There is a cat
But no sparrows
Autumn has come
何かその日、急にふっと思ったんです。あれ? スズメ? いない感じ? 確かに、その薄曇りだった日には夏の名残りの蝉たちの、鳴き声も聴かなかったように思いますが…。天気や気候の影響が? 何処か木の上とかで休んでいる? どんな大きさであれ大抵の公園にはチョロチョロと居る、というイメージでいましたが、何ヶ所かの公園をどこで覗いて見てみてもいませんでした…。えーたまたま? ある一つの公園の樹上では、スズメらしき鳴き声は耳にしましたが…。数年前から首都圏に住むスズメが減っている…ということは知っていましたが、そういうこと…なんでしょうか? でもこれって何か大丈夫なん? 漠然とですが不安になりました。
思い起こすと夏の間の朝には、窓近くに来ているらしきスズメの声を毎朝では無くても聴いていたような気がするし、一度だけですが出勤時に、スズメの集団を見ています。(今年の7/21にこのブログに載せています) しかし、一度だけで7月の話ですね…。この夏の酷暑や毎週のように来ていた台風が…スズメたちにとって、脅威だったんでしょうか? おーい〜…「チュンチュン」の聴けない日が普通の天気の日に起きるとは…。大丈夫なんでしょうか?(何が大丈夫? と言われても上手く説明出来ないですが…)
On that day, I noticed, about sparrows? Where were they? It was a cloudy, no cicadas were singing, neither. Were they on the trees for having a rest? Were they influenced by weather and climate? I think... I might see them at any parks even it's big or small whatever, they would be in. Only today? In only one park, I was not sure if the voice belonged to them, I thought that I heard some sparrows singing. I knew the fact by news, the sparrows living in areas around Tokyo, has been getting decrease recently. So, that's why? Oh my god, I'm worried about sparrows.
As my memory goes, I think, I would have heard sparrows' singing when they came to near my window. I saw a group of them once in the morning ( upped it on my blog, on the 21st July ), but only one time and it's July. We had a stupid crazy summer and every-week-typhoons in August, they did terrible damages to sparrows? Hello, sparrows? I'd like to hear your singing! It was just an ordinary day, I couldn't hear you... Is it alright for...anything? Humans, natures...not sure for what...? But I'm so worried about that.