オサンポ take a walk - 郵便ポスト post

2015年04月30日 | 日記

Under the post
We like to live here

まあ、気に入っている、かどーかは本当のところは分からしまへんが。想像力、想像力ですね。でも何でしょー、「あそうだ、ポストに入れる郵便物があったんだ」、とポストに寄っていってふと気付くと足元に小さく咲いている花がいて、という状況で気分を悪くするヒトっていうんはよっぽどヒネくれちゃってんのねってことだと思うんす。しかしこの、「ヒネくれちゃてんのね」タイプのヒトって結構世の中にいてます? でこーいうタイプのヒトと一緒に仕事しなくちゃいけないトキはぁ…しんどいでんな。うむ。GWは「断捨離」ソージです。
I'm not sure if the flowers actually like to live there. It is my imagination. Well, when you have some mails then drop at the post, you find the small flowers under the post, what do you think? Lovely or shit? I think that "lovely" is common but I know some of people might think "shit". I believe that the "shit" people would be many. When I have to work with them at the company... It's miserable. Oh. During the Golden Week Holidays ( in Japan, we have a long holiday from around the end of April to the beginning of May ) I'm going to clean my room.
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オサンポ take a walk - 花二つ two flowers

2015年04月29日 | 日記

White and yellow
They have the same colours
But different

奥の方は姫女苑(ヒメジョオン)もしくは春紫菀(ハルジオン)、手前は園芸種のキク科の何かでしょーか? 自転車屋の入り口の端っこのタイヤの捨て置かれた脇ッチョで競演(共演)していました。同じよーな色を使っていてもデザインや個性が違うとこんなにも違っテ見える。ニンゲンも同じ? 同じよーな色と形をしていても個体個体で皆違う。ふぅ。「みんなちがってみんないい」(by 金子みすゞ) だとは思いますが、その違いがあまりにも大きくて時々疲れることありまへんか? ふぅ。
I think that at the back would be Erigeron annuus or Philadelphia fleabane, the front would be something garden spices of thistle family. They were next to the used bicycle tires at the entrance of bicycle shop. They are different types of flowers and also look difference, even they use similar colours. Humans as well? We have the same shape and similar colours but each person is different from the others. Some poem says "difference is good". But when it is big, I feel tired a bit with it. How about you?
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫二匹 two insects

2015年04月28日 | 日記

It's fun in spring
They are tiny
But they have own rhythms

こういう感じの、てんとう虫ポイ(子てんとう虫か?) かなぶん系ポイ虫も花の蜜を吸うんですね。花を見るのは好きだけど、育てるのは苦手デ、何故なら虫タチが苦手だからです。わーキレイ、とかってうっかり花に近寄って、「ギョ」となるのは日常茶飯事です。まあそれもニンゲンの身勝手なのは分かってるんすけどね。虫タチにとって草花は、食事の場生活の場生きる糧。なむ。
They look like ladybug or beetle, they eat honey of flowers. I forgot it. I love seeing flowers, but it's a bit hard to me for keeping or take caring flowers. Because they always have insects. I don't well with insects. When I am close to a flower, if it has some insects, I get a shock. Well, it's just my problem, I know it. For insects, flowers and plants are their food and place to live. Nodding.
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オサンポ take a walk - 燕の巣 swallow nestle

2015年04月27日 | 日記

There is a swallow nestle
The next next shop is
a Yakitori-ya
( ya means shop, it sells char-broiled chicken )

I found a swallow nestle in the small shopping street. I can find some of them there every year. I'm happy with it. I hope that baby birds will be fledging. I suddenly noticed that the next next shop from where the swallow's was, the meat store, they sell also Yakitori. At the opposite side, there was also another meat store. Some of swallows used to make their nestles on the wall of the store. Oh God. Even it is the small street, there are lots of their lives mixed together. It could think like
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日乗 diary - ガリ神社 大々吉 lucky day

2015年04月26日 | 日記

That's an ice cream bar
Its stick told me
"You are very lucky today!"

甥っ子が手を付けずに食べ残していった「ガリガリ君 リッチ いちご大福」。袋を破る時、左下の文字に気付き「ガリガリ君お守り当たる‼︎」、少しドキドキしながら食べ始めました。こーいうのにまず当たったことがないので、当たる商品が例え「ガリガリ君お守り」だったとしても(本当に欲しいのか⁈ と訊かれると…ですが)、「当たる」ことがうれピーので、録画したNHKスペシャル「大英博物館」なんぞを観ながらペロンペロンしていると、なんと棒の先に薄っすらと文字のよーなモノが見えてくるじゃあありませんか⁉︎ すわっ、当たったか⁉︎ 心拍数が上がったのも束の間、写真右手にあるよーに、「ガリ神社 大々吉」「お守り当たりではありません」。「ガリ神社」って何? 「大々吉」? 「大々吉」って言ってるけどでも結局は「ハズレ」ってことよね⁈ そんでもって「大々吉」って、「ハズレ」棒にはみんなそー書いてあるんでしょ⁉︎ なんだかなんだかなー、詐欺にあったよーな矛盾を感じて「大々吉」でも素直に喜べずご機嫌ナナメな感じでした。ってか、「ガリ神社」って何⁈
I ate the ice cream bar, it names Gari-Gari-Kun. (Gari means a sound like when you eat ice cubes). It has a stick, then the stick has a fortune-telling on itself. It says "very good luck". It's ok with it. But there is another lucky if I'm really lucky enough, I could get a lucky charm. When I was getting know about what it said, I thought that it was about the lucky charm, they gave me it as a present from the company. But it wasn't. It just told me, " you're so lucky". If I would have been really lucky, I would have got the charm? Isn't it?
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オサンポ take a walk - 西日 west sun

2015年04月25日 | 日記

In the evening
The shade of sun
Fresh green

日中はひたすら平日に撮りためておいた録画を観ていてそれから部屋に掃除機をかけてから外にオサンポに出たらまあ! 空気冷んやりしてて気持ちのイイコト。道端の草花タチ誰かんちの植木タチ、花いっぱい色いっぱい。ポテポテ歩いて写真に撮って。今日の収穫猫三匹。むふ。こんなことで満足してちゃいかんがに?
I had watched lots of TV dramas which I recorded on TV. Then I vacuumed my room, after that, I went out of my house for walking. The air was cool, I felt good. I saw lots of colourful, different types of flowers on anywhere and people's gardens. I took photos of them. I met three cats during walking. I was so satisfied with that. But is it good to me? Should I have more ambitious to be succeed?
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オサンポ take a walk - 雀の電柱宿 electrical pole, sparrows's house

2015年04月24日 | 日記

A Sparrows's nestle
Is at the electrical pole
Live together

I understand what you might think about the photo, what is it? You see the big round, I saw a sparrow flying into there. I tried to take it but I missed it. tweet. I found another one which also had a sparrow. Last year, somewhere in Tokyo, I saw like that. I'm impressed about them, they bravely survive in environment close to human. Come, sparrows!! I'm worried now about swallow. They have now some troubles with their nestles, no many opportunities to find good places. I wish that many people can be kind to them.
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オサンポ take a walk - 藤の花 Japanese wisteria

2015年04月23日 | 日記
パープル よ

In late spring
Next pink is

It's now season for any flowers, many kind of Sakura, dogwood, violet,
field mustard and so on. I also think, after Sakura, Japanese wisteria comes. I have the wistaria trellis in neighbourhood, I dropped to see it, I was a bit surprised, it has already began to bloom. In these days, we haven't got fine days, just a few. It may know how to get an information of day length. Because all plants have connections to the earth. It would be easier to get information for what they need than human. Anyway, I shouldn't miss the full of blooming. Come to see it again.
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日乗 diary - 朝鳥 early birds

2015年04月22日 | 日記

Sakura trees now have fresh leaves
Many birds are tweeting in them
In the morning

It's long time no see such a good morning. It's bland. Many little birds are tweeting among trees. It's bland. We've got bad weathers in these days, let's forget it for today. We should enjoy this morning. In these days, my feelings were not good, nearly depressed. You may know, "depression" is not good. If I get used to be depressed, I will be always depressed. Oh no, I wouldn't like to do that. I prefer "blend", like this morning. It's better, isn't it?
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オサンポ take a walk - なに虫 some insect

2015年04月21日 | 日記

What kind of insect is it?
Many children nowadays
They are afraid of insects

新聞か何かで読んだのですが、「ジャポニカ学習帳」あるじゃないですか。あのノートを特徴付けている表紙にでかく載る自然界の写真、あるじゃないですか。最近は虫の写真は子供が怖がるから載せないでくれー~という要望が届くとか、とか。なんですのん? そんなんでどーすんねん。とか言ってますけど、虫はなー怖いなー。この写真もギリギリ。常に何故か恐怖心より好奇心が勝つのでこないなことになってますけど。背中の下の方にある、羽を横にしたよーな模様が気になりましてな。なんでしょーね?
I wouldn't like insects, just a few kinds, I'm ok with them. This insect, anyway ok, so that I took the photos of it. I'm interested in the pattern of its back, around in the low position. There is something like a wing, looking it from the side. What is it? What purpose does it have? I read about a news, it told me children nowadays, they don't like insects. Oh my god. It's less opportunities to play outside for children than it used to be. Oh, not good. Children, play and don't afraid of insects!
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