
Sakura, it's blooming
We now worry about when
It will be falling
桜が咲いた。咲いた途端に散るのを惜しむ。でもこの感覚は何か間違ってるんじゃないか、と思いつつも、散ることを知っていて眺めるのと、知らないで眺めるのじゃ全く違う感慨をやはり持つのだろーなーと考えると、ニンゲンって複雑。「にんげんだもの」(by 相田みつを)
Sakura bloomed. At the same time, we begun to worry when it will be falling. I think that it's a wrong idea. But when you see Sakura flowers, if you don't know Sakura fall soon, you would have different ideas from you know Sakura fall soon. I think that we, human beings would have many various feelings in our minds at the same time.
"We are, after all, just human beings" ( by Mitsuwo Aida )

Sakura, it's blooming
We now worry about when
It will be falling
桜が咲いた。咲いた途端に散るのを惜しむ。でもこの感覚は何か間違ってるんじゃないか、と思いつつも、散ることを知っていて眺めるのと、知らないで眺めるのじゃ全く違う感慨をやはり持つのだろーなーと考えると、ニンゲンって複雑。「にんげんだもの」(by 相田みつを)
Sakura bloomed. At the same time, we begun to worry when it will be falling. I think that it's a wrong idea. But when you see Sakura flowers, if you don't know Sakura fall soon, you would have different ideas from you know Sakura fall soon. I think that we, human beings would have many various feelings in our minds at the same time.
"We are, after all, just human beings" ( by Mitsuwo Aida )