オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower/スキマ草 (yellow) plants popping out of narrow spaces

2014年11月30日 | 日記

We are happy, living together
We declare
The deep pink flower says

濃い紫色の南国ッポイ園芸種とクローバーの園芸種(?)が仲良く(?)暮らす空き地かな。このタイプのクローバー、よくアチコチで見掛けます。ムラサキ君も。名前が出て来ないですが。でもこんな風に二つどもえで見るのは初めてです。今まで見過ごしているダケかも知れませんが…。今見て仲良く繁殖しているよーに見えて実は水面下で激しく戦っていて、1~2ヶ月後にまた見に来るとドチラかが衰退していて…とかあるんでしょーか? とか季節的に冬枯れとか…。いやはやニンゲンも然り。枯れんよーにせんと。
The violet and clover plants have got well with living together here. It seems, but actuary they might fight each other to survive. I will be back here to see what will happen. Or, just dried up because winter is coming. Oh, humans as well? No, I'm not dried up!
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オサンポ take a walk - 霧 fog

2014年11月29日 | 日記

In the fog night
The quarter moon
Calls winter

今日の夕方、ドラッグストアに行こうと外に出ると霧が立ち込めてました。あらま…。朝から結構な量の、降っていた雨が止んで晴れ間が出たと思ったら曇って…とかのお天気や気温の変化がこの現象を生んだのでしょーか? 行って帰る頃には日が沈み、空には霧がかった半身のお月様が。何かチョット幻想的。視界が悪いので気を付けないと、ですが、何かこーいうのに気を引かれてぼぉ~としてしまうクセがあります。いやいや、気を付けないとっ。
In this evening, when I got of my house to go to the drug store, there was fogbound. Oh! It was raining from early morning, then stopped, the sun appeared but the sky was overclouded soon. Was it caused by the change of weather? When I was back from the shop, the sun was gone, there was the foggy quarter moon. It was translunary... But it was unclear to see anything, I had to be careful to walk, but I was trapped by what I see... So I saw it for a while. Oh, well, anyway, I have to be careful.
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower/スキマ草 (yellow) plants popping out of narrow spaces

2014年11月28日 | 日記

We have ran away from
Someone's garden
We offer you colourful space

"スキマ草"シリ~ズ。コチラは完全に園芸種の花(名前は…?)がお庭かプランターから脱出して来たかと思われます。彼らの開拓精神溢れる勇気ある行動力、はたまたただ単に偶然に身を任せた結果、かどうかは分かりませんが、ココという場所に種が着地し根付いた結果、道を通るヒトビトの目を楽しませてくれるという役割も果たすことになりました。まあ何でしょう、園芸種の植えられた場所からの脱出、というのは手放しで喜べないトコロもあるよ~ですが、まあそれもニンゲンの勝手な行動の結果で、じゃあそれなら最初から植えるナヨ、てなことでしょーがまあ最初から分かれば苦労は無かったトカ、色々あるんでしょーけどね。そう、最初から結果(結末)が分かってしまってはつまらないのだ。でもつまらない結末なら最初から分かった方がいいカモ? でもその過程も大事だったりするなっしなー。Eテレ土曜日22:00からの「スイッチ」(対談番組)、お勧めです。
It's a series of Sukima-soh. I think that they would be garden species. They ran away from the garden or someone's flowerbed. I respect their brave of frontier spirit but anyway, they would just have been blew by the wind, then landed "here", grew up then blooming now. People, human beings can enjoy seeing them. Well, we can't be only happy with it, running away garden species, sometimes, give us bad affections to nature. But first cause is human, we plant different species here from far away, then if they survive here, very much, we will be in a trouble with them...what selfish human beings are. Someone would say, we didn't know that they were so tough... OK, there would be many reasons. I know, if we know the ending, it is boring. If it is boring, I would like to know from the beginning. But between ending and beginning, there are also stories or episodes, they are also important. I see...
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower/スキマ草 アカメガシワ? Japanese Mallotus?

2014年11月27日 | 日記

plants popping out of narrow spaces
I read a book about that
I pay an attention more than before

「スキマの植物図鑑」(中公新書) 塚谷裕一氏著 を、図書館にリクエストしていましてこの間"やっと"きました。(図書館のカウンターの方にも言われまた…"待ちましたね"…はは) この本は買うべきでは? と思ったんですが、「断捨離」中につき我慢。当分は図書館を書庫代わりにして読みたくなったら借りよう、と決めています。この本は新刊本のせいか、それとも意外にも? こー言うモノに興味のある方がいるということなのか、リクエストが結構入っているので、しばらくは借りられないかも知れませんが。この著者の方は大学の先生でいらして、同じような興味を持っても学術的にきちんと勉強なさる方となかなか名前も覚えられない当方とで、ずいぶん道が別れるなぁ~と少ししみじみしましたが、でも同じ興味を持つ頭の良い方がいるお陰で、スキマ草の見方が少しですけど進化した気がしています。それで良し! ですかな。
My recommendable book is http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/aw/d/4121022599/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/377-2124946-6266015
"The botanical details of Sukima-soh ( means plants are popping out of narrow spaces ) " it's only in Japanese.
I requested the book around two months ago at the library, I've got it around a week ago. I had waited it because it must have been a popular book for anybody, I didn't know it. The author is a teacher of university. When he was child, he's got into them then studied a lot, now became a botanist. As for me, I'm also interested in them, but I would not remember their names...not so many. I thought there were big differences between he and I. But anyway, he wrote the book, I can use it for checking them while walking. That's good. Very good.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outside cat 塀の上 on the fence

2014年11月26日 | 日記

In late autumn
The cat is running away
From on the fence

久しぶりに塀の上の猫を見た! っと思ったのもつかの間。アッと言う間に逃げられ、しかしにゃんこは庭の中で一旦留まり振り返ってコチラを観察。ワルイヒトじゃナイデスヨ…写真ダケ写真ダケ、と撮らせてもらうも、半歩前に身を乗り出したダケで、再び逃げられて…ううっ…しまいました。猫に対するイメージの一つに塀の上に乗っている、というのがあるのですが、なかなかイメージ通りの画像をゲットするのは難しいです。今度会ったら協力して欲しいにゃ。
I thought that I found a cat on the fence! I would like to take a photo of it! But the cat ran away, down into the garden. She(he?) looked back and stared me, I told her, I'm not a bad person, I'd just like to take photos of you. When I stepped forward to her, just a half of step, but she ran away. I was sad. One of my images for cats is "on the fence". I would like to get one, it wouldn't be easy. Next time, can you help me?
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 黄葉 turning yellow

2014年11月25日 | 日記
黄葉す ハロー

Just one leaf has turned yellow
It's like saying Hello

下の方の一葉だけ、黄色に色付いていて、駅そばのスーパーに行く前に銀行寄って郵便局寄って、ついでにCanDo (¥100shop) 寄って…と色々何気に用事はあるんだけど、オサンポもしたい…と思いながらも日常のスルコトに追われ、ゆっくり草木の名前を調べたり覚えたりとかも後回しになってしまい…そんな気ぜわしく感じる時でも、小さな事象でも見逃したくニャイ、と、ココであった一葉の黄葉に秋だよ、と改めて告げられて、ああそーだ、と空を見上げることが出来たと思えば今日はコレでヨシ、となってソレダカラかどーかは分からないケド夜もぐっすり寝られてヨカッタ。
I found only one leaf turned yellow of the small tree. I was walking to the supermarket, the post office and a ¥100shop. I was busy, so sometimes I can't enjoy taking a walk, just becoming "a walk", I would like to check flowers' names, but I haven't got much time to do that. I wouldn't like to miss any small incidents from nature, I found it yesterday, the one yellow leaf which told me, here is autumn, isn't it? I was happy with it, then I looked up the sky. I wasn't sure but I slept well last night, because of that?
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オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 銀杏 Gingko tree

2014年11月24日 | 日記

It's a gingko tree
Its colour has turned yellow
From green

何か川柳? ごしちごの詠? ダメですね~…。一応俳句、を目指しているんですが、なかなか進歩しません。オサンポも、オサンポ自体を楽しむ、ということが少なく、用事があって歩くのでそれがオサンポの代わりになって、とかだと時間にプチ追われてたりして(郵便局が閉まっちゃう~ミタイナ)、ゆっくりとした心持ちで事象を眺めたり考えたり、が出来ニャかったり…。だから詠もヒネってる余裕が無くって、と言いたいケド、じゃあ時間かければ出来るのか? ってソレも何とも言えなかったり…。まあ、日々日々少しずつデモ積み重ねするしかニャイんでしょーね。ガンバロウ。
I don't think I'm a good poet... I would like to be, but... It's so difficult. I like taking a walk, but I wouldn't have much time to do that. I walk, but it has a purpose, such as going a post office, a supermarket, something like that. Sometime I'm in a hurry to go somewhere, the post office will be closed soon, I can't see any sights for a while, I quickly have to pass by them. I can't have time to creat a poem... But you know, even if I spent a long time for poems, I couldn't be sure if I succeeded to creat best ones. Well, the best way to be better, just keeps on going, think and creat something everyday. Try my best.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outside cat / post office

2014年11月23日 | 日記

That cat lives under the post office
She(he) meows to me

There is a small space on the side of the postal building. That would be a basement, appeared, that underneath, but the ceiling when I look at from the side, there is a small hole, the cat lives in there. I saw that she(he?) got into it a few times before. I think that other two cats lived together with her before but I haven't seen them recently. I said "Hello" to her, she responded me, meow! I checked her safe today. OK!
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オサンポ take a walk - 夕陽 sunset

2014年11月22日 | 日記

In the evening sun
Of autumn
There is a silhouette

There is a nice sunset in evening when it is fine day. If there would be buildings, it looks ok but trees are more fun to see for me, while walking. During autumn and winter, I can go out of house before getting dark, if it is not dark yet, I can enjoy to see landscapes. It's good! Let's go walking!
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オサンポ take a walk - 雀 sparrow

2014年11月21日 | 日記

Some sparrows
Were gathered
At the window
It's cold autumn

秋の夕陽に~♬ 照る山紅葉~♬ というか、♩黄葉する、街路樹の銀杏、ヘイ!(ムリクリラップ風)のオサンポ道ですが、ある店舗兼住居のところに来たら、頭の上で数羽の雀タチが鳴き交わしていました。見上げると窓辺の辺りにチョロチョロ。窓辺の左隣にはベランダのよーな柵が見えました。何でしょう? 雀タチにとって何か都合の良いトコロなんすかね? 食べ物が用意されているとか? 今年生まれた若鳥は冬を越せるかどーかが勝負、と何かで読んだ記憶があります。越冬! 賢くしたたかに生き抜くであろうことを信じてマス。
Evening sun in autumn, many turned leaves have got sun in the mountains...( the words from one of Japanese songs ) but, here are turned gingkoes on the roads... It's one of my taking a walk passes. When I passed by some house& shop building, I heard singing of sparrows. Looked up to that, there was the window, a few of them were flying, up and down. Next to the window, there was a balcony. Was that good place to them? The people who was the owner of house, fed them? I've heard from something, young birds that were born this year, some of them are difficult to survive from cold winter. I believe that they must be clever, and sturdy. They all will make it through the winter.
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