猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2015年02月28日 | 日記

28th Feb
It's Tamakichi's

The cat in the photo is Genki. Tamakichi's Birthday is actually on 29th. We have got four cats but we only know his birthday. He is now 15 years old. He has been getting old and lost his weight. But he become milder than before. We are getting to take care of him easier than before. We hope he will have a long life in quiet.
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日乗 diary - スキマ草 Sukima Soh ( grasses living in a narrow space )

2015年02月27日 | 日記

I'm going to work
It's February
I see Sukima Soh

I found the grass on my way to the office. Look at it carefully, it has small white flowers. Well, I don't know why, but I'm almost always stopped at this crossing. That's why, I would have noticed it. I think that it has a nice location to live. Because it is under the protect wall and there is the pole which could prevent someone steps on it. It seems a lovely grass but it has nice ideas to survive.
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オサンポ take a walk - 夕空 evening sky

2015年02月26日 | 日記

Late in the evening
I'm back to home
There are the moon and a star

いつもそこにある電線。昼間は何とも思わなかったりするのに、夕暮れ空に張り付いているのを見ると、ココロ惹かれてしまうコトが多いです。しかも月と一番星のセットだったりすると、ホイと写欲が湧いてしまったり。んー。「何かコレ素敵カワイイいいな」と思うとその何かに捕まったよーな感じになってその事象を、ボーっと見ていたりする…。ことが時々あります。何でしょう? その時々にしか見られない情景に感性を震わしている。とも言えますか。(ホホ)
There are always electric wires anywhere. I don't care them during daytime, but if they are on the evening sky... I look at them. And more, if they are with the moon and a star, I think that it looks better. I would like to take photos of them. Well, when I think that something is lovely, nice and wonderful, it is like, I am caught by them then look at them for a bit long time. What happens to me? I may feel something from them, or I would have some kind of connections to them?
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オサンポ take a walk - お空 sky

2015年02月25日 | 日記

In the cold sky
There were the aeroplane,
The electrical wires and the trees

♫Don't look down anytime...♫look up and look up♫there is the blue sky♫the aeroplane is also flying♫the electric wires delivery electricity♫the trees provide air♫well, they are just there and live♫that is good♫
(I sometimes write like this song or poem(?). I don't know why.....)
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日乗 diary - ヒヨドリ brown-eared bulbul

2015年02月24日 | 日記

I'm going to work
A brown-eared bulbul is happy to
have Breakfast

カフェの仕切りガラス越しでしたが、結構近距離でした。珍しい! と思い、職場に向かって急いでいる足を止め、活写。鳩タチのマネをしてとかカフェのお客さんのお相伴に預かることを覚えたんでしょーか。普段良く見掛けるのであまり気に留めずちゃんと調べたことが無かったですが、ウィキペディアでサクっと調べたら、基本日本ぐらいでしか見られない鳥なんだとか。あらまあ。ヨロシク。
There was the glass divider but I was so close to the bird, I didn't think it was usual so that I took a photo even I was a bit in a hurry to get to work. I guess, the bird would have got used to come here to get some foods from customers at the cafe. I frequently see this bird so I didn't care them very much. Now I checked them on Wikipedia, I was a bit surprised, we can see them only ( almost ) in Japan. Wow. Nice to have you along.
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オサンポ take a walk - 猫の日 the cat day

2015年02月23日 | 日記

In the cat day
I met a cat
The cat was watching me

昨日の2月22日は「猫の日」だったんだとか。オサンポ中にオサンポ猫に会えましたが、車の陰からコチラを伺い見るダケで、気を許してはもらえませんでした。 何が「猫の日」だい。と言ってみましたが、2/22が猫の鳴き声「ニャン」との語呂合わせから来てるんでショなんてニンゲンの都合が猫に通じるワケないじゃないですか。そ~ニャン?
It was 22nd of Feb yesterday. As for Japanese, 2/22 can be pronounced in the other way, it would be similar to cat's meow. So that some association decided that it has been the cat day. I met a cat during walk yesterday. I love to see cats and happy to be friends with them. But the cat was unfriendly I was a bit disappointed and after I knew it was the cat day so that cats must have done something to us like being friendly. However, OK, that is just at our side we call 2/22 is the cat day. They don't cake about our constitution. Yes. Nothing fault with the cat. Me-ow.
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オサンポ take a walk - 蓑虫 a basket worm

2015年02月22日 | 日記

I found the basket worm
During walking
I enjoy myself

家の近所で奇跡が! こんなカフェ欲しいィが叶った日から一週間待って、行って来ました。その道程で出会った蓑虫君。(ちゃん、か) 良し。君は君の属する世界で、コッチはコッチの属する世界でお互いにガンバローと声を掛けました。
It's a miracle! As I told last week, I found two nice cafes in the neighbourhood. When I was going to one of them, I found that blanket warm. I told him (her?) , keep on going with anything, each other.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2015年02月21日 | 日記

The buds of Japanese plum
There is the cat in the morning
He hunches his back

The cat, his name is Genki, on the electrical carpet.(it's warm) I tried to make a Haiku ( Japanese seventeen-syllable poem) about him. Haiku has many seasonal words, we have to use them to make a poem become a Haiku. I was looking for the suitable words for February on the Internet. I found "Ume fufumu", it sounds so lovely to Japanese. It means "bud of Japanese plum". The word is completely new to me. So nice, wonderful to know new words. I believe that it would make our life bright.
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日乗 diary - ポスト letter box

2015年02月20日 | 日記

I'm the letter box
Belong to this Sushi restaurant
Put letters in

It's easy to move, it would depend on a day or weather, or after cleaning, the letter box (ポスト means letter box) is always on different positions. When the master decided, "OK, our post is this box." What things did he made a decision?
I found it when I walked to the office. When I go to work, I don't think it is a category of "take a walk", so I put it in "Diary". If I can find something funny while going to work, it makes me relax.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋 lost property a glove

2015年02月19日 | 日記

Lost Property
For the king of winter
Is Gloves

We could see lots of lost properties anywhere throughout the year. During winter, most of, would be gloves. I know about someone who likes to observe gloves which are dropped or lost. There are the people who drop gloves and there are the people who pick them up then put on somewhere. He said there were kind people sometimes, they take care the gloves until the people found or were back to get it, who lost gloves. I think that when someone picks it up then put it on somewhere, that's already nice and kind. Impressed. Now the glove said, "I was picked up then some kind person put me on the post. I'm waiting for you coming back to me."
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