猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉 のたまたま Tamakichi occasionally

2015年05月31日 | 日記

Put his face on
A cushion

When he sleeps, he sometimes puts his nose on a cushion. Is that the same as when human beings sleep for a short time, if positions of our bodies are in an unnatural, we still keep on sleeping?
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オサンポ take a walk - カニ空 a crab in the sky

2015年05月30日 | 日記

There is a crab
In the sky
I see it then
I understand something

「カニみたい」と空を見上げて呟く。空のカニ、空カニ。空にカニ? 時々かしょっちゅうなのか、同じ話をすぐに繰り返してしまうらしいです。同じ話を二度聞く。それがなんでつまらないことになるのカニ? 不思議ですねぇ。他のヒトはあまり、同じ話を繰り返さないのカニ? 「カニみたい」と空を見上げて呟く。空のカニ、空カニ。空にカニ? 時々かしょっちゅうなのか、同じ話をすぐに繰り返してしまうらしいです。同じ話を二度聞く。それがなんでつまらないことになるのカニ? 不思議ですねぇ。他のヒトはあまり、同じ話を繰り返さないのカニ?
It looks like a crab in the sky. A crab of sky. Sky crab. I sometimes, some of people say, I talk the same topic again soon after I talk it. People listen the same topic. Why is it boring? I wonder why. Don't others talk the same topic again? It looks like a crab in the sky. A crab of sky. Sky crab. I sometimes, some of people say, I talk the same topic again soon after I talk it. People listen the same topic. Why is it boring? I wonder why. Don't others talk the same topic again?
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉 & 元気 ケーキ? Tamakichi & Genki Cake?

2015年05月29日 | 日記
買ってな そか

Did you eat a cake?
I bought it at the supermarket
By myself

The two cats might have a chat like the poem. Well, yesterday, I had a bit strange story. My mum went to Narita-San ( one of temples ), when she came back by train, her friend got on the same train and had a seat in front of her. I think that it might happen sometimes. What strange was is the friend's birthday is the 28th. Yesterday was 28th. Oh, see? I wrote that I haven't met anyone whose birthday is the 28th, no, I met one. I forgot it. Oh.
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オサンポ take a walk - ツヅジとドクダミ草 azalea and Korean houttuynia

2015年05月28日 | 日記

If your birthday
Is today,
Happy Birthday!

世界的に何百万人?くらいいるんだしょーね? 同じ日に生まれたヒトが。今までの人生の記憶にある中で会ったことはナイよーに思います。1日違いや、2、3日違う、同じ月、とかは逆に多いんですけどね。時々考えると不思議だなーと思います。何はともあれ、無事につつがなく過ごせますよーに。
How many people were born today? I've never met anyone who was the same birthday as me in my life. Around my birthday or the same month, May, I have 8 friends. Wow. I feel strange. I hope everybody will have a peaceful day on their birthday.
By the way, about the photo, they are an azalea and Korean houttuynia, looked nice friends from my point of view. At their side, they might have their reasons why they lived together. Anyway, I prefer poetic views when I think about any occasions. Sometimes "like a poet person" have got bad things by other people. I will not care about that kind of people. I will be myself.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 / Genki 猫のアシ cat paws

2015年05月27日 | 日記

Cat's paws
Step on

今朝の出来事でした。今週24日(日)の玉吉君のネタと被ってますが、今日は元気君でした。猫ってホントその日その時の気分で行動が全然違いますね。昨日の朝は自分のカゴに入りっぱなしで全然寄って来なかったのに、今日は「メシくれ」アピールが活発でした。新聞を読んでいれば新聞の上に載ってくる。めくれないよ、とカラダをずらせば組んでいる足にチョコっとカラダを預けてくる。柔らかい感触に悪い気はしない。(というかむしろ「むふ」的な) トイレの中にまで入って来ましたねぇ。でも朝は時間がニャイので、メシ係はばーばに頼んできました。
It happened this morning. It is the same topic on my blog as Sunday the 24th of May, it's Genki today. I think that cat has a different feeling and idea at every moment. Yesterday morning, he had been in the basket. Today, he wanted to eat breakfast, he was making an appeal his food to me. When I was reading the newspaper, he was on it. I pushed out him to the side, he got close to my leg then lie down. His furs were soft, not bad feeling. He also came into the bathroom when I was in. I had no time to feed him, I passed this role to my mum.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - ひめちゃん Hime-chan

2015年05月26日 | 日記

In the dark
I saw Hime-chan
I haven't got a chance to see
Him for a long time

暗がりに浮かぶ一匹の猫…。 プロフィール写真に使わせていただいている、ひめちゃんです。以前はよく、カバーをかけたバイクの上で香箱を作っていて、会うと大きなだみ声で挨拶をしてくれたモンです。ちょっと前に姿を見かけなくなって家猫になったらしいとの情報が入り、若そうに見えるが高齢なんだとのこと。その後一回だけ、夏の夕涼みに出ているのを見かけたのが最後でした。この日ふと、近所を通りかかったので寄り道して行こうと思ったら、なんといるじゃーあーりませんか! 相変わらずのだみ声「あ"ー!」な感じのご挨拶。元気だったのねー! ニャン!
There is a cat in the dark... This cat is used for my profile's photo. His name is Hime-chan used to be on the bike with relaxed pose, when he saw people who he knew, he said "Hello" with his thick voice. He became a house cat, when I couldn't see him someone told me. He is old even though he seems young. After that, in the summer, I saw him once in the evening when he enjoyed cool winds. Last Sunday, I just walked by near his place then I went to, there was him! He said "Hello" thickly! He seemed fine! Good!
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オサンポ take a walk - 西から東まで夕焼け sunset glow, west to east

2015年05月25日 | 日記

The sunset glow spread
From West
To East

Well, I went out of my house for walking in the evening yesterday, I found the sunset glow was spread the sky full. It reached around the end of eastern sky. Wow, how powerful it is! My mum said it was very similar to yesterday's. Oh. Many clouds had got reflected colours, such as red, orange, pink and so on. We saw the moon with them. Looked at the western sky, it was specially bright even the sun had gone over the horizon. The sun still had power to light everything. You are the best. We can survive because of you.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉 Tamakichi / newspaper

2015年05月24日 | 日記

On newspaper
My cat steps on it
Interrupt me

今って携帯にカメラ機能が付いててホントに便利ですね。新聞とかに載っている情報をメモりたい時は、携帯カメラで撮ればいい! 携帯カメラ以前は、ハサミでよく新聞記事を切り抜いてました。それをB5ノートに貼って、とかしたりして。でも「何かいつかのために」と貼っておいた記事を見返すことはまず無くって、そーいったノート類は「断捨離」ソージの時にホボ捨てました。はは。映画とかの情報は手帳に貼ってましたが、今はカメラで記録。便利ですねぇ。猫が邪魔しにきたのも、画像で残る。この足は先輩猫の玉吉君です。
I'm really impressed mobile phone has a camera. It is easy to keep an information from newspapers, just taking a photo of them. Before that, I cut an article by the scissors then pasted it on a notebook for keeping it for in case. I had many notebooks but I never took them from the ones. I threw them away when I seriously cleaned my room. I used to paste the cut-articles about films on my diaries but now I take photos of them by my mobile camera. How convenience! It also photos my cat interrupting me. He is Tamakichi.
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オサンポ take a walk - 月と金星 moon and Jupiter

2015年05月23日 | 日記

In the evening sky
There are moon, Jupiter
And a bat

蝙蝠が飛んでいました。お、月だ、その隣の明るい星は…木星かな? と思い、ネットで調べたら、やはりそーでした。その時1頭(羽・匹)の蝙蝠が、ヒラヒラと素早く舞いながら近寄ってきたんですがすぐに何処かへ飛んでいってしまいました。速い、速すぎる。でもいつか撮ってみたいですけど。撮ってみたいと思っているんですけどー! と、ココで蝙蝠に訴えてもムダですね。
There was a bat flying. When I saw the moon and, what was the next to it, it would have been Jupiter, I checked it on the Internet, yes, it was. The bat was flying so fast, came closely to me then gone soon. How fast the bat was. Too fast. I'd like to take your photo. I wash, one day.
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オサンポ take a walk - 蝶 butterfly - orange

2015年05月22日 | 日記

My body is white
My wings are orange
I'm butterfly

家の近所には結構草どころがまだまだ残っている方だと思うのですが蝶類を見かける機会はあまり多くありませんです。蝶タチって確か各々で好む花がありましたよね? 蝶タチが好きな花が少ないのかしらん。前はヤマトシジミぽい蝶をよく見かけたんですが、今年はまだですなぁ。で、彼か彼女か分かりませんが、の貴重な一枚です。しかし昆虫の世界もまた奥深いですなー。写真を撮ろうとしてカメラを向けると、宇宙人(?)のよーな目と触角とボディーが光る光る。光ると言いますか、光を反射して光っている、と思われます。なのでこの写真、ハレーション起きてますよね。絞りたかったですがアイホンカメラにそんな機能ありませんネ。この光る反射版のよーな現象を見てすごいすごい、どーいう構造になっていてどーいう目的や役割があるのだろーと考えながらその日は帰途につきました。
There are still some fields, parks, and groves near my house. I think that I could have opportunities to see butterflies but not many. I sometimes saw very small grey butterflies but not this year yet. It's the big chance to see her/him. When I took photos of it, I noticed its body, face and antennas were shining, actually, they had got lights then reflected. Oh... I didn't now about that reflections. I would have liked to stop down the lens but I didn't think that my iPhone camera had that function. Insects world is also deep... During my returning to home, I was thinking about that, how their structures, purposes, roles and so on.
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