自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ二百三十五

2022年03月31日 | 日記






Cat's whiskers are eloquence.


While walking, I met a cat on the motorbike. I love cat so I'm very happy to see them but...if they are busy, they wouldn't be happy as well as me...

The cat in the photo, I guess that he(she?) was happily napping but I made him wake up so his feelings were not well...? His whiskers might tell me like that.

*not sure about my English...


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オサンポ walk - 春の草花模様:デルタ地帯? About a delta?

2022年03月30日 | 日記




There are two blocks of the block wall. The each parts of two sides of it are lacking. From that, some rainwater has been leaking, that makes pattern like delta.

And also, there are fresh plants that I've no idea about their names.

It makes me funny, because it is unusual to see fresh plants in the delta even it's spring.

*not sure about my English... 


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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋297 lost glove

2022年03月29日 | 日記

落としモノ 手袋296 lost gloveと状況が非常に似ている。やはりどこぞの駅で?




The photo is similar to 296 lost glove.  Have I photographed it at a station?

Well, the odd glove is bicolour and three fingers would point at something...those are the differences from 296.

*not sure about my English...



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オサンポ walk - 春の草花模様:ナガミヒナゲシ About plants in Spring/Field poppy, Longhead poppy

2022年03月28日 | 日記


数日前に道端で、写真にあるナガミヒナゲシと思われるオレンジ色の花に遭遇した。あれもう咲いている?! と少し戸惑ったが開花期が4月〜5月とあるから、まあそんなもんかな・・・と納得。



英語だとField poppy, Longhead poppyと言うようで、確かにポピーっぽい。でも姿は可愛らしいけど、外来生物に分類されておりちょっとメイワク扱いされている。


Is it early spring or spring yet? We've had many blooming Sakura already, so it must be Spring.

I met some Field poppies that were blooming on the side of footpathes a few days ago. I thought that it was too early but their season was around from April to May, so it is OK.

Their flower is bright and deep orange so it is easy too find them. We had 20 degrees around a week ago, they might have woke up by that.

I enjoy seeing them, I find some funny facts. One of them is about their size of flower. Each flowers are different, from very small to very big. When it is very small, the size is less than 1cm. I like miniature so I love them because they are like miniature.

Their English names are Field poppy, Longhead poppy. "Poppy", yes, they look like poppy. They are lovely but..they've come from foreigh countries to Japan for a long time ago. They've been annyoing the original plants in Japan.

I try to pick them up and take them to home when I am able to do that. Try to reduce their numbers and to protect the original ones, though it wouldn't help the ones...

*not sure about my English...


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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋296 lost glove

2022年03月27日 | 日記






I believe that I photographed that odd glove a few days ago but I forget where.

Might be at the station?

When I find a (odd) glove, I have to photograph it promptly. Otherwise I would be seemed as a weird person by other people around there. Ergo, it is really difficult to remember for me where it was.

About this glove, it would have been a cold day that was back from the warm days (recurrence of cold).

*not sure about my English...


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ホンヨミ Book-loving - 『もう死んでいる十二人の女たちと』 パク・ソルメ(Bak Solmay) 斎藤 真理子訳

2022年03月26日 | 日記

『もう死んでいる十二人の女たちと』パク・ソルメ(Bak Solmay) 斎藤 真理子訳 (白水社 2021年 2,000円+tax)



先ほど「納得している」と書いたが、一つめを読み始めた時はすぐに期待していたものとは違う話だと思った。とてもオカルト的で暴力的な要素も入っているストーリーで戸惑ってしまった。しかし怖いは怖いのだが、独特な・・・可笑しみ? とも読み取れるような不思議な感覚にやがて惑わされ、最後まで読み切ることができた。



『「個性的」「独創的」「前衛的」「果敢」といった言葉がこの人にはつきもののようである。』 ー とは同じ解説からの引用である。





I'm writing about one of Korean books that was translated into Japanese. I'm not sure if the book is in English. 

The author is Bak Solmay, you could check her book at a bookshop.

*not sure about my English...


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オサンポ walk - 春先の草花模様:スキマで咲くスミレ

2022年03月25日 | 日記





(I just call it Violet, but the violet in the photo might have another name.)

I have seen many violets like in the photo recently in my neighbourhood. I guess that they would be garden species. They might have run from any flowerbeds/pods.

I see them on any footpathes that have crack of asphalt. If a crack is in a straight line, they are also in the line. Their flowers are lovely and the size is small. So, they might be liked by people, they wouldn't be pulled out, leave them where they live and some people love seeing them.

I find sometimes they live in a bad place where no plently soil and water. They are smaller even flowers and leaes. But their figuers are just as they are. Just smaller.

I wouldn't be sure if they say, " I will survive and have flowers even though we live in a waste land".

However, I feel it from their desparate and tenacious that even though they wouldn't be.

Then, OK, I will also do my best a little bit more...like you all.

*not sure about my English...


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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋295 lost glove

2022年03月24日 | 日記




It's been getting warm nowadays, it's been getting less to meet "a lost (odd) glove". I found it, that black odd glove.

Look at that carefully, around the wrist of the glove snagging on the wall. It must have been someone who picked it up, they did it. I felt kindness from that behaviour.

*not sure about my English...


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オサンポ walk - 春先の草花模様:これも胴吹き桜?

2022年03月23日 | 日記





因みに写真の花は、上部の花たちより先に咲いていた。なぜ? そして先に散っていた・・・(誰かが持ち去ったのでなければ)。


It's was taken close-up, so you cannot know where the Sakura flowers are on the tree. They are around on the root. 

Usually we could see like this flowers on the parts of shaft. But this time, they are... on the root.

Thery are now blooming, earlier than the other flowers on the upper of the tree. And what't more, they are gone(falling...or someone took away...?).

*not sure about my English...



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オサンポ walk - 春先の草花模様:スキマ化するビオラ ソルベ? Those Pansy(?) likes living in the gap

2022年03月22日 | 日記




I prefer those flowers that live in a narrow gap in the picture to flowers blooming proudly in the flowerbed. The flowers in gaps, they would escape from a flowerbed, wouldn't they?

In the picuter, under the pansies, there are oxalis(might be). It looks like a group planting even though they might fight each other to live in there. Next to them, there is another plant(that looks like plant weeds), that also might join in them.

The flowers(plants) living in gaps, their flowers are almost smaller than original ones. It could be a reason that why I am interested in them. When it is very small, I feel their desperateness. It means that they try to survive in the environment. It makes me...laugh. I shouldn't do that though.



* not sure about my English...


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