オサンポ walk - 2023年の春はこっそりと…? の草花模様:カタバミやオオイヌノフグリ Oxalis & large field speedwell

2023年02月28日 | 日記

花の大きさは5ミリほど? 小さいけど、明るい黄色は結構目立つと思う。


The flower of oxalis is brigh-yellow, when it is a fine day. Easy to notice their flowers!

There were also some large field speedwell and having one blue-violet flower blooming.

*not sure my English...



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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.39 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo

2023年02月27日 | 日記

セキレイ系の小鳥さんね? の背中。お堀で。


The bird might be a kind of wagtail, they were showing us its back of themself.

I photographed them with my iPhone zoomer. I hope that the zoomer works better.

*not sure about my English...


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オサンポ walk - 春はまだまだのまだの先? の草花模様:ノボロギク old-man-in-the-spring

2023年02月26日 | 日記



I met them(this old-man-in-the-spring) at a place where I took a train for a short time from my town on Thu the 23rd of Feb 2023(it is a national holiday, The Emperor's Birthday). It was a lovely day more than I expected. They are living at the bottom of pole of the crash barrier. 

I was wondering if there was hotter than the other places because of running-cars? would make warm around there.

I haven't seen them in my neighbourhood yet...

*not sure about my English...


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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.38 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo

2023年02月25日 | 日記



It was a brilliant fine day, the water was so clear.

Which is sky, which is water?

*not sure about my English...


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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 猫にやたらと出会う2月のとある日 I met many cats on a day in Feb

2023年02月24日 | 日記




When I meet any cats during walking, I am really happy to see them. But not sure if they are the same as me...

The cat in the first photo: A short branch was on the head of the cat who seemed not to care about it

The cat in the second photo: The cat had small face...

*not sure about my English...



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オサンポ walk - 虫bug:いつまでも樹の上に a cicada shell

2023年02月23日 | 日記



I think that this cicada shell has been hunging from last summer. It has spent such a long time with the tyhoons, heavy raining and a new year. I will obseve it anyway...

*not sure about my English...


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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.37 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo

2023年02月22日 | 日記



The photo above:it was taken around the begining of Feb 2023. It was cloudy in the  morning, hazing but not much, darker than usual because of lighting, it was a bit fantastical.

There was the swan in the moat, she(he) seemed like as usual...even in this unusual morning.

*not sure about my English...



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オサンポ walk - 春はまだまだのまだ? の草花模様:タンポポ Not-Spring-Yet:dandelion

2023年02月21日 | 日記


I met them on Sunday the 5th of Feb 2023. There wasn't any flowers blooming, so they were so easy to be noticed...

*not sure about my English...



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鳥 bird - 春はメジロに出会えるとか I'm wondering if I meet a white-eye

2023年02月20日 | 日記


この日は10羽以上? のグループで飛び回っていた。とにかく動きが早いから、レンズで捉えるのが難しい。上の写真は、やっと撮れた一枚。

If I am lucky, I meet/see them during Japanese plums are blooming. The other season, it would be rare to see them. Where are they, what are they doing...??

About the day I saw them, they were in a group, might be 10? birds. They moved/flew so fast so difficult to take photo of them. The photo was taken by chance.

*not sure about my English...


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丸の内カイワイPhotos No.36 The Photos at Marunouchi in Tokyo/日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋302 lost glove

2023年02月19日 | 日記


It seems that it has been used for a long time and expensive in pure hide...

*not sure about my English...


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