ビュッフェ Buffet - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月28日 | 日記

The buffet restaurant
In Pusan
We're full!

韓国を食べつくす! とは大袈裟ですが、胃袋一つじゃ足りないし、本気(?)で彼らが来た時は、スープがやば辛で、食べられず…。

I will eat Korean all foods! I'm kidding. Only one stomach isn't enough for that, when they eat foods seriously, a soup becomes very spicy...can't eat.
If I go to Pusan next time, I will need eight(?) stomachs and the tongue that is OK for very spicy.
Strawberry has been in season! I regretted why I didn't eat a lot of strawberries... They were more reasonable prices than Japan...I think.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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チャジャンミョン炸醬麵자장면jajangmyeon - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月28日 | 日記

It's not spicy
Myeon means noodle


Its taste is like mixed with soy sauce, a bit added brown flavour(?), it's not spicy at all, a big sweet. It is mixed with cooked vegetables and then put on boiled noodle.
I ate this at the small restaurant where was in the market, I guess that the local people go to. This box is the sauce that I bought at the supermarket, it costs around ¥200. I haven't tasted it yet.
There is the photo after this essay, it's a Jajangmyeon at the small restaurant. We offered free side dishes, radish pickles and chopped fresh onions.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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梵魚寺2 Pomosa 범어사 - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月27日 | 日記

At Pomosa temple
I found something like
The Yayoi taste

虎? の模様がソレポイかなっと…。
It's a Tiger motif? It looks a bit designs of "Kusama Yayoi"...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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マスキングテープ masking tapes - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月27日 | 日記

I bought a masking tape of
"Anne of green gables"
In Korea

Made in China のでしたが「アン」好きなので買ってしまいました。ちゃんと"日本アニメーション"の許可を取って作っているっぽいです。肝心の部分が光ってしまっていますが…。
ついで買いを上の二箱のもMade in China ですがしてしまいました。

They are made in China, but I bought them. I love this animation and the story, "Anne of Green Gables". It has a correct copyright of the Nippon Animation, that company made this Anne for tv programme.
I also bought masking tapes in the boxes, they are Made in China though. They are around 300 won each.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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地下鉄つり革 hand strap of underground - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月26日 | 日記

Hand strap
It's not made by
Skin, spring?

このタイプはロンドンの地下鉄で見たような。その時は、なるほど、と思ったもんです。融通無碍に動けば安心。でもロンドンの持ち手部分は、ピンポン玉のような球体でした。チョイ握りづらい? この輪っかタイプの方がより握り易いような。

The hanging part of hand strap of the underground in Pusan, is not "skin", "spring".
I think that I saw the similar type one for the underground in London. It would have free movement that must be useful for keeping our positions when we get on a train. But I think, in London, the part for hand is a like ball. It wouldn't be easier to hold it strongly? I prefer this circle type for hand.


Another topic.
There is an information board for the stations. The each name is shown upper and down in order. At the first, a bit difficult to find a station that I'd like to go to.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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地下鉄切符 a ticket of underground - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月25日 | 日記

In Pusan city
The design of its underground's tickets
Are lovely

釜山初日にもアップしましたが、別イラストです。なんか気に入りました。そーいえば的に、日本で切符にこんな感じのイラストを入れる、ってない? よーな? 電車の車体とかを印刷するのは見たことがある? よーな??

I upped another illustration on the train ticket on the first day of Pusan. I like this train character. Well, I haven't seen this kind of train ticket in Japan? It has lovely illustrations? I might have seen a body of a train printed on a ticket??

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 慶州猫 a cat in Kyongju - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月25日 | 日記

A brown & white cat
Very friendly
I met her(him?) in Kyongju

鋭く猫を見つけると、基本声をかけてみるんですが、この茶トラさんはカフェのドア付近をウロウロしていたので、「ごはんの時間?」と軽く(心の中で)訊いたら、「にゃ〜」っと脱兎のごとく近寄って来てくれて、「え? ごはんくれるの?(ハートマーク)」的でグイグイ来ちゃってちょっと戸惑っていると、少し離れたところから「コヤンイィ〜고양이(猫ちゃん)」と(多分)、呼んでいる女子が現れ、茶トラさんはすぐさまその女子の方に走って行ってしまいました。もしかしたら"ごはんのヒト"なのかしら?? 良かった良かったと、その場を後にしたのでした。

Whenever I find cats, basically I say Hello to them. This time, when I asked her (in my mind), "Is it your dinner time?", she ran to me then, "Do you give me some foods?" "Oh, well...no..." She pushed her head to my bag... "Ah..." At a bit far place, a young girl appeared then called the cat, "Hi, cat...( or her name)", the cat dashed into her. I guess that the young girl might have been a "Food person" who feeds animals for the cat. That's good. I walked away.


She ran to me. Her movements were so fast...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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居酒屋 渚 Izakaya Nagisa - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月24日 | 日記

The place is a holy site
For Japanese who
Love Korean Idols


お通し(?恐らく…) もマシッソッタ맛있었다 。手前左手にある黄緑色のモノは多分キュウリのマスタード和え?的なモノでした。

It has the same system with Japanese Izakaya, we have some little dishes when we sit down the chairs at Izakaya. We call it "Otohshi", I think it was so, yummy. In the front, at the left hand side, it was something like mustard with cucumbers.

I went to Izakaya, NAGISA, in Pusan. One of my friends who loves Korea idols, the Izakaya is owned by a brother of Sungmo. It's near the sea side where we can see the beautiful bridge that looks like our rainbow bridge a bit.
His name is Sungmo, it sounds similar to SUUMO. (It's a character for the site of letting room, house or something) I took my wrong pronunciations a few times.
We ordered an Oden soup, it's yummy, I thought that the soup had Japan and Korean Dashi mixed together, that's why.
The real Sungmo comes to the Izakaya sometimes, there are some notebooks that everyone can write down their thoughts on the notes, so that they could have a kind of communication with the notes. They really love each other, that's nice!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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干し柿 dried persimmon2 - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月23日 | 日記

I bought it at the supermarket
It's dried persimmon
The texture is like dried apricot

想像するに、韓国産の柿を工場でドライフルーツにしたような、感じ? 中を開けると出て来たのは、半分に割ってタネを取り出し食べ易くしている様子のもの。一つつまんでみましたら、アンズのような風味のライトな食感で、食べ易かったです。

It was around ¥700, I think.
I guess that they make Korean persimmon to get dried at the factory. Opened the package,
I saw them that were chopped in a half then took the seeds away. It's easy to bite. It's like a
light snack, good.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - モリモリと eating - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月22日 | 日記

The cat eating a lot
There is the sunlight
That She(he)'s got


It was a hairdresser, I think. The place where the cat was eating her foods, it's the warmest place where could get the full of sunlight. That's nice.
I remembered, I came to Pusan around 7 years ago. Some things are different from 7 years ago, I think that, there are less rolled sushi restaurants and Bakeries and cafes are increasing than the 7.
And also, people who have got dogs or cats increase more than the 7.

Today, it's for cat day, some said. About "2", we can say it "nyan" (normally, we say "Ni"). "nyan" means, cat's meow for Japanese. And, "nyan" means two. That's why...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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