan and doves at the corner of the moat...

The two doves were seeing that? (In the first photo)

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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.150 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo

2023年07月22日 | 日記



It's been getting to be like "SUMMER". About the first photo, there are a sparrow and summser cloud.

I think that sparrow, they seem to be OK with hot summer...really?

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